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[_ Old Earth _] The Evolution Lie


Total amount
True, but of course, evolution only makes claims about the way living populations change. So, unless you've been assailing chemistry for not saying where atoms come from, this appears to be an evasion on your part.

You have to pay more attention to what people post. I said that the the theory of evolution was a continuation of things that had happened previously, going all the way back to the big bang. Isn't that were they say atoms came from?

Nope. If God has chosen to just poof it all into existence and make the first living things by magic instead of using nature, as He says in Genesis, it would all be the same to evolutionary theory. You've been badly misled about that.

Nope. I mentioned that earlier, but you don't seem to have paid attention then either, so I'll say it again. People have come up with a number of explanations to reconcile these two irreconcilable beliefs. There are a number of other theories as well, but those three are the most popular. They all have serious scientific and theological problems and don't really work well to explain anything.

But of course, no science, including evolutionary theory says that the ultimate source of the universe is a naturalistic process. Again, you've been led to believe a lot of weird things that aren't part of science.

According to most scientists, the big bang is the ultimate cause of the universe. I haven't heard a lot of them say that it wasn't a naturalistic process.

And of course, that's why no one with any sense believes them. If their claims are based on ignorance and/or dishonesty, why should anyone believe them? As you can see,

If you don't have any real answers, call your opponent ignorant and dishonest. Where have I seen that method used before?... Oh... Right... The elementary school where I used to work.The only difference is that they used the words "stupid" and "liar" instead of "ignorant" and "dishonest".

What is so obvious in our world that Mayr can call goo-to-you evolution “a simple fact,”

I've read a good deal of Mayr's works, and I've never seen him say that "goo-to-you evolution" is a simple fact. I'm not saying you're lying, but you can surely understand why someone might ask you to substantiate that claim. I'll be expecting a response. If you added "goo-to-you" yourself, now might be a good time to say so.

Evolutionists often claim that the theory of evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life.

Yep. That's true. Darwin didn't offer a theory on that. He just suggested God did it:

There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
Charles Darwin, the last sentence of The Origin of Species, 1878

They argue that evolution only deals with issues of the changes in organisms over time.

Yep. If you doubt this, show us where Darwin argued for anything else in his theory.

They contend that life has progressed through purely naturalistic means, without any supernatural intervention.

There are some who think God has to tinker with it to make it work, but I don't see that as anything but an implicit blasphemy; He's surely good enough to make it right, the first time.

However, if they argue that life progresses by purely naturalistic mechanisms, then they must also delineate a natural process by which life came into being.

Fallacious logic. As you see, even Darwin suggested a non-natural origin for life. It's completely within reason that God might poof living things into existence, from which evolution procedes.

One supposed evidence for evolution is that life began spontaneously in the earth’s vast oceans approximately three billion years ago.

Nope. As you learned, evolution isn't about the origin of life. Nor is it only possible if life was brought forth from the Earth as God said. If you want to believe He didn't use the earth to do it, it wouldn't matter to evolutionary theory.

One of the primary evidences used to support the theory of evolution is the fossil record.

Right. A very large number of predicted transitionals have been found. But even more compelling is the fact that we see no transitionals where they shouldn't be. No bird/mammal transitionals. No plant/animal transitionals. It might be a coincidence that so many of those fossils were predicted by evolutionary theory before they happened. But it's very difficult to see why, unless evolution is a fact, that nothing that is contrary to evolutionary theory has ever been found.

Evolutionists have long proposed that the fossilized remains of dead organisms, both plant and animal, found in the rock layers prove that life has evolved on the earth over millions of years. Using observational science, how can this conclusion be reached?

Scientists predict what should be in the fossil record. We then look. The numerous transitonals showing the evolution of reptiles to mammals, for example. The fossil record shows a gradual change in the jaws, legs, teeth, and other structures in therapsid reptiles until a point is reached at which it's impossible to say for sure whether or not an animal is a reptile or a mammal. Again, such detailed transitions are compelling evidence.

There are only the fossils themselves to examine. These fossils only exist in the present. There is no method to determine directly what happened to these creatures;

Just as a careful forensic investigator can learn about things that happened with no witnesses, so can scientists find out what happened to creatures that were fossilized. Would you like to learn about some of the ways we know?

The creationist looking at the fossil record reaches a far different conclusion from the evolutionist.

Not all of them. A few honest creationists, like Kurt Wise, admit that the fossil record does provide evidence for evolution. ID leader Philip Johnson admits (in Darwin on Trial) that Archaeopteryx is evidence for evolution. But mostly, they ignore or deny the evidence, or like "Answers in Genesis", alter the statements of scientists and present them as the real thing.

Even most creationists today admit that the world's sediments do not support the idea of a violent world-wide flood. The Paluxy River "man tracks" supposedly found in the same strata as those of dinosaurs, were debunked by a group of YE creationists. As one said, they needed such things in the middle of supposed flood sediments like they need a hole in the head.
You have to pay more attention to what people post. I said that the the theory of evolution was a continuation of things that had happened previously, going all the way back to the big bang. Isn't that were they say atoms came from?

No. Evolutionary theory says nothing at all about that. And as you see, it would be fine with God just poofing that stuff into existence.

Nope. If God has chosen to just poof it all into existence and make the first living things by magic instead of using nature, as He says in Genesis, it would all be the same to evolutionary theory. You've been badly misled about that.

I mentioned that earlier, but you don't seem to have paid attention then either, so I'll say it again.

Sorry. You don't get to decide what other people think. If you find it difficult to deal with evolutionary theory as it is, isn't that an important clue for you? Making up stories about the theory won't help you.

But of course, no science, including evolutionary theory says that the ultimate source of the universe is a naturalistic process. Again, you've been led to believe a lot of weird things that aren't part of science.
According to most scientists, the big bang is the ultimate cause of the universe.

Nope. No scientific theory says why there's a universe. But let's see your numbers and a checkable source for them. If you just said it because you think it's true, and you don't really have any evidence for it, this is the time to say so.

And of course, that's why no one with any sense believes them. If their claims are based on ignorance and/or dishonesty, why should anyone believe them? As you can see,
If you don't have any real answers

I just gave you many real answers. What else would you like to know?

call your opponent ignorant and dishonest.

I think you're innocent of any intent to deceive. I think you've been deceived. You've told us a lot of things that are demonstrably untrue. But I think you honestly believed them to be true.
One of the primary evidences used to support the theory of evolution is the fossil record. Evolutionists have long proposed that the fossilized remains of dead organisms, both plant and animal, found in the rock layers prove that life has evolved on the earth over millions of years. Using observational science, how can this conclusion be reached? There are only the fossils themselves to examine. These fossils only exist in the present. There is no method to determine directly what happened to these creatures; neither to determine how they died, nor how they were buried in the sediment, nor how long it took for them to fossilize. Although it is possible to make up a story to explain the fossil record, this contrived story does not meet the criteria for true scientific investigation. A story about the past cannot be scientifically tested in the present.
One of the primary evidences used to support the theory of evolution is the fossil record.

For good reason. Many, many evolutionary predictions have been later verified by the predicted transitionals being found. Even more impressive, there are no transitionals that shouldn't be there. We have transitionals between fish and tetrapods, between dinosaurs and birds, between reptiles and mammals, but no bird/mammal transitionals. The former is powerful evidence, but the latter is even more compelling. One might argue that science is amazingly lucky to have all those transitionals. But to argue that the absence of any counter-example is just luck, would be absurd.

Evolutionists have long proposed that the fossilized remains of dead organisms, both plant and animal, found in the rock layers prove that life has evolved on the earth over millions of years.

Actually, physics does that. I suggest you read Dalrymple's Age of the Earth.

Accessible to scientist and general reader alike, this definitive history and synthesis serves as a complete source of information for all of the methods, ancient and modern, used to derive the age of the earth.

Easy to understand, and a compelling demonstration that the Earth is very old.

Using observational science, how can this conclusion be reached?

Radioisotope dating. The use of isochrons assures that the dates will be accurate. And we know it works, because a blind test of Argon-Argon analysis nailed the date of the eruption that buried Pompeii.

Precise dating of the destruction of Pompeii proves argon-argon method can reliably date rocks as young as 2,000 years

Go here, and play around with the simulations to learn how it works.

There are only the fossils themselves to examine.

You've been misled about that. The rocks themselves have data that will tell you their ages.

There is no method to determine directly what happened to these creatures; neither to determine how they died, nor how they were buried in the sediment, nor how long it took for them to fossilize.

You've been misled about that, too. There are many, many ways to learn about those things. Would you like me to show you some of them?

Although it is possible to make up a story to explain the fossil record, this contrived story does not meet the criteria for true scientific investigation.

Such things are readily testable. And have been tested. Would you like some examples?

A story about the past cannot be scientifically tested in the present.

If you were right, there would be no such thing as archeology or forensics. The idea that we can't know anything we weren't around to see, is pure hooey.
TOG said:
You have to pay more attention to what people post. I said that the the theory of evolution was a continuation of things that had happened previously, going all the way back to the big bang. Isn't that were they say atoms came from?

No. Evolutionary theory says nothing at all about that.

Since all you can do is take my words out of context and twist their meanings, I see no reason to discuss this further with you. If I something more in this thread, there's no need for you to reply to it.

The TOG​
I'm merely pointing out that you can't criticize a scientific theory for claims it doesn't make. If this seems unfair to you, then you'll probably always be irritated by science.

And it's a forum. If you contribute to it, people are likely to comment. That's how it works.
I'm not irritated by science. Neither am I irritated by people who disagree with me. What irritates me is people who won't listen to what I'm saying, but only take my words out of context and twist their meaning. You may think that's scientific, but it's not.

The TOG​
I gather then, that we agree that evolutionary theory is not about any of those other things, and is not dependent on a particular origin of the universe, or a particular origin of life. Perhaps it's time for you to address some of the evidence for evolution, mentioned above.

Edit: The OP is about evolution, not cosmology, not physics, not abiogenesis. Let's try to keep on track. I'd be interested in another thread on cosmology or abiogenesis, but let's not confuse it with evolutionary theory.
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Well, let's take a look...

Recently, a thought captivated my mind that proves that the theory of evolution is a big hoax. The thought is simple and yet profound ... why is there no recorded history before approximately 4,000 B.C.? The answer is obvious ...

Right. Writing, at least in a form we can decipher, was invented about then.

there was no history!

Or writing hadn't been invented. One of those things. I think I know which one...

Think about it! Evolutionists claim that man evolved over billions of years

No. Humans, if you count all species of Homo as humans, are just a few million years back.

(that's billions with a "B"). If there were any truth to these false claims by unscrupulous scientists, then man's historical record should span back at least hundreds-of-thousands of years, if not millions.

In a sense, it does. We have human artifacts over 100,000 years old (not our particular species, of course) and undisputed masterpieces of cave art and sculpture about 40,000 years old.

Nice, try, though. I doubt if you're ever going to find a silver bullet against science.
The oldest dates go back to about 3000 B.C. Hoax/recorded_history.htm
Historical records constitute the only dating information we really have. Prior to the beginnings of history, which is only a few thousand years ago, we have only rocks, water, sky, and conjectures. Here are additional statements in regard to the dating of our earliest actual information about recorded history:

The earliest records only go back to about 3000 B.C.

"The earliest records we have of human history go back only about 5,000 years."—*World Book Encyclopedia, 1966 edition, Vol. 6, p. 12.

Another scientist tells us that historical records only go back to 2000 B.C.

"It is a common error to think of man's existence in terms of recorded history, Historical records go back to about 3000 B.C., but this is only a small fraction of the time man has lived on earth."—*A.M. Winchester, Biology and Its Relation to Mankind (1964), p. 600.

*Montague suggests 4000 B.C. as the absolute limit of possible historical records.

"Recorded history is no more than six thousand years old, whereas human beings have been making history ever since they have been on this earth, a period believed to be about one million years."—*Ashley Montagu, Man: His First Million Years (1957), p. 21.

Even with the use of certain time-extending devices, the very earliest possible dates given for the invention of writing only go back to 4000 B.C.

"The invention of writing, about 6,000 years ago, ushered in the historic period of man. The time prior to 6,000 years ago is known as the prehistoric period."—*Mark A. Hall and *Milton S. Lesser, Review Text in Biology (1966) p. 354.

Although it is said that the earliest writing goes back to 4000 B.C., the earliest written language only goes back to 3500 B.C.

"The earliest written language, Sumerian cuneiform, goes back to about 3500 B.C."—*Ashley Montagu, Man: His First Million Years (1957), p. 116.

We have no data on any human civilization prior to 4000 B.C.

"Historical records of any human civilization before 4000 B.C. are completely absent."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1967)? p. 137.

Oddly enough, man has accomplished more in the last 6,000 years than he did in the previous million years. This would be true in light of the fact that we have not one shred of evidence that man did anything in that previous one million years!

"In the last six thousand years, man has advanced far more rapidly than he did in the million or more years of his prehistoric existence."—*Louise Eisman and *Charles Tanzer, Biology and Human Progress (1958), p. 509.

The developer of radiocarbon dating was astounded to learn that there are no records of mankind prior to 3000 B.C. (His teachers had not mentioned it in college.)

"The research in the development of the [radiocarbon] dating technique consisted of two stages—dating of samples from the historic and prehistoric epochs, respectively. Arnold [a co-worker] and I had our first shock when our advisors informed us that history extended back only for 5,000 years . . You read statements to the effect that such and such a society or archeological site is 20,000 years old. We learned rather that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not known accurately; in fact, the earliest historical date that has been established with any degree of certainty is about the time of the First Dynasty of Egypt."—*Willard Libby, Science, March 3, 1961, p. 624.

Prior to a certain point several thousand years ago, there was no trace of man having ever existed. After that point, civilization, writing, language, agriculture, domestication, and all the rest—suddenly exploded into intense activity!

"No more surprising fact has been discovered, by recent excavation, than the suddenness with which civilization appeared in the world. This discovery is the very opposite to that anticipated. It was expected that the more ancient the period, the more primitive would excavators find it to be, until traces of civilization ceased altogether and aboriginal man appeared. Neither in Babylonia nor Egypt, the lands of the oldest known habitations of man, has this been the case."—P.J. Wiseman, New Discoveries, in Babylonia, about Genesis (1949 ), p. 28.

Dates going back to 3000 to 4000 B.C. are estimated as the longest possible dates. But "well-authenticated" dates from Egypt, which scientists consider to have been history's oldest civilization, only go back to 1600 B.C.

"Well-authenticated dates are known only back as far as about 1600 B.C. in Egyptian history, according to John G. Read."—*Journal of Near Eastern Studies, (1970), Vol. 1, p. 29.

They do not go back before c. 3000 B.C., and were located in Mesopotamia.

The various radiodating techniques could be so inaccurate that mankind has only been on earth a few thousand years.

"Dates determined by radioactive decay may be off—not only by a few years, but by orders of magnitude . . Man, instead of having walked the earth for 3.6 million years, may have been around for only a few thousand."—*Robert Gannon, "How Old Is It?" Popular Science, November 1979, p. 81.

We have no records indicating human civilization going back beyond a few thousand years.

"Only six or seven thousand years ago . . civilization emerged, enabling us to build up a human world."—*Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth (1982), p. 181.

There are no written records before about 3000 B.C.

"In the Old World, most of the critical steps in the farming revolution were taken between 1000 and 5000 B.C. . . Only for the last 5000 years has man left written records."—*Reader's Digest, the Last Two Million Years (1984), pp. 9, 29.

Almost as soon as there was civilization, there were towns and cities, and the oldest were in Mesopotamia.

"In most civilizations, urbanization began early. There is little doubt that this was the case for the oldest civilization and the earliest cities: those of ancient Mesopotamia."—*Robert M. Adam, "The Origin of Cities," Scientific American, Vol. 203, September 1960, p. 154.

The earliest king lists only go back to shortly before 3000 B.C.

"The Egyptian king lists go back to the First Dynasty of Egypt, and little before 3000 B.C. Before that, there were no written records anywhere."—*Colin Renfrew, Before Civilization (1983), p. 25.

Man, whom the evolutionists claim to have come into existence over a million years ago, is said to have "stopped evolving" 100,000 years ago. Why then do we not have at least 100,000 years of civilizations, cities, and human remains?

Evolutionary estimates of the age of the earth have constantly changed and lengthened with the passing of time. (It currently stands at 5 billion years.) But the scientific evidence remains constant and, as new authentic evidence emerges, it only fastens down the dates even more firmly. It all points to a beginning for our planet, about 6,000 years ago. Some may see it as 7,000 to 10,000 years, but the evidence points most distinctly toward a date of about 4000 B.C. for the origin of our planet. The evidence for a recent earth is scientifically solid.

The earliest man is said, by the evolutionists, to have existed one or two million years old. Yet, they add quite emphatically, that he "stopped evolving" about 100,000 years ago.

—Why then do we not have 100,000 years of civilizations, cities, and remains of all kinds? But we do not. The reason is the Bible is right and the evolutionists are wrong.

The God of heaven created our world about 6,000 years ago. Then, about 2348 B.C., a gigantic Flood covered the earth. Keeping in mind that we are dealing with very ancient events, all the evidence can be reconciled with these figures.


Forward to the next major topic in this series: DATING OF TIME IN EVOLUTION - Evidence that the 19 evolutionary dating methods are not reliable and do not correctly date materials on earth.

Historical records constitute the only dating information we really have.

No, that's wrong. For example, we can date ancient structures by magnetic data, C-14, and other means. Would you like to learn how we know that?

Here are additional statements in regard to the dating of our earliest actual information about recorded history:

The earliest records only go back to about 3000 B.C.

The earliest human artifacts go back well over 100,000 years.

"It is a common error to think of man's existence in terms of recorded history, Historical records go back to about 3000 B.C., but this is only a small fraction of the time man has lived on earth."*A.M. Winchester, Biology and Its Relation to Mankind (1964), p. 600.

Yep. As you admit historical records cover only a small fraction of the time man has lived on Earth.

Oddly enough, man has accomplished more in the last 6,000 years than he did in the previous million years. This would be true in light of the fact that we have not one shred of evidence that man did anything in that previous one million years!

No, that's wrong, too.
European Megalithic Culture was a prehistoric culture that stretched from the Iberian Peninsula in the south and Sweden and the Orkney Islands in the north, while stretching from the Baltics in the east as far west as the Atlantic.

The earliest structures in this civilization can be reliably dated to about 4800 BC, and consist of circular ditches and communal tombs, and later evolved to include more complicated structures, including henges (the most famous of which is Stonehenge in Somerset, England)...The people belonging to this megalithic culture displayed highly advanced technologies at an almost incredibly early date. For example, by 4000 BC, the Neolithic inhabitants of the Orkneys, Hebrides and Shetlands were demonstrably using skin boats and voyaging nearly out of sight of land. Skara Brae, the spectacular megalithic culture settlement uncovered in the Orkneys features extremely well-designed houses and hearths, some of which seem to include provision for a not-so-primitive sort of plumbing...

"The research in the development of the [radiocarbon] dating technique consisted of two stages—dating of samples from the historic and prehistoric epochs, respectively. Arnold [a co-worker] and I had our first shock when our advisors informed us that history extended back only for 5,000 years . . You read statements to the effect that such and such a society or archeological site is 20,000 years old. We learned rather that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not known accurately; in fact, the earliest historical date that has been established with any degree of certainty is about the time of the First Dynasty of Egypt."—*Willard Libby, Science, March 3, 1961, p. 624.

Prior to a certain point several thousand years ago, there was no trace of man having ever existed.

Of the 11 subterranean sites the team studied along northern Spain's Cantabrian Sea coast, the cave called El Castillo had the oldest paintings—the oldest being a simple red disk.

At more than 40,800 years old, "this is currently Europe's oldest dated art by at least 4,000 years," said the study's lead author Alistair Pike, an archaeologist at the University of Bristol in the U.K.

After that point, civilization, writing, language, agriculture, domestication, and all the rest—suddenly exploded into intense activity!

In less than 35,000 years.

They do not go back before c. 3000 B.C., and were located in Mesopotamia.

Here's a list of the oldest surviving buildings. None in Mesopotamia. Mostly Northern Europe.
The various radiodating techniques could be so inaccurate that mankind has only been on earth a few thousand years.

Wrong again. C-14, for example, has been calibrated by lake varves. They form two per year in alternating dark and light layers. So it's easy to take a core, count the layers, and do a C-14 test. Here's the result:

We have no records indicating human civilization going back beyond a few thousand years.

Unless you include the megalith culture, which had standardized measures, a sophisticated understanding of astronomy, and the ability to move huge boulders into useful buildings.

The earliest man is said, by the evolutionists, to have existed one or two million years old. Yet, they add quite emphatically, that he "stopped evolving" about 100,000 years ago.

You've been misled on that, too. For example, Cro-magnons were much like us, but larger. Tibetans moved from China into the Himalayas just a few thousand years ago, but they have evolved a number of adaptations for high-altitudes.

A comparison of the genomes of 50 Tibetans and 40 Han Chinese shows that ethnic Tibetans split off from the Han less than 3,000 years ago and since then rapidly evolved a unique ability to thrive at high altitudes and low oxygen levels.

Forward to the next major topic in this series: DATING OF TIME IN EVOLUTION - Evidence that the 19 evolutionary dating methods are not reliable and do not correctly date materials on earth.

Precise dating of the destruction of Pompeii proves argon-argon method can reliably date rocks as young as 2,000 years

Looks pretty accurate to me.
Babarian wrote
No, that's wrong. For example, we can date ancient structures by magnetic data, C-14, and other means
Babarian' that garbage is not reliable. Test have been done with all that garbage and it wil give different dates when the same rock or whatever is tested. And you keep talking about Pompeii, Pompeii was not that long ago. Carbon dating and the rest of the man made garbage can not be trusted, just like when they used it on the shroud of Turin. What I want to see Barbarian is some evidence and records from man who lived before the Bible. Evolution is a joke
Babarian' that garbage is not reliable. Test have been done with all that garbage and it wil give different dates when the same rock or whatever is tested.

Nope. You've been tricked by creationists who did tests in ways that scientists know will give bad results. If you doubt this, show me a checkable claim, and I'll show you how they did it.

And you keep talking about Pompeii, Pompeii was not that long ago.

And yet even that recently, it works. There's no point in denying it.

Carbon dating and the rest of the man made garbage can not be trusted

It was checked on lake varves of known age, and shown to be extremely accurate. No point in denying that, either.


, just like when they used it on the shroud of Turin.

Even if the analysis went far beyond the known error bars, it wouldn't have given a 1st century date. It seems to be just a bit older than the first time it shows up in history.

What I want to see Barbarian is some evidence and records from man who lived before the Bible.

In other words, your position is that even if we have evidence showing humans on earth tens of thousands of years before writing, you don't believe men could have existed before there was writing. Can you explain why?

Evolution is a joke

It's directly observed to happe
Top Ten Scientific Facts : Evolution is False and Impossible.
The body and soul of Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution was his idea that evolution was made possible through natural selection. This concept is based on the suggestion that those members of a species that are a little stronger, a little larger, or run a little faster will live longer to procreate offspring with these superior adaptations. Darwin's theory suggests that millions of generations later the changes will result in new species. These adaptations are called links or intermediates.

Scientific Fact No. 1 - Birds Prove Natural Selection is Naturally Wrong

Help! I can't fly. My head is too big, and my wings are too small.

The idea of natural selection sounds great when considering deer. The deer that can sense danger the quickest and run the fastest are able to escape the predator on a more consistent basis. However, other examples on the evolutionary tree have many laughable flaws. One of the best is the thought that a bird began to evolve a wing. Why this would occur is not answered by evolutionists. The wing stub did not make the bird more adaptable in his environment. The wing was much too small for the bird to fly. Why would a bird evolve a wing that was useless? This is backwards from the evolutionary natural selection concept that birds adapt and change in order to survive better in their environment. The bird with a half-size wing is placed at a disadvantage in its environment. Why would the bird continue for millions of generations improving a wing that was useless? The theory of evolution is based on natural selection of the most adaptable member of a species. A bird with a useless wing is at a severe disadvantage and the opposite from natural selection. According to natural selection the members of the bird species with the smallest useless wing would be the most adaptable and most likely to survive in the largest numbers. According to the theory of natural selection birds could never evolve to fly. Evolution is simply nonsense. This is so funny. We are then led to believe that some birds got tired of carrying around a worthless half-size wing so they grew fingers on the end to help climb trees. The wings became arms and a new species was developed. Evolutionists actually believe this nonsense.

Scientific Fact No. 2 - Species Without a Link Proves Evolution is Wrong

The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution. This shallow statement is devoid of reason, logic and scientific proof. Evolutionists line up pictures of similar looking species and claim they evolved one to another. Humans are a great example. There are hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes. Petrified skulls and bones exist from these creatures. Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man. They simply fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture. This procedure can be done with humans only because there are many extinct monkey and ape species. They never do this with giraffes and elephants. These pictures are placed in all evolutionists' text books to teach kids this nonsense. The picture is simply a grouping of individual species that does not prove evolution.

Scientific Fact No. 3 - Single Cell Complexity Proves Evolution is Wrong

Scientists a century ago believed the smallest single living cell was a simple life form. The theory developed that perhaps lightning struck a pond of water causing several molecules to combine in a random way which by chance resulted in a living cell. The cell then divided and evolved into higher life forms. This view is now proven to be immature to the degree of being ridiculous. The most modern laboratory is unable to create a living cell. In fact, scientists have been unable to create a single left-hand protein molecule as found in all animals.

Scientific Fact No. 4 - Human Egg and Sperm Proves Evolution is Wrong

The evolutionist ignores the problem surrounding the human female egg and the male sperm in the evolutionary theory. The female egg contains the X-chromosome and the male sperm contains either an X-chromosome for the reproduction of a male or a Y-chromosome for the reproduction of a female. The female eggs all develop within the ovaries while she is a baby (fetus) within her mother's womb. Evolutionists claim environmental factors cause small changes in the offspring in the evolutionary chain. However, the environmental experience of the female cannot change the chromosomes within her eggs and cannot have any effect upon her offspring. Her body cannot go into the eggs contained within her ovaries at her birth to make an intelligent change. Females cannot be a part of the evolutionary theory for these reasons.

Scientific Fact No. 5 - DNA Error Checking Proves Evolution is Wrong

The scientific fact that DNA replication includes a built-in error checking method and a DNA repair process proves the evolutionary theory is wrong. The fact is that any attempt by the DNA to change is stopped and reversed.

Scientific Fact No. 6 - Chaos From Organization Proves Evolution is Wrong

The second law of thermodynamics proves that organization cannot flow from chaos. Complex live organisms cannot rearrange themselves into an organism of a higher form as claimed by evolutionists. This is scientifically backwards according to the second law of thermodynamics that has never been proven wrong. Scientists cannot have it both ways. The second law of thermodynamics is proven to be correct. Evolution lacks any scientific proof. Evolution is simply an empty theory.

Scientific Fact No. 7 - Chromosome Count Proves Evolution is Wrong

There is no scientific evidence that a species can change the number of chromosomes within the DNA. The chromosome count within each species is fixed. This is the reason a male from one species cannot mate successfully with a female of another species. Man could not evolve from a monkey. Each species is locked into its chromosome count that cannot change. If an animal developed an extra chromosome or lost a chromosome because of some deformity, it could not successfully mate. The defect could not be passed along to the next generation. Evolving a new species is scientifically impossible. Evolutionists prove that getting a college education does not impart wisdom.

Scientific Fact No. 8 - Origin of Matter and Stars Proves Evolution is Wrong

Evolutionists just throw up their hands at the question of the origin of matter because they know something cannot evolve from nothing. They stick their heads in the sand and ignore the problem. The fact that matter exists in outrageously large quantities simply proves evolution is wrong. The "Big Bang" theory doesn't solve the problem either. Matter and energy have to come from somewhere.

Scientific Fact No. 9 - Lack of Life on Mars Proves Evolution is Wrong

Two NASA two land rovers named Spirit and Opportunity explored Mars during 2004. The topography shows obvious signs of past liquid rivers flowing in numerous places. The rovers have proven that water was once abundant on the surface of Mars, but they have not been able to find any signs of life or any signs of past life on the planet. Mars has a proven history of flowing water on the surface and an atmosphere suitable to support life forms. The planet has had all of the conditions necessary to provide the "spark" of life according to the evolutionary theory, yet there is no life on Mars. The river beds and river banks show no signs of vegetation or trees. The ground has no fossils and no organisms. The place is absolutely sterile.

Scientific Fact No. 10 - Radio Silence from Space Proves Evolution is Wrong

Mars is not the only place that shows no signs of life. The entire universe lacks any sign of life. There are no radio signals that can be related to intelligent life forms. None of the billions of galaxies has been found to emit any intelligent radio signals. Scientists have been pointing every type of radio telescope possible into space for several decades in hopes of finding an intelligent signal. No signs of life beyond Earth have been found. We are alone.
If you believe in the Bible you believe that God created us whether he did it by evolution or not. So I guess the real question is there enough evidence to prove evolution is the way God created us? Then again we also can't prove in the existence of God and that is why we have faith.
The body and soul of Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution was his idea that evolution was made possible through natural selection. This concept is based on the suggestion that those members of a species that are a little stronger, a little larger, or run a little faster will live longer to procreate offspring with these superior adaptations. Darwin's theory suggests that millions of generations later the changes will result in new species. These adaptations are called links or intermediates.

Nope. "Millions" is just someone's confabulation. And the last sentence doesn't seem to mean anything.

The idea of natural selection sounds great when considering deer. The deer that can sense danger the quickest and run the fastest are able to escape the predator on a more consistent basis. However, other examples on the evolutionary tree have many laughable flaws. One of the best is the thought that a bird began to evolve a wing. Why this would occur is not answered by evolutionists.

The feathered bipedal dinosaurs were able to use wings for control when running, even if they couldn't fly. Ostriches do this, although they seem to have never had ancestors that flew.

Ostrich wings apparently help the giant flightless birds run,explaining the puzzling phenomenon of why ancient dinosaurs evolved feathered limbsbefore developing flight. The wings on ostriches, the largest living birds, were oncethought to be evolutionary leftovers that lingered around even after the birdsadapted to life on the ground, retained mostly for display andtemperature-control purposes.New long-term observations and airflow experiments withostriches now show these flightless birds can use their wings as advanced stabilizers.

The wing stub did not make the bird more adaptable in his environment.

See above. You've been misled by people who know no more than you do about evolution.

Scientific Fact No. 2 - Species Without a Link Proves Evolution is Wrong

Let's test that belief. Name me any two major groups, said to be evolutionarily connected, and we'll see if there's a known transitional. Or name as many of those as you like. Then name me two major groups that are not said to be evolutionarily close, and we'll check again. The fact that the predicted links between the former are almost always known, while there isn't even one such link for the later, pretty much trashes your argument. But if you doubt it, test your belief, and we'll see.

The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution.

Nope. The presence of transitionals demonstrates the fact of evolution, as does observed speciation, genetic analysis, and so on.

This shallow statement is devoid of reason, logic and scientific proof.

Of course. Creationists invented it.

Evolutionists line up pictures of similar looking species and claim they evolved one to another.

Wrong again. You've conflated homology with analogy. Would you like to learn how we know the difference?

Humans are a great example. There are hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes. Petrified skulls and bones exist from these creatures. Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man.

Wrong again. Monkeys are far to evolved in their own way, to be ancestors of man. Man evolved from hominins, like Autralopithecines. Would you like to learn how we know that?

They simply fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture. This procedure can be done with humans only because there are many extinct monkey and ape species. They never do this with giraffes and elephants.

Wrong one more time. Would you like to see the evidence for evolution of giraffes or elephants? We have evidence for both.

Scientists a century ago believed the smallest single living cell was a simple life form. The theory developed that perhaps lightning struck a pond of water causing several molecules to combine in a random way which by chance resulted in a living cell.

Wrong again. Evolutionary theory is not about the origin of life. Darwin, for example, just suggested that God created the first living things. This is another of the fantasies creationists dream up to cover their ignorance.

In fact, scientists have been unable to create a single left-hand protein molecule as found in all animals.

There are no "left-hand protein molecules." Perhaps you mean L-forms of amino acids. We already know that such things can be produced abiotically, since we find them in the interior of meteorites, including some that don't appear in living things on Earth. Oh, and they show an excess of L-forms. Would you like to see the evidence for that?
The evolutionist ignores the problem surrounding the human female egg and the male sperm in the evolutionary theory. The female egg contains the X-chromosome and the male sperm contains either an X-chromosome for the reproduction of a male or a Y-chromosome for the reproduction of a female. The female eggs all develop within the ovaries while she is a baby (fetus) within her mother's womb. Evolutionists claim environmental factors cause small changes in the offspring in the evolutionary chain.

No. You're thinking of Lamarckism, not evolutionary theory. Acquired characteristics are not inherited. At best, some epigenetic changes persist for a generation or two, and are then gone. Variation in sexual organisms occurs by mutation in sperm or eggs.

The scientific fact that DNA replication includes a built-in error checking method and a DNA repair process proves the evolutionary theory is wrong.

If that were true, there wouldn't be mutations. But we all have dozens of them, that were not present in either parent.

The fact is that any attempt by the DNA to change is stopped and reversed.

Laughably wrong.

The second law of thermodynamics proves that organization cannot flow from chaos. Complex live organisms cannot rearrange themselves into an organism of a higher form as claimed by evolutionists.

Let's test that belief. Show me any process required for evolution that is ruled out by the second law. I've asked many, many creationists to do this, and they've all cut and run. Would you like to be the first give me a straight answer?

There is no scientific evidence that a species can change the number of chromosomes within the DNA.

One of the first observed speciations was the evolution of a new species of plant. It happened by a doubling of the chromosome number. And some species have variable numbers of chromosomes. Aneuploidy is often harmful, but sometimes it is not. There are many men who have an extra Y chromosome, and they have no observable problems from it. Again, imagination is no substitute for knowing what you're talking about.

Hereditas. 1998;129(2):177-80.
A new centric fusion translocation in cattle: rob (13;19).
Molteni L, De Giovanni-Macchi A, Succi G, Cremonesi F, Stacchezzini S, Di Meo GP, Iannuzzi L.
Author information
A new Robertsonian translocation has been found in cattle. A bull from Marchigiana breed (central Italy) was found to be a heterozygous carrier of a centric fusion translocation involving cattle chromosomes 13 and 19 according to RBA-banding and cattle standard nomenclatures. CBC-banding revealed the dicentric nature of this new translocation, underlining the recent origin of this fusion. In fact, both the bull's parents and relatives had normal karyotypes. In vitro fertilization tests were also performed in the bull carrying the new translocation, in two bulls with normal karyotypes (control) and in four other bulls carrying four different translocations.

The chromosome count within each species is fixed.

See above. But speciation usually does not involve aneuploidy. It often works without a change in chromosomes.

Evolving a new species is scientifically impossible.

Genetics. 1935 July; 20(4): 377–391.
PMCID: PMC1208619
Drosophila Miranda, a New Species
Th. Dobzhansky

Reality beats anyone's reasoning.

Evolutionists just throw up their hands at the question of the origin of matter

Not part of evolutionary theory. Are you going to claim that chemistry is a lie because chemists don't say how atoms originated?

I think you really should learn a little about biology in general and a lot about evolutionary theory in particular. If you understood these things, you'd be much more effective fighting them.
If you believe in the Bible you believe that God created us whether he did it by evolution or not. So I guess the real question is there enough evidence to prove evolution is the way God created us? Then again we also can't prove in the existence of God and that is why we have faith.



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