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A Fairytale (By: HeIsRisen2018)

Thanks for the explanation I was guessing it meant agreed. I was wrong again :lol But I'm learning American slang now. At last I know something that my brother doesn't ☺
Thanks for the explanation I was guessing it meant agreed. I was wrong again :lol But I'm learning American slang now. At last I know something that my brother doesn't ☺

Lol! Well that's good. By the way, just in case you were wondering, it's pronounced Ca-peesh.
Just so you guys know, I have been extremely busy today, so I'm really sorry but I don't think the next chapter is going to be up until tomorrow. I've had way too many things to do. I apologize about the delay and any inconvenience. Thanks again for your support though! :)
The pacing seems pretty good. We didn't get to see a fairy right away (which is fine because we get to see what Lily's life is like), but it also didn't take so long that you lose interest.
The pacing seems pretty good. We didn't get to see a fairy right away (which is fine because we get to see what Lily's life is like), but it also didn't take so long that you lose interest.

Thanks. :) I'm really glad that you're enjoying it so far. I will be posting the next chapter in a few minutes, right now I just have to calm myself down enough to write since I have been having a pretty stressful day so far.
Chapter Four; Princess Sophia, Matilda, Angela Rose

Lilly couldn't believe it! For what she saw looking back at her through the glass was a fairy. A real, live, actual fairy! For even though she had a golden glow all around her body, Lilly could have sworn that she saw a tiny little mini version of herself in the beautiful fairy. She had long blonde hair and skin as white as snow just like Lilly's. She also had blue eyes and was dressed in a tiny pink dress that matched her lipstick and tiara on top of her head. She also had a pair of white flats on her feet. The fairy's eyes widened while she stood at the bottom of the glass jar frozen in fright with her mouth gaped open and both of her silvery wings stretched out wide.

That's when it suddenly occurred to Lilly that she was frightened. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you." she reassured her soothingly. "I'm very nice." she told her.

"Oh yeah, you seem like a really nice human." the fairy began in a thick British accent. "That must be why I'm behind glass." she told her when suddenly Lilly gasped.

"You can talk??" she questioned her with complete and utter astonishment.

"Of course I can talk human! Now let me out of here!" she snapped while continually wrapping on the glass with her tiny little knuckles.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." Lilly began. "Where are my manners?" she said while she slowly lifted the glass and then unscrewed the lid freeing the fairy from her prison. She quickly fluttered her tiny little wings towards the bedroom window before Lilly hurried over to it. "Wait! Please don't go little fairy, it was just an accident!" she cried before slamming it shut.

"An accident?" the fairy questioned her while continuing to hover in the air and then glancing up at her.

"Yes! Honestly it was! I thought that you were a firefly. I'm sorry, can you ever forgive me?" she asked as the fairy took a deep breath and then sighed heavily.

"I guess so, accidents do happen after all." she replied as Lilly grinned.

"Great! My name's Lillian Michelle Jacobs, but everybody just usually calls me either Lil or Lilly." she told her as the fairy smiled back at her.

"I'm Princess Sophia, Matilda, Angela Rose." she told her.

"Really? Wow that's a lot of names for such a tiny little fairy. I just happen to have an imaginary friend named Matilda though." Lilly said as the fairy giggled.

"Well you can just call me Sophia." she told her. "Princess Sophia."

"Do you mean to say that you're a princess?" Lilly questioned.

"Yes I am. I'm the princess of Fairytopia." she replied.

"What's Fairytopia? I mean, where is it located?" Lilly wondered.

"It's a land on the other side of the world where fairies with every nationality come to live. That is, if they are deemed worthy enough to live there." she explained.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you see my mother is the queen of Fairytopia and she only wants the fairies that are willing to please and serve here there. If she finds any fairies living there that aren't living their lives according to her rules she banishes them to Satopulous

"What's Satopulous?" Lilly asked as she was very interested and engaged in the conversation now.

"Well unlike Fairytopia which is a very beautiful enchanting place, Satopia is nothing but wicked and evil. There is an evil enchantress that rules that land that goes by the name of Queen Jessica. She's not the true queen though, my mother is. She is an evil and wicked old witch that takes the magic of all the disobedient fairies and then destroys them." Sophia explained.

"Oh no! That's horrible!" Lilly exclaimed out of horror.

"I know, but that isn't the worst part. She's even doing it to the ones who don't deserve it. She is trying to make slaves out of all the Irish fairies. I do believe that in your world, you refer to them as leprechauns." Sophia told her.

"Leprechauns?? There are leprechauns in Fairytopia too?" Lilly questioned with complete and utter astonishment.

"Oh yes. Leprechauns, mermaids, you name it." Sophia said.

"I want to go there!!" Lilly exclaimed excitedly. "Or do you have to be one of those things to go there?" she wondered as Sophia laughed again.

"Normally you do, but actually, now that you bring it up, that's the whole entire reason that I'm here in the first place." she explained.

"What? I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"You see Lilly, by nature fairies are supposed to hate leprechauns because we find them evil, conniving tricksters. But I don't see them all this way, and since I am the princess and daughter of the one who ordered the slavery in the first place this is a problem. So, I had a dream about a week or so ago about a dream interpreter, and this could be what the prophecy was talking about. For it spoke of a young girl pure in heart that would banish all the evil and darkness back into the underworld and into the pit of fire."

"And you think that is me??" Lilly questioned her with uncertainty and disbelief while she pointed her thumb backwards to her chest as Sophia hovered closer to her face.

"Yes Lilly, as a matter of fact, I do. For yours is the exact face that I dreamed of. I just didn't know that it was you at the time." she told her.

"Well if that's really true how did you even find me in the first place?" she wondered.

"Fairy intuition." Sophia replied with a grin. "Birds use the exact same thing to navigate their way around." she responded. That's when all of a sudden Lilly's mother came in through the door. Sophia gasped and quickly flew away and hid inside one of Lilly's dresser drawers.

"Lilly, who are you talking to?" her mother questioned her.

"Uh, nobody." she replied anxiously while trying not to focus on the fact that sweat was running down her forehead due to the fact that she was lying through her teeth before quickly shaking her head and decided to go with a completely different answer. "I mean,. nobody in particular. Just Matilda." she told her but her mother only eyed her suspiciously.

"Well, alright. Get into bed." her mother instructed before she pulled the covers up over her body and tucked her in and then kissed her goodnight. As soon as her mother had left the room, Lilly turned her head and looked back over her shoulder and looked at the glowing golden light that was peeking out at her from the drawer of her dresser.

"Alright Sophia, I have to go to bed now because I've got to go to school in the morning. But I'll see you as soon as I get home." she whispered before she laid her head back down and drifted off to sleep.
Love the words fairytopia and satopia April. If you change anything please keep those.

Kept me wondering what was going to happen next. Well done!
Chapter Five; Show and Tell

The next morning Lilly quickly leapt up out of bed and raced over to her dresser to find that Sophia was all cuddled up asleep inside the drawer. "Sophia!" she exclaimed inside a whisper while looking down at her through the hole. "Sophia wake up!" the tiny fairy suddenly opened her eyes and then slowly lifted her head and smiled sleepily at her new friend before letting out a rather large yawn. Then she stretched and rubbed her eyes before she leapt to her feet and then flew out into the room. "Good morning Princess Sophia." Lilly said before lifting the hem of her nightgown and curtsying.

"Good morning Lilly." she responded while smiling warmly and lovingly at her.

"I just figured that I ought to say goodbye to you before I leave for school." Lilly told her.

"What's school?" she questioned.

"It's where you go to learn things. Haven't you ever gone to school before?" Lilly asked her but Sophia simply shook her head.

"No. There isn't too much that fairies need to know. Besides, we don't have big enough brains to have too much information stored into them." she explained.

"I know what you mean." Lilly began. "Sometimes school's hard for me too even though I'm a human. I mean I'm a straight A student but,..." Lilly began before she spun her head around the room to make sure that neither of her parents were anywhere around her. Then she put up her hand and cupped it before whispering through it. "that's because I've cheated a few times." she admitted.

"What? I'm sorry, I don't think that I quite understand." Sophia said before Lilly hung her head guiltily and blushed beet red.

"I'm a cheater. That means I have copied off of my friend's test before. She let me do it." she told her.

"Well why would you want to do a thing like that for?" she asked as Lilly took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"I don't know, I thought that it was alright that if she was fine with it. We weren't getting caught anyway." she told her.

"Yes but deep down you know what you did was wrong and now you are having to live with that guilt. Listen Lil, I might be a fairy, and I might have never gone to school before, but I know for a fact that cheating isn't the answer. I mean I would personally give anything in the world just to go to school for one day. How are you going to learn anything if you aren't doing the work yourself?" she questioned.

"You're right Sophia, I won't cheat anymore." Lilly began with a shake of her head. "I promise. I just hope that my mother won't be too disappointed in me if I get a bad grade." she said but Sophia simply just smiled at her.

"I doubt she will. As long as you try your best." she told her and that's when suddenly the little girl's face lit up with excitement.

"You know what? I suddenly just got the best idea in the world. What if you went to school with me?" Lilly questioned but Sophia just simply waved a hand at her.

"I don't know about that. A classroom isn't really the best place in the world for a fairy to be since we aren't meant to be in one in the first place. I mean what if somebody sees me?" she wondered.

"Don't worry, they won't." Lilly began before she quickly ran over to her closet door and grabbed ahold of her purple backpack and tossed it on top of her bed. "You can hide in here." she said before she unzipped it. "There should be enough air space for you to breathe in there." she told her as the fairy slowly fluttered backwards.

"I don't know Lil. I'm not too sure about this." she said.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Besides, didn't you say that you always wanted to go to school?" Lilly questioned her with a grin but before Sophia could answer her Lilly's mother suddenly entered the bedroom. Sophia gave out a rather large gasp of astonishment before darting inside the backpack and then Lilly quickly zippered it up and swung it over her shoulder.

"Lilly," her mother began warningly. "come on you're not even dressed yet and you are going to be late for school if you don't hurry up." she told her.

"I'm sorry Mom, Matilda was just asking me if she could go to school with me today and I told her that she could." she said.

"Well I wouldn't think that it would take ten minutes to tell her that. Now move it!" her mother exclaimed before Alex started to cry. "I know Alexander I hear you, Mommy's coming to change your diaper!" she called over her shoulder before she exited the room and started walking down the hallway.

"Who's Alexander?" Sophia questioned as soon as she had vanished.

"He's my baby brother. He's only six months old. Don't worry though. He can't crawl yet so he won't be able to chase after you." Lilly told her before she gently set her backpack down upon her bed and then hurried back over to her dresser.

"Phew, that's a relief. Because my mother warned me all about babies." Sophia said.


The next thing that Sophia knew she was busy swinging back and forth inside Lilly's backpack while she pedaled her sparkly pink Barbie bicycle down the sidewalk. She stumbled and fell every time Lilly went over a bump. Before she knew it she heard the rather loud noise of the school bell inside her tiny ears. Sophia unsteadily got to her feet again and gave out a large screech while quickly placing her hands over her ears. "Sorry." Lilly whispered before she parked her bike and locked it onto the bike rack and then walked inside the school. As soon as she was sitting down at her desk, Sophia unzipped a bit of Lilly's backpack so that she could peek out into the room.

They had just finished saying the Pledge of Allegiance and now a woman with dark curly hair was writing something onto the chalkboard. As soon as she stepped aside from it Sophia could see that she had written an entire sentence. "Ah crabapples! I wish I knew how to read." she whispered to herself. Although the rest of the class seemed to know what it said due to the fact that they were now opening their desks and grabbing ahold of their journals.

"Alright class, now I want your fairytales handed in by the end of school today. Otherwise, consider it homework." the teacher told them.

"Fairytale?? What's a fairytale??" Sophia wondered to herself.

That afternoon when Lilly went to the cafeteria to eat her lunch Sophia felt her own stomach start to rumble. Lilly carefully waited and watched making sure that nobody else was watching before slipping her a few crumbs of her bologna sandwich in which Sophia gladly appreciated and thanked her for it afterwards. At recess Lilly took her backpack outside and sat on top of a bench underneath the maple tree and unzipped her bag. "Here you go, I figured that you could use some fresh air." she told her as Sophia flew out of the hole and hovered up into the air in front of her.

"Thanks." she said. Lilly grinned at her. For she had figured that the other children were so busy playing on the playground that they wouldn't notice her, but unfortunately for both of them, they were very much mistaken. That's when suddenly a boy who had been sitting on one end of the seesaw turned his head and pointed to Sophia.

"Look over there! Lilly wasn't joking! She's got a fairy with her!" he exclaimed as the seesaw went down onto the ground. "And I'm going to catch her!" he cried as Lilly let out a rather loud gasp of horror and astonishment.

"Run Sophia! Run! I mean fly!" Lilly instructed and that's when Sophia realized that there was no way that she would wait around to be asked twice. She quickly zoomed around the corner just as Lilly was racing towards the other boy and before she knew it, before she even realized what she was doing, she leapt up on top of him. A group of kids quickly gathered around in a circle and watched as Lilly grabbed ahold of the boy's throat and started choking him.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" the other kids chanted before suddenly the bell rang. Another little girl raced towards the building and grabbed one of the teachers and alerted her what was happening. Lilly knew that she would be in trouble for this all along, but she couldn't let this boy hurt her new friend. However, she still wasn't quite prepared for what was about to happen next. For that's when suddenly she heard it.

"Lillian Jacobs! Get off Harry at once!" a stern voice scolded. For that's when Lilly understood that her goose was cooked for sure. For she was only called by her full name when she was being reprimanded. She slowly glanced up and gulped.

"Hello Principal Newman." she said in a quiet and nervous voice.

Another cliffhanger lol,.. I am so evil :mischief Anyway sorry about that mistake Tessa, it was supposed to say Satopulous all along. I can't promise anything but I will TRY too add the new chapter tomorrow.
Can't wait - what is going to happen to Lilly and where has Sophia flown to??? And what about poor Harry :hysterical

Great job!

Thanks! I guess that you will just have to wait and see lol! By the way, Lilly's name is spelled like this; L-I-L-L-Y, but I knew what you meant.
I did notice that Sophie probably shouldn't know the word "classroom" if she didn't know about school before, unless she had heard like bits and pieces but not really know much about it otherwise.

You said before that you write the story as you go along right? I think that's pretty neat. A friend of mine who is a writer calls that "discovery writing". Some authors plan everything from the beginning, others don't know what's going to happen until they get to it. Both are legitimate approaches.
I did notice that Sophie probably shouldn't know the word "classroom" if she didn't know about school before, unless she had heard like bits and pieces but not really know much about it otherwise.

You said before that you write the story as you go along right? I think that's pretty neat. A friend of mine who is a writer calls that "discovery writing". Some authors plan everything from the beginning, others don't know what's going to happen until they get to it. Both are legitimate approaches.

Oh yeah, she probably shouldn't have known what a classroom was should she? Lol oops! I catch simple mistakes like that all the time in books myself. Ah well, I don't think that I can go back and edit it now, but that's alright since I do believe that it's only a small minor mistake. But yeah, once the storyline has progressed far enough I can start planning out more details ahead of time, but as I said before, the reason that I write like that is because when I was a child that's how I would play pretend. I made things up as I went along and since I played pretend all the time when I was little, it just comes naturally to me as an adult. And I love still being able to do that. :)
Chapter Six; The Little Runaway

Note; After I post this chapter, I decided that I will post the first chapter of The Christ Child and I will see how it goes from there. Enjoy the next chapter though! :yes

The next thing Lilly knew was that she was sitting in the principal's office. "I'm very surprised at you Lilly Jacobs. For the past five years I have known you to be a very well behaved little girl." The principal began as Lilly just simply hung her head in shame while the principal sat down in front of her. "Why on earth would you do a thing like that?" she questioned her as Lilly felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Principal Newman, I really didn't mean to do it. It's just that I couldn't let Harry hurt Sophia." she explained.

"Who's Sophia?" the principal questioned her.

"She's my fairy." Lilly replied with a sniff before wiping her nose on the back of her sleeve.

"Don't be ridiculous, there's no such thing!" the principal snapped and just when Lilly was trying to think of a good argument to prove that she was wrong she quickly turned her head to see Sophia fly up to the windowsill and put her hands on the glass and leaned into watch her. "But it's true!" she exclaimed while she pointed a finger at her. "See, there she is now!" she cried as the principal quickly turned her head but for some strange reason she acted as if like nothing was there.

"What are you talking about? What is all this foolishness child!? I don't see anything!" she hollered.

"What do you mean you can't see anything!? She's right over there by the window looking in on us through the glass!" Lilly cried while more tears poured out of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she quickly leapt up onto her feet and continued pointing at the window.

"That's enough!!" her principal hollered. "First of all you nearly choke a fellow classmate to death, and now you're making up wild childish stories. I'm really sorry to have to do this Lilly but I am suspending you from school for a week." she told her.

"What! No! That's totally unfair!!" Lilly sobbed before quickly shaking her head. "I'm not making it up! I promise you that!" she cried.

"Very well, I will give you one more chance to tell me the truth." the principal said.

"I am!! It's just that you won't believe it! And I highly doubt that you would believe it if it bit you on the rear end anyway!" she spat while narrowing her eyebrows at her crossly.

"Very well, if that's the way you want it. I really tried giving you a chance, but I'm afraid that I am going to have to go call your mother to take you home. You're forbidden on the school grounds until your suspension is lifted." the principal told her before she turned around and exited her office. Lilly sniffed and continued to weep and wipe away her tears until she realized that she had forgotten that Sophia was still outside. She slowly lifted her head and then turned around and walked over to the window before letting her into the room.

"What happened?" she questioned her with concern. "Your eyes are all wet. My mother told me all about the fact that humans do this because they feel an emotion that the fairies and all of the rest of the magical creatures in Fairytopia can't. I forgot what it's called though." she said.

"It's called sadness. People cry whenever they're hurt or sad." Lilly explained with a sniff.

"Oh I see. So why are you so sad then?" Sophia wondered.

"Because I tried telling Principal Newman the real reason why I attacked that boy and that I did it to save you. But she wouldn't believe me. She didn't even see you over there and I don't know why." Lilly said before Sophia took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"Adults can't see us because they don't believe in us. Sooner or later it just sort of grows out of them just like everything else." she explained.

"Oh. Now you tell me." Lilly said.

"I'm sorry Lil, I really didn't think that I would cause you this much trouble. I sort of forgot." she admitted. "Maybe I should just go back to Fairytopia. Your world is just a little bit too dangerous for me anyway." she said.

"I totally forgot about Fairytopia! Why don't you take me with you? I can't go to school anyway! And didn't you mention to me something about how you believed that I was a dream interpreter? That would fit because not too long ago I had a dream about you too! I was on a beach or something and you were there with me. I wasn't sure what it meant then, but I think that it was in Fairytopia. That must mean that it's my destiny to go there!!" Lilly exclaimed excitedly.

"Well gee Lilly, I don't know. Wouldn't your parents get worried about you?" Sophia inquired before Lilly took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." she admitted sadly before she hung her head. That's when the principal suddenly came back into the room.

"Lilly, your mother is on her way. She wants you to get your things together and then wait outside for her." she told before she quickly fled the room again.

"It looks like I've got to go." Lilly said once she was gone.

"I'm really sorry for getting you in trouble." Sophia apologized.

"That's alright. It's my own fault. I should have listened to you when you told me that you didn't think that it was a very good idea to come to school with me. Well,.. goodbye." Lilly told her before she turned around and then slowly walked away.

As soon as Lilly had finished gathering everything together she sat down outside on the bench with her backpack swung around her left shoulder. That's when suddenly Sophia fluttered her wings and soared over to her. Lilly noticed that through the bright sunlight she lost a lot of her glow and it was very difficult for her to see her. "Sophia? What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Fairytopia."she said.

"I know, I was going to at first, but since it's partly my fault that you're in trouble I wanted to stay here with you until you got picked up." she explained and that's when suddenly sure enough her mother's car pulled up to the curb. Lilly thanked her and then they both said goodbye before Lilly stood up and slowly walked towards the car.

"Remember me." she said as Sophia for the first time felt sadness inside her heart while she watched her friend climb inside and drive away. That she quickly turned around and tilted her head back and glancing up at the sky towards the clouds she flew away. Lilly's mother wasn't at all happy with her and she let her know so all the way back home. As soon as she pulled back into the driveway and they both got back inside the house (with her baby brother Alex) her mother abruptly turned back around to face her.

"Alright young lady, I want you straight up to your room and no nonsense." she instructed with a shake of her head. "I already called your father at work and he is extremely disappointed in you for your childish behavior! Really Lilly it just isn't like you! Making up stories and starting fights,.. not to mention that I just got off the phone with Sarah's mother before your principal called me and she alerted me that you had been cheating off of Sarah's test paper." she told her.

"What!? That's not true!" Lilly lied while slowly starting to turn red again as she felt her forehead starting to get rather warm and sweaty.

"I do believe that it is." Her mother said.

"Well,.. maybe it is." Lilly admitted quietly while avoiding her gaze and staring down at the floor before glancing back up at her. "Can you at least tell me how you both found out?" she questioned her as her mother nodded.

"Yes I certainly can. Unlike you I'm pleased to say that Sarah has a conscience. She confessed the whole entire thing to her mother. Which unfortunately is more than I can say for you. Now listen to me Lilly and listen to me very closely. You are nine years old now and it's time that you put all this fairytale childish nonsense behind you." she instructed.

"But I can't do that! Sophia's my friend!" Lilly exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Lilly but you're just way too old for these things now. You have to learn to grow up and start being honest with us. And until you can do that and tell us what really happened I want you to go to your room and stay there" her mother instructed.

"But___" Lilly began to protest.

"No but's!" her mother cried. "Now go to your room and think about what you did. You're grounded for a month." she told her.

"But Mom!!" Lilly yelled.

"Go!!!" her mother hollered angrily back at her while adjusting the hold of Alex on top of her hip with one hand while she pointed to the staircase with the other hand.

"You're just as bad as everyone else!!" Lilly shrieked with a stomp of her foot. I hate you!! And I never want to speak to you again!!" she screamed before she ran upstairs.

"Lilly,.." her mother began quietly wondering if she had taken things just a bit too far. "Lilly wait." she said rather loudly but she knew that she was too late when she heard Lilly's bedroom door being slammed shut behind her. Lilly's mother took a deep breath and sighed heavily before slowly turning around and carrying Alex away. Meanwhile Lilly picked up her piggybank and smashed it against the wall. She watched it shatter into a million pieces before she flopped down on top of her bed and folded her arms angrily while hot tears stung her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. That's when she suddenly glanced down at the carpet and saw all of the coins and dollars that she had stashed up inside her bank and got an idea.

She gathered up all of her money together and then stored them inside her pockets before packing her backpack with all of her clothes and a bunch of other things she would need like her stuffed animals and toothbrush before zippering it back up again. "Come on Matilda, we're getting out of here." she began while she wiped away her tears and swung her backpack back over her back. Then she headed back towards her window and pushed it open before climbing down the old oak tree in her yard. Afterwards she set off on her way. She didn't really know where she was going, but she silently hoped and prayed that she would find Sophia.

Well that's all for now and I'm sorry but I will have to start writing The Christ Child when I get back since I have to get ready for Zumba and Yoga class now. Poor Lilly though:sad (Sorry, this had to be posted in two separate sections for length)
Chapter Seven; A Tiny Problem

As Lilly started walking further down the street it started to rain. Buckets full of water from the sky fell down on top of her. Even though she could not see her reflection, she was sure that she looked like a drenched sewer rat. Lilly breathed a deep and heavy sigh while a low rumble of thunder sounded in the distance. All of the things that she remembered to pack and take with her, she suddenly realized that she had forgot her raincoat. However she did manage to remember her flashlight. So she unzipped her backpack and removed it before turning it on and allowing it to lead her inside the dark forest. She figured that it probably wasn't such a good idea to be around trees in a thunderstorm, but she knew that she had to find shelter.

She let out a rather large gulp while she shined her flashlight out in front of her. She gasped again as she heard a tiny squeaky screeching noise, but it turned out to be nothing more than a chipmunk escaping inside his knothole. "Phew!" she exclaimed breathing a sigh of relief before tripping over a tree root and knocking herself unconscious. Thunder continued to roll while lightning lit up the sky in the distance.


When Lilly's brain started awakening she heard the sound of muffled voices around her. "What on earth did you do Daniel!?" one of them snapped angrily in what sounded like an Irish accent.

"I didn't meant to hurt her, I just didn't want her to hurt me!" the other voice snapped back at him as Lilly slowly opened her eyes and saw two tiny little men with long pointy ears staring down at her. They were both dressed in black shirts with dark green coats and bright green top hats (with golden buckles) and bowties. They also had on dark blue trousers and wore tiny black shoes upon their feet. One of them had rather long bright red (almost orange) hair and dark green eyes while the other one either had very short hair or was completely bald (Lilly couldn't tell since she couldn't see any of it) and had blue grayish eyes.

"Are you alright miss?" the one tiny man with the bright red hair asked her as Lilly groaned and rubbed the top of her head.

"I think so. Where am I?" she questioned him back while squinting her eyes trying to protect them from the (now) bright sunlight.

"Why you're in Fairytopia of course." the other tiny man told her with a wide grin.

"Fairytopia??" Lilly inquired with uncertainty before the man bowed before her.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael O' Reilly and this is my son Daniel." he explained. "But I like to be called Mike." he added.

"But that's not an__" Lilly began with a shake of her head but before the rest of her sentence could escape her lips Daniel spoke up.

"And I like to be called Dan." he said with a raise of his hand.

"Really?? Isn't there a song with your name in it?" Lilly asked him as she started to sit up when all of a sudden his smile quickly vanished off of his face as he narrowed his eyebrows and glared while pointing his finger at her.

"No there isn't. The name is Dan. Just Dan. Not Danny." he said when all of a sudden Mike chuckled.

"You have to excuse my son. He is very sensitive when it comes to his name." he told her.

"I am not sensitive!" Dan snapped while folding his arms and glaring at his father. "I'm just sick and tired of all of the other leprechauns teasing me about it that's all." he said when all of a sudden it occurred to Lilly what he said.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are really leprechauns!" she exclaimed excitedly. "So then this really must be Fairytopia!" she cried.

"Yes it is. Now if you'll excuse me I just have to ask you a couple of questions." Dan began. "First of all, who are you?" he asked her.

"I'm Lilly." she replied. "And I'm afraid that I'm a little lost." she admitted.

"Alright, thank you because that was going to be my second question on how you got here. No humans are supposed to be allowed. Not that I don't like you but it's one of the rules around here." Dan told her.

"I'm sorry, but I was looking for my friend. Sophia said that___" she began.

"Wait a minute,.. did you just say Sophia?? As in Princess Sophia?" Dan questioned her.

"Yes why? Do you know her or something?" she asked him.

"No, I'm afraid not. She doesn't socialize very much with anyone. In fact, I didn't think that she ever even got out of her castle before." he said.

"She called me the dream interpreter or something, and she told me that she had a dream about me and that I was supposed to defeat the prophecy or something and now I'm supposed to be the one to put it altogether." she replied. "Hold on a second,.. you guys are awful big for leprechauns. You seem to be even bigger than me and I thought that they were supposed to be extremely tiny." she began. "No offense or anything though she said as Dan sucked in his cheeks.

"Uh yeah, about that,.." he began before turning to glance over at his father. "Do you want to tell her or should I?" he wondered.

"My son shrunk you." Mike blurted out before Dan placed his hands upon his hips.

"Well you could have broke it to her more gently than that!" he snapped.

"What!?" Lilly exclaimed out of complete horror and astonishment.

"It was an accident!!" Dan cried indignantly. "Look, I'm sorry but you were in my way and you could have stepped on me and flattened me." he told her.

"So, can you fix me?" she asked him.

"No I'm afraid not." he told her.

"What!? You mean that I'm stuck like this!?" she cried.

"Don't worry, it wears off in a few days." he told her. "Anyway, if the princess thinks that you can help us, maybe that's not such a bad thing." he told her.

"Why do you like Sophia so much? I thought that fairies and leprechauns were supposed to be enemies." she said.

"We are." Dan began. "But Sophia's different. She never judges anything or anybody by their appearances." he told her.

"Alright, if you're so smart then what are we supposed to do with her now Wise guy?" Mike questioned him while folding his arms.

"Well she can't stay here, way too much could happen to her. She'll have to come with us for now." Dan told him. "Come on Lilly, you'll be safe with us." he told her as Lilly took a deep breath and sighed while she heard a crow cawing inside the distance. That's when she figured that she didn't have much of a choice, so she simply just shrugged and then got to her feet before she followed along behind them.
Chapter Eight; The Secret Life of Leprechauns

"So, how exactly did you shrink me in the first place?" Lilly wondered while she continued walking through the forest with them.

"How else? Magic." Dan replied before stepping on top of a twig. "And again I apologize but it was either that or being flattened like a pancake. And I wouldn't have used magic at all if I didn't really believe that my life was in danger." he told her.

"Why not? If I was able to do magic I would want to use it all the time." she said.

"Didn't Sophia tell you? We hardly have any magic right now, and I'm afraid that if something isn't done to stop the evil queen, then pretty soon we won't have any at all." he said.

"Oh yeah Sophia did mention something about her. She's trying to turn all of the leprechauns into slaves or something." Lilly said.

"Yes because not only does she need our magic to keep her power, but a leprechaun's magic is much different than any other kind of magic." Dan told her.

"Why's that?" Lilly inquired.

"Because leprechauns are considered lucky. Besides,.. she also knows that if she catches us we have to surrender our gold and grant her three wishes. Now normally I don't do that if I don't have to, but considering the fact that you have decided to help us even though you never actually captured us,.. I can do the same for you." he explained.

"What? You mean you're going to give me three wishes?? That's any three wishes I want right? I just want to have that clarified." she told him.

"Yes, any three wishes. Of course there are certain limitations that have to be put into place. There can't be any wishing for more wishes or anything of the sort like that." he told her.

"Alright, first wish then. I wish that I knew where Sophia was." she said.

"Ah, I'm afraid that your first wish counts as a limitation. I can't actually tell you where she is since I don't know. But I can promise to help you find her. My guess is that she's probably at the palace with all of the other royal fairies." he said.

"Dan, I need to ask you something. You told me that no human has ever set foot in Fairytopia before right?" she questioned as Dan nodded.

"Yes that's true. You're the first one." he replied.

"Then how did Queen Jessica come to live in Satopulous? I thought that you could only live there if you were banished from Fairytopia. At least that's what Sophia told me." she said.

"Ah that, is a rather long story I'm afraid." Dan told her before all of a sudden they made it to the clearing of the woods and Lilly found herself inside a very beautiful meadow. The bright sun continued shining down upon her from the clear blue sky while a rainbow colored butterfly fluttered down from out of it and on top of a beautiful red rose that stood in front of them.

"Wow, that's the biggest rose that I've ever seen." Lilly said with a gasp of astonishment.

"Isn't it pretty? It's called an everlasting rose. That means it will never wilt and it will never die. It will continue to blossom all through the winter and through all of the days of the earth. That is, as long as Fairytopia stays standing. For if the enchantress has her way, I'm afraid that life here as we know it may soon cease to exist." he told her. Lilly really wished that she knew what he was talking about before she could ask him this he continued speaking and leading her away.

"Yes, the everlasting rose is the ultimate symbol of love here in Fairytopia. In fact its sap makes a very powerful love potion. Or so I am told." he explained when suddenly Lilly made a face of disgust and Mike chuckled.

"I don't think that Lilly is too interested in stuff like that yet Daniel." he began. "I think she's still a little bit young for it." he finished while Lilly silently nodded her head in agreement. That's when all of a sudden she saw something brightly colored peaking out in front of all the long and tall blades of grass, flowers, and mushrooms in front of her.

"Not to change the subject or anything, but that looks like a teapot." she said while pointing over at the enormous purple object in front of them.

"What's a teapot?" Dan asked her. "That's our house." he told her. "Now you're about to meet my brothers and sisters. They're very nice but don't listen to a thing they tell you. Also, watch out for the red and white polka dot mushroom trees, they're poisonous." he told her and that's when suddenly out of nowhere a bright red squirrel started racing towards them.

"Whoa!!" Lilly exclaimed before she fell over onto the ground as Dan's face lit up with excitement as Lilly hit her bottom with a thud.

"Hey Chester!! Hey boy!!" he squealed as the squirrel skidded to a stop in front of her and started itching his ear with his front paw.

"Chester??" Lilly inquired loudly with uncertainty.

"Yeah, he's my pet squirrel." he told her.

"A pet squirrel." Lilly began. "Now I've seen everything." she said.

"Well he's not exactly the wisest rodent I'll give you that, but he does get me from A to B." he told her before he picked up a twig off of the ground. "Alright Chester, you want to play?" he asked him eagerly as the squirrel squealed excitedly before bending over again and kneeling down on all fours swishing his tail excitedly.

"Alright Chester, go get the stick buddy!" Dan cried before throwing the twig away from him before the squirrel galloped away.

"So I guess he's a cross between a dog and a horse then." Lilly said while she watched him go.

"What?" Dan questioned.

"Never mind." she told him before they turned around and headed up the dirt path together.