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Bible Study This Gospel of the Kingdom


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All, every last one of us, in our temporal earthen vessel tents are currently pitched here, in factual contrariness. There is no way to avoid the conclusion.

Galatians 5:17
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

When I read about 'the wicked' I am reading about the indwelling sin in my own earth tent. I don't need to point to anyone else's, to know what's in theirs. We all have the same "temporal" tent with the same contrariness, only varying by degrees of sight of it.

In the Cadence of Divine Wisdom, we learn that the wise and the fool are "bound together" and that the "wicked" will be separated/severed from the "just." Yeah, ALL His Words apply to each of us. Luke 4:4, Matt. 4:4. Not just the good stuff that we happen to be fonder of, for natural reasons.

This is what I wait for, personally:

Matthew 13:30
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Both sides of this equation apply, when we see the contrariness that we are bound to.
If you follow the Scriptures I posted, they say that man is not to dwell there. You must be born again. To some, that is just a saying. To others it is a part to be acted out in the flesh as in a playwright. But to us who are born again believers, it is the power of God unto Salvation. That means we have received (literally, and factually-Really!) the Spirit of Christ. When God saved me, He cleansed me from all sin that I carried in my life at that time (even those I was ignorant of). The old man was then condemned to death also at that time (really!), For God to save a man from the penalty of sin (death),that debt had to be paid. A Holy God can not allow sin to exist in His presence. So the sentence was carried out on the flesh so that the righteous requirements of the law could be met (Rom. 8: 3-4). And that is right now in Jesus Christ...not in the future. He has saved me from my past sins, He has given us grace through our High Priest eternal in the heavens for a propitiation of the weakness of the flesh that has already been condemned to death, saving us from the habit of sin, and the culmination of all that He is doing will be finished in the future with a new body (Rom. 8:11) (Rom. 13:11) (Heb. 10:36) (1 Pet. 1:5) (2 Cor. 5:1-8) (1 Cor. 3: 11-21)
When Romans says in 8:1 That to those who walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh is not a a command to do so, but is the result of no condemnation by the Spirit of rebirth (Rom. 8:8) (Rom. 6: 1-23) In Rom. 6:11 when it says to reckon yourself to be dead unto sin means to "count on or rely on". This is not a command but the realization that it is the born again believer. We already know that the Flesh is corrupted, that is not debated. what is debated is that the flesh has already been condemned and judged and is dead to the principles of of this world (age) in the born again believer. The battle now is between the old man and the Spirit. The new man is left out of it. But those who are not born again can never understand or experience the power of Salvation..
the "gospel of the kingdom" (from Matt 24:14) is just the Word shown in the biblical books of the New Testament as well as in biblical books of the old covenant, however, it is certain the mystery of the iniquity will be fully revealed to the whole world - something that had not been done before, because even many believers were not aware of the fact that there is a great spiritual wickedness/iniquity/lawlessness and that it is the cause and the source of all other evils/iniquities, the great "sin" about which they read in the Bible


True, the above.
Do do wonder how people can believe in the man made rapture.

There is absolutaly nothing biblical about a rapture using precept on precept and i tell yo, there is no way i want to be taken or raptured and satan tell people the rapture is some glorious event and they can sit back on the couch gluttining out on bacon double cheeseburgers under Gods grace and hes just going to come an beam them into the sky. I mean common doctrine of man, and people acturally believe this rubbish.

Imagine the "rapture" this way, it may help.

Man, internally, all of us including believers are an internal compilation of both good and evil.

Now, picture the evil being wiped out, internally.

That's the rapture.
And, you see, we only "speculate" "darkly" about what that might actually be.

I really can't imagine what my thoughts would be like, apart from the internal resistance of evil. But that is the essence of the Promise of the Gospel. And that promise is not friendly to the "evil" portion of the equation. That's why the Gospel is shown as a TWO EDGED SWORD coming out of Jesus' Mouth in Revelation. It's a picture of His Dividing Power.

I also think many of us have had 'bits and pieces' of experiences with this division. I know I have. They are termed 'times of refreshing' in the scriptures. And, often, they can be so powerful that they can immobilize you to this present world for a bit afterwards. If you read about some of the O.T. prophets in their aftereffects you'll see the same thing.
Imagine the "rapture" this way, it may help.

Man, internally, all of us including believers are an internal compilation of both good and evil.

Now, picture the evil being wiped out, internally.

That's the rapture.

I believe what your saying, but i wouldnt call it the rapture. Thats the Most High keeping his faithful from the hour, and faith that transforms the mind.

Do you think all Jesus healings were miracles?, like the bleeding woman, the blind man and deaf, or do you think it was peoples faith in Christ that healed them because they believed and in there mind the brain could change chemicals to heal itself.

If my brain told myself i was blind. I would be blind. If it told myself im not blind. I would not be blind.

The rapture to most is literally being beamed up into sky and/or magically disapearing.
The rapture to most is literally being beamed up into sky and/or magically disapearing.

That's essentially what it's like in a strong "in the Spirit" experience. You get to see behind closed doors, just like John did in Revelation. Another world that exists is shown to you that you never saw before.

A similar event would be found in 2 Kings 6:17, where Elisha prayed for his servant to see, as Elisha saw.

Things are not as they appear on the surface, in the flesh.
Do do wonder how people can believe in the man made rapture.

There is absolutaly nothing biblical about a rapture using precept on precept and i tell yo, there is no way i want to be taken or raptured and satan tell people the rapture is some glorious event and they can sit back on the couch gluttining out on bacon double cheeseburgers under Gods grace and hes just going to come an beam them into the sky. I mean common doctrine of man, and people acturally believe this rubbish.
It is no surprise that men do not believe God. It has been that way from the beginning. Noah preached the flood for 100 years and was thought to be just a mans made up story....they all drowned! Man CAN NOT and WILL NOT believe God, NOR DO THEY WANT TO. For the flesh is against God and for itself only! (Rom. 8: 5-8) (1 Cor. 1:18-25)
Man CAN NOT and WILL NOT believe God, NOR DO THEY WANT TO. For the flesh is against God and for itself only! (Rom. 8: 5-8) (1 Cor. 1:18-25)

Very very TRUE! It really is a miracle, when anyone believes in Christ.

It's when we see our own contrariness, that we understand Mercy and Grace in Christ and it really hit's home, our needs of same. They are deeply rooted needs, because of the reality of this built in contrariness.

Galatians 5:17
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

It is from the dust and ashes of this contrariness, that cries of Mercy and Grace in Christ are better known and shared. Such are led to drip the Mercy and Grace of God in Christ from their lips and in their actions, knowing that our own needs for same are great, and our only Hope. The promise of the Gospel is for the riddance of this contrariness, here:

Philippians 3:21
Who shall change our vile body
, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

What is that working of Him? It is faith, mercy, grace, forgiveness. These are the instruments of God's Power, that God in Christ will use to destroy our contrariness.

And, it is our contrariness that will have NONE of that, and will resist to no end.

It is God's Desire to HAVE MERCY. And that, He Will Have.
Very very TRUE! It really is a miracle, when anyone believes in Christ.

It's when we see our own contrariness, that we understand Mercy and Grace in Christ and it really hit's home, our needs of same. They are deeply rooted needs, because of the reality of this built in contrariness.

Oh, so very true smaller, Man will never understand God's mercy and grace until man sees his self for what he is. Job wanted to speak to God face to face so he could make his case in person, but when he saw God (or felt His presence) (Job 42: 5-6) He abhorred himself. When Daniel (10: 7-9) was in the presence of God, he saw how corrupt he was in the flesh. I myself weep in my heart when I see God's mercy and grace upon our corruption.
Contrariness is a good word.

No lack of evidence for it, that's for sure. :nod

It is on the Divine Promise that our "built in" contrariness, which IS demonic, will be destroyed, that fosters our Hope. This is hard to come to grips with, personally.

Christians are soooo ingrained and entrenched to heap up destruction on others, but seldom do we see that we ourselves bear that which is to be eternally destroyed, in our own FLESH, mind and heart. It's called sin.

We all have sin to deal with, presently. It will not always be this way.

Before that happens however, the whole world will likely show itself openly insane with evil. The O.T. contains this promise: That every man's sword will be turned against his brother.

Ezek. 38:21

I'd say we're pretty close. And this is one of the gauges of the "time." We can see Him Approaching, in the OPPOSITE direction, from normal expectations.
Do you think all Jesus healings were miracles?, like the bleeding woman, the blind man and deaf, or do you think it was peoples faith in Christ that healed them because they believed and in there mind the brain could change chemicals to heal itself.

If my brain told myself i was blind. I would be blind. If it told myself im not blind. I would not be blind.

The literal Solomon's temple had symbols that point to the dwelling place of God, but it was the spirit of God that caused the cloud.
iI Cchronicles 5:13
13 It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercyendureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;
14 So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God.

It was not the implements of worship that became empowered, but the Spirit of God.

In the same way the symbols in our brain structure are symbols of a place God can dwell, but they are still symbols and the reality still belongs to Christ Jesus and not to chemical symbols.

John 14:10
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Jesus himself considered Himself a vessel that contained God the Father, and gave the Father credit for the works.
We have body symbols, but it is his presence in us that does the work. Endorphins / etc do not get the credit.

I speak of symbols, but symbols are but shadows cast by Jesus.

The literal Solomon's temple had symbols that point to the dwelling place of God, but it was the spirit of God that caused the cloud.
iI Cchronicles 5:13
13 It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercyendureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;
14 So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God.

It was not the implements of worship that became empowered, but the Spirit of God.

In the same way the symbols in our brain structure are symbols of a place God can dwell, but they are still symbols and the reality still belongs to Christ Jesus and not to chemical symbols.

John 14:10
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Jesus himself considered Himself a vessel that contained God the Father, and gave the Father credit for the works.
We have body symbols, but it is his presence in us that does the work. Endorphins / etc do not get the credit.

I speak of symbols, but symbols are but shadows cast by Jesus.


Praise be to the Most High. Always the Most High.

John 14:10

Jesus, the voice of the Most High.

As you said a vessel containing the Most High.

In the begining was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

That is not a reference to Jesus being God.

Gods voice was given to the prophets. Christ being the ultimate prophet and the Christ and the Lamb, and the saviour.

Even in heaven Jesus calls the Most High his God. Its in revelation.

Praise and honour to the Lamb as he is worthy. And Praise honour worship and thanks to the Most High.
I should add:
The closer we get to heaven the less symbols we see.
Revelation 21:22
And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

Ultimately we get to the realities of God. Matthew 5

We all realise that the gospel has many facets. There is the good news of ‘redemption’, the good news of ‘justification’, the good news of ‘forgiveness of sins’, the good news of ‘new birth’, and so on. However, in Jesus’ Olivet discourse, he zeroes in on a special facet of the good news. He uses a different description; “This gospel of the kingdom …”

Exactly what is it referring to? What is the “gospel of the kingdom?”


It's the Gospel.


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