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God, The Future, And This COVID-19 Killer Virus.


Total amount

JAG ..

"I want to protect myself and protect others, and also because I want to
make it be a symbol for people to see that that's the kind of thing you
should be doing," Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and
a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, told CNN's Jim
Sciutto on "Newsroom."

Dr. Anthony Fauci says wearing a mask is symbolic.

Fauci was the one that told Americans that we ought to NEVER again
shake hands with each other. He made it clear that he really meant NEVER
again should we shake hands. So obviously hugging is out too. People in
our church hug each other. Families hug each other. What kind of world will
we have if we allow the "experts" to tell us to stop shaking hands and stop
hugging each other?

The "experts" . . .

A Ph.D. can be a very unwise individual that merely had the ability to
memorize material and parrot it back to their professors in college and
university. Having "Doctor" before your name is not a guarantee that
you are in fact an expert in your field.

The "experts" are not really experts. I read only articles that are posted by
mainstream news organizations --- so as to reduce the amount of nonsense
that is all over the Internet -- and it is clear and obvious that nobody knows
what this COVID-19 virus is going to do. All the articles I read from CNN,
NBC, ABC, MSNBC, Fox News, etc are saturated with words like "but" and
"if" and "maybe" and "possibly" and other words and phrases that indicate
uncertainty with regard to what we ought to do, or not to do, with regard to
this COVID-19 killer virus.

One thing is absolutely certain: If the governments of the world, especially the
American government and the governments of Western nations, do not soon
re-open their economies, the world is going to have a sustained Global Economic
Depression that is going to end up being far worse, in terms of ruin, destruction,
and Death, than this COVID -19 killer virus.

A nation cannot have tens of millions of people with no jobs living on government
checks when there in no more jobs and money being generated via a booming
economy -- and survive as a nation. There will come a time when "Uncle Sugar"
can NO LONGER send you a check.

You have no job and no money and the government {Uncle Sugar} can no longer
send you a check. So what do you do then?

I mentioned this before. The American Government recently sent me and my
family a check for $2400.00 -- to stimulate the economy. They sent millions of
those checks out. Tens of millions of other families got checks for $3400.00.
{$500.00 for each child if they had 2 children}

Such as that cannot be sustained.

If this COVID-19 virus does what the "experts" say it is going to do -- which is
come back big time in the coming months, and possibly "stay around" for the
next two {2} years . . . or longer --- then we here on Planet Earth are going to
have to make some truly very "difficult choices."

I am an optimistic soul and I believe that the future of Christendom and the
human race is going to be bright and cheerful and full of "faith, hope, and love",
long-term. But with regard to the "short-term" there can be some very very
"bumpy roads" ahead.

I don't know what the best answers are. I don't think anybody else knows either.

Maybe this below is the best answer?

"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray,
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven,
and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.__2 Chronicles 7:14

Looks to me like we're to the point where we need the God of the Bible to "heal
our land."

What say you?

Hi JAG ..
We have never had this virus before. Nobody knows what is going to happen with it and there seems to be a lot of guess work going on in all countries.
Never more to shake hands or give a hug - what a cold world that would be.
I agree that we should all be praying for our own country and for all countries.
Praying for individuals too
We need to keep our trust and faith in God. We need to wake up and be on fire for The Lord. We need to have our hearts filled with love and trust and obey.
We need such men to lead us into a revival.
Just my opinion. I want to be on fire.
Hi JAG ..
We have never had this virus before. Nobody knows what is going to happen with it and there seems to be a lot of guess work going on in all countries.
Never more to shake hands or give a hug - what a cold world that would be.
I agree that we should all be praying for our own country and for all countries.
Praying for individuals too
We need to keep our trust and faith in God. We need to wake up and be on fire for The Lord. We need to have our hearts filled with love and trust and obey.
We need such men to lead us into a revival.
Just my opinion. I want to be on fire.

Thanks for your comments --- much appreciated.
God Bless.

We are going to be doing things differently for a while until the scientific community creates a cure and an effective vaccine.

As far as those checks...
The sheer volume of import taxes and corporate taxes collected pays for a high percentage of Government functions.
From every tanker with oil to cargo ship they pay taxes. Then the people buying that stuff and having it shipped in pay taxes on the profits made when those goods are sold.

The individuals working for these businesses so that the company makes a profit earn salaries that again are taxed.

America is a very very wealthy nation. The Government's budget, where it seems enormous, is actually very small by comparison to the economy they preside over and the number of people who reside in America. (330 million vx ≈8 billion)

Again for scale purposes... america has the largest economy. But the next largest is Japan's economy. California's economy is still larger than Japan's. China's is plugging along but still not there yet. India's economy isn't even on the scoreboard. EU is there but is highly it is discounted.

American economy is 75% of the world's economy. Burns 25% of the oil supply. Feeds 60% of the world. (Meaning high efficiency)

Excluding the poor....the average income for most of the world is around $9,000us/yr.
Most american households earn around $90,000/yr.

Getting the picture? Those checks really don't mean that much to the government. They do...but it isn't the devastating impact to their budget that you would think.
We are going to be doing things differently for a while until the scientific community creates a cure and an effective vaccine.

As far as those checks...
The sheer volume of import taxes and corporate taxes collected pays for a high percentage of Government functions.
From every tanker with oil to cargo ship they pay taxes. Then the people buying that stuff and having it shipped in pay taxes on the profits made when those goods are sold.

The individuals working for these businesses so that the company makes a profit earn salaries that again are taxed.

America is a very very wealthy nation. The Government's budget, where it seems enormous, is actually very small by comparison to the economy they preside over and the number of people who reside in America. (330 million vx ≈8 billion)

Again for scale purposes... america has the largest economy. But the next largest is Japan's economy. California's economy is still larger than Japan's. China's is plugging along but still not there yet. India's economy isn't even on the scoreboard. EU is there but is highly it is discounted.

American economy is 75% of the world's economy. Burns 25% of the oil supply. Feeds 60% of the world. (Meaning high efficiency)

Excluding the poor....the average income for most of the world is around $9,000us/yr.
Most american households earn around $90,000/yr.

Getting the picture? Those checks really don't mean that much to the government. They do...but it isn't the devastating impact to their budget that you would think.

Super great points up there.
I am 100% an optimist with regard to the future of Christendom and
the Human Race and America -- me being the good Postmillennialist
that I am.
My view is that all these present troubles will eventually pass away even
though there are likely to be some short-term "bumpy roads" ahead for
Christendom, the Human Race, and for America.

Regarding An Optimistic Future:
JohnDB, did you see my Opening Post titled "It's Getting Better All The Time" ?

An excerpt from that thread:
JAG Wrote:
"God has blessed America with an $18 trillion dollar annual
economy, and I thank God for that. It has been said that
"There is no limit to what God will do for the man that will
use what God has given him to help others."
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed
down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into
your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured
to you." Luke 6:38

You cannot out give God."___JAG

Super great points up there.
I am 100% an optimist with regard to the future of Christendom and
the Human Race and America -- me being the good Postmillennialist
that I am.
My view is that all these present troubles will eventually pass away even
though there are likely to be some short-term "bumpy roads" ahead for
Christendom, the Human Race, and for America.

Regarding An Optimistic Future:
JohnDB, did you see my Opening Post titled "It's Getting Better All The Time" ?

An excerpt from that thread:
JAG Wrote:
"God has blessed America with an $18 trillion dollar annual
economy, and I thank God for that. It has been said that
"There is no limit to what God will do for the man that will
use what God has given him to help others."
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed
down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into
your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured
to you." Luke 6:38

You cannot out give God."___JAG


Well, to tell the truth....

I'm a pessimist by nature.
(But I get a lot of pleasant surprises)

And this country has so much wealth that it's excesses are eventually going to be it's downfall. Every Empire in history has fallen due to its excesses. (Egyptian, Babylonian, Ottoman, Assyrian, Persian, and Roman) There is no magic formula for Government that is going to withstand the excesses of a nation.

Sure, I think that things will get better...the cures and vaccines are on their way. In a few years this bump in the road will be over and things will get back to normal. (If a new global crisis isn't created in the meantime)

I don't know what exactly the near future holds. The only thing I can truly do is control my attitude about it all.
Well, to tell the truth....

I'm a pessimist by nature.
(But I get a lot of pleasant surprises)

And this country has so much wealth that it's excesses are eventually going to be it's downfall. Every Empire in history has fallen due to its excesses. (Egyptian, Babylonian, Ottoman, Assyrian, Persian, and Roman) There is no magic formula for Government that is going to withstand the excesses of a nation.

Sure, I think that things will get better...the cures and vaccines are on their way. In a few years this bump in the road will be over and things will get back to normal. (If a new global crisis isn't created in the meantime)

I don't know what exactly the near future holds. The only thing I can truly do is control my attitude about it all.

"I'm a pessimist by nature."___JohnDB

Some points:
* Consider a study of Postmillennialism which can be a cure for pessimism.
* If one then actually becomes a Postmillennialist, his pessimism is gone forever.
* What follows is not an invitation for a discussion on Christian Eschatology.
* Neither is it an invitation to argue ---seeing as how we don't argue here /Big Grin
* You may already know all about Postmillennialism.
* In which case just ignore this post.
* You may have not yet reached a conclusion with regard to which one of the following you believe is true:
Christendom holds and presents 4 major different views of the future of the Christian Church and the Human Race.
These 4 views are:
(1) Postmillennialism
(2) Amillennialism
(3) Premillennialism
(4) Dispensationalism

* What follows is nothing more than one human being telling another human being about a super great work on Christian Eschatology.
* The work is titled "He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology" Third Edition Revised And Expanded, by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry.
620 pages
6 inches X 9 inches
easy to read print has it for $36.00 plus Free S/H
Its a best seller --- so its not cheap.
Here is a blurb from He Shall Have Dominion:
Start quote.
"In this greatly expanded and wholly up-dated version of Dr. Gentry s classic study of Postmillennialism, you will sense anew the powerful message of Psalm 72 that Christ shall have dominion from sea to sea (Psalm 72) You will learn that God's word promises that the Whole earth will be filled with his glory so that all nations will call him blessed (Psalm 72:17) - before Christ returns. Many evangelicals today are concerned about those being Left Behind on this Late Great Planet Earth as it collapses into absolute chaos. But the Postmillennialist optimistically believes that He Shall Have Dominion through the Spirit-blessed labor of his blood-bought Church by its faithful obedience to the New Covenant. In this book you will find the whole biblical rationale for the Postmillennial hope, from its incipient beginning in Genesis to its glorious conclusion in Revelation. Your faith will be re-invigorated as you begin to recognize that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16) and that our Lord Jesus really meant it when he commanded us to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matt 28:19). "
End quote.


Here is an excellent definition of Postmillennialism:

"Postmillennialism holds that the Lord Jesus Christ established His kingdom on earth through His preaching and redemptive work in the first century and that He equips His church with the gospel, empowers her by the Holy Spirit, and charges her with the Great Commission to disciple all nations. Postmillennialism expects that eventually the vast majority of men living will be saved. Increasing gospel success will gradually produce a time in history prior to Christ's return in which faith, righteousness, peace, and prosperity will prevail in the affairs of men and nations. After an extensive era of such conditions the Lord will return visibly, bodily, and gloriously, to end history with the general resurrection and the final Judgment after which the eternal order follows."___ Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry.

JohnDB, if you have read this far, thank you for taking the time to read my post -- much appreciated.

■ The Lord Jesus "shall have dominion from sea to sea" Psalm 72:8
■ "The whole Earth will be filled with His glory." Psalm 72:19
■ "All the nations will call Him blessed." Psalm 72:17

May God Bless Us All.
Sorry ,I can dig up things from,the past that shoe the world is the same ,evil.

Laws don't make men honest ,loving .non,violent,.they just restrain the hand ,not,the heart .

For fun i will,from home copy,and paste the Ashley gang story ,cops murdered them,and they themselves murdered .
Hi JAG ..
We have never had this virus before. Nobody knows what is going to happen with it and there seems to be a lot of guess work going on in all countries.
Never more to shake hands or give a hug - what a cold world that would be.
I agree that we should all be praying for our own country and for all countries.
Praying for individuals too
We need to keep our trust and faith in God. We need to wake up and be on fire for The Lord. We need to have our hearts filled with love and trust and obey.
We need such men to lead us into a revival.
Just my opinion. I want to be on fire.
We have things that we have experienced before, but now they're here all at once. Like a TV personality said, we have 1918 mixed with some 1929 and now we throw in some 1968. What a stew we are concocting. It's boiling over. What's next? Some World War 2?(3).
"I'm a pessimist by nature."___JohnDB

Some points:
* Consider a study of Postmillennialism which can be a cure for pessimism.
* If one then actually becomes a Postmillennialist, his pessimism is gone forever.
* What follows is not an invitation for a discussion on Christian Eschatology.
* Neither is it an invitation to argue ---seeing as how we don't argue here /Big Grin
* You may already know all about Postmillennialism.
* In which case just ignore this post.
* You may have not yet reached a conclusion with regard to which one of the following you believe is true:
Christendom holds and presents 4 major different views of the future of the Christian Church and the Human Race.
These 4 views are:
(1) Postmillennialism
(2) Amillennialism
(3) Premillennialism
(4) Dispensationalism

* What follows is nothing more than one human being telling another human being about a super great work on Christian Eschatology.
* The work is titled "He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology" Third Edition Revised And Expanded, by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry.
620 pages
6 inches X 9 inches
easy to read print has it for $36.00 plus Free S/H
Its a best seller --- so its not cheap.
Here is a blurb from He Shall Have Dominion:
Start quote.
"In this greatly expanded and wholly up-dated version of Dr. Gentry s classic study of Postmillennialism, you will sense anew the powerful message of Psalm 72 that Christ shall have dominion from sea to sea (Psalm 72) You will learn that God's word promises that the Whole earth will be filled with his glory so that all nations will call him blessed (Psalm 72:17) - before Christ returns. Many evangelicals today are concerned about those being Left Behind on this Late Great Planet Earth as it collapses into absolute chaos. But the Postmillennialist optimistically believes that He Shall Have Dominion through the Spirit-blessed labor of his blood-bought Church by its faithful obedience to the New Covenant. In this book you will find the whole biblical rationale for the Postmillennial hope, from its incipient beginning in Genesis to its glorious conclusion in Revelation. Your faith will be re-invigorated as you begin to recognize that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16) and that our Lord Jesus really meant it when he commanded us to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matt 28:19). "
End quote.


Here is an excellent definition of Postmillennialism:

"Postmillennialism holds that the Lord Jesus Christ established His kingdom on earth through His preaching and redemptive work in the first century and that He equips His church with the gospel, empowers her by the Holy Spirit, and charges her with the Great Commission to disciple all nations. Postmillennialism expects that eventually the vast majority of men living will be saved. Increasing gospel success will gradually produce a time in history prior to Christ's return in which faith, righteousness, peace, and prosperity will prevail in the affairs of men and nations. After an extensive era of such conditions the Lord will return visibly, bodily, and gloriously, to end history with the general resurrection and the final Judgment after which the eternal order follows."___ Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry.

JohnDB, if you have read this far, thank you for taking the time to read my post -- much appreciated.

■ The Lord Jesus "shall have dominion from sea to sea" Psalm 72:8
■ "The whole Earth will be filled with His glory." Psalm 72:19
■ "All the nations will call Him blessed." Psalm 72:17

May God Bless Us All.
In God we trust.... anyone else?....not so much.
In God we trust.... anyone else?....not so much.

"In God we trust.... anyone else?....not so much."___JohnDB

I understand.

By the way, your "In God we trust" phrase caused me to think to check
the Scripture Index of Dr. Kenneth Gentry's "He Shall Have Dominion",
and to my surprise he has examined over 3000 Bible verses in 48 books
of the Bible. I counted the numbers on one page and multiplied by that


Quote For Today:

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such
times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide
is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien,

Here's some interesting "facts" about the Covid 19 virus.

The "current" death ratio in/of the world's population, according to the "official" WHO numbers is, .....0.003 of one% of the worlds 7.7 billion population, ten thousandth of ONE percent of the world's population!!!

More people in the US died of the "common" flu during the flew season last year than have died from the Covid 19 virus.

It was first "identified" in the 60's, it's not "new."

Two well know Universities in California, ...Stanford and USC both developed a test to determine people that had been infected by the virus and survived, ...they found many who had been "infected" before the declared "pandemic," ...their doctors considered it the flu and prescribed aspirin and the were healed.

In fact, March of last year my wife became very sick, with a "flu," she had 8 of the 15 symptoms of the Covid virus, she was off work for three weeks and her "only" medication prescribed for her was aspirin.

What the Chinese Chemical Warfare and Biological Weapon's Laboratory in Wuhan, China did is change the the infection "method" from necessary human contact to breathing, ...that's what is "new" about this virus.

What we are observing is the world's preparation for the A-C's One World Government so clearly explained for us in the Word, ...the world is "presently" being "governed" by the UN and the WHO, ...the next step in this parade is the One who is restraining him will be taken out of the way and the A-C will take over what has been "prepared" for him by them, ...and we know how that will turn out, ...a "ROCK," cut out of a mountain, ...not made by hands, ...will crush him and his government.

...the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof "is" sure! Dan 2:45

Lord bless
Here's some interesting "facts" about the Covid 19 virus.

The "current" death ratio in/of the world's population, according to the "official" WHO numbers is, .....0.003 of one% of the worlds 7.7 billion population, ten thousandth of ONE percent of the world's population!!!

More people in the US died of the "common" flu during the flew season last year than have died from the Covid 19 virus.

It was first "identified" in the 60's, it's not "new."

Two well know Universities in California, ...Stanford and USC both developed a test to determine people that had been infected by the virus and survived, ...they found many who had been "infected" before the declared "pandemic," ...their doctors considered it the flu and prescribed aspirin and the were healed.

In fact, March of last year my wife became very sick, with a "flu," she had 8 of the 15 symptoms of the Covid virus, she was off work for three weeks and her "only" medication prescribed for her was aspirin.

What the Chinese Chemical Warfare and Biological Weapon's Laboratory in Wuhan, China did is change the the infection "method" from necessary human contact to breathing, ...that's what is "new" about this virus.

What we are observing is the world's preparation for the A-C's One World Government so clearly explained for us in the Word, ...the world is "presently" being "governed" by the UN and the WHO, ...the next step in this parade is the One who is restraining him will be taken out of the way and the A-C will take over what has been "prepared" for him by them, ...and we know how that will turn out, ...a "ROCK," cut out of a mountain, ...not made by hands, ...will crush him and his government.

...the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof "is" sure! Dan 2:45

Lord bless
I never thought that I would hear so much conspiracy theories in one post.

A Corona Virus is very different from an influenza type virus....and again different from a rhinovirus or HI viruses.

Each one is unique in structure and stopping them all is impossible. There are many variations in each type of virus. This Covid-19 is in the same family of viruses that produces Ebola.

And your numbers are way off...wayyyyyyy off.
Firstly....the death rate is roughly 6%...
That's not counting those people whose lives are now on the permanently disabled list. That's another 12%. (Kidney, liver, lungs, and heart)
Those who have died from this is already pushing half a million people. (And climbing rapidly)
Influenza last year (a particularly bad year) killed just over 200,000 people....less than half who have died from this virus.
Those who have survived the virus but are now disabled because of it will die much younger from the organ damage...
Also, since most people have no immunity the re-infection rate is really high for this virus. Beijing is finding out in a hurry what the real price for sloppy controls over live virus testing costs and keeping the problem hidden.... because Beijing has been infected from abroad and not their own people.

So....we are now more divided than ever. Just about the whole world has engaged in some form of retaliation against China for their behavior. How this translates to a "one world Government" is so incongruent it's laughable.

I'm sure that I haven't convinced you with the truth because you wish to believe your "facts". But....I related the truth and not conspiracy theory nonsense.
I never thought that I would hear so much conspiracy theories in one post.

A Corona Virus is very different from an influenza type virus....and again different from a rhinovirus or HI viruses.

Each one is unique in structure and stopping them all is impossible. There are many variations in each type of virus. This Covid-19 is in the same family of viruses that produces Ebola.

And your numbers are way off...wayyyyyyy off.
Firstly....the death rate is roughly 6%...
That's not counting those people whose lives are now on the permanently disabled list. That's another 12%. (Kidney, liver, lungs, and heart)
Those who have died from this is already pushing half a million people. (And climbing rapidly)
Influenza last year (a particularly bad year) killed just over 200,000 people....less than half who have died from this virus.
Those who have survived the virus but are now disabled because of it will die much younger from the organ damage...
Also, since most people have no immunity the re-infection rate is really high for this virus. Beijing is finding out in a hurry what the real price for sloppy controls over live virus testing costs and keeping the problem hidden.... because Beijing has been infected from abroad and not their own people.

So....we are now more divided than ever. Just about the whole world has engaged in some form of retaliation against China for their behavior. How this translates to a "one world Government" is so incongruent it's laughable.

I'm sure that I haven't convinced you with the truth because you wish to believe your "facts". But....I related the truth and not conspiracy theory nonsense.

Friend, ...I'm not going to argue with you, to the "numbers," that came straight from the WHO, reported last week, you maybe need to take it up with them.

As for the tests developed by Stanford and USC, ...have you contacted them to see if what I have said is true, ...or not?

And your "Conspiracy Theory," comes straight out of the Bible, I can wait, ...I don't think it will be very long, ...and then we will know if it's conspiracy theory or not.

May I ask a question, you believe the A-C will rule the world though his one world government?

Lord bless
Friend, ...I'm not going to argue with you, to the "numbers," that came straight from the WHO, reported last week, you maybe need to take it up with them.

As for the tests developed by Stanford and USC, ...have you contacted them to see if what I have said is true, ...or not?

And your "Conspiracy Theory," comes straight out of the Bible, I can wait, ...I don't think it will be very long, ...and then we will know if it's conspiracy theory or not.

May I ask a question, you believe the A-C will rule the world though his one world government?

Lord bless
What makes you think that he doesn't already rule?
Friend, ...I'm not going to argue with you, to the "numbers," that came straight from the WHO, reported last week, you maybe need to take it up with them.

As for the tests developed by Stanford and USC, ...have you contacted them to see if what I have said is true, ...or not?

And your "Conspiracy Theory," comes straight out of the Bible, I can wait, ...I don't think it will be very long, ...and then we will know if it's conspiracy theory or not.

May I ask a question, you believe the A-C will rule the world though his one world government?

Lord bless
The numbers come from simple math from Worldometer's website.

8 million cases....400,000 dead
What makes you think that he doesn't already rule?
Brother, ...please, let's not fight or argue, ...if we are going to continue this discussion, ...then as mature, Spirit filled brothers in Christ, ...setting an example for all of the lurkers (88% of those reading this at this moment) possibly reading this, in the Love of Christ, ...let us respond to each other with the Truth, ...the Word of God.

So may I suggest, bro, you rephrase your question like this:

Since the Word of God says this, "quote your proof text here," ...what makes you think that he doesn't already rule?

Lord bless
This pandemic is serious stuff. I've already lost friends and had others seriously incapacitated for life by this virus...and you come along saying that it's all a lie and not serious? Some kind of "conspiracy"?


We couldn't even go to their funerals to comfort their families.

The others who are permanently disabled we do what we can for them but without the personal contact it isn't much. They are always in my prayers....but to you it's a nothing little cold that is all about a conspiracy theory?

My wife is swamped in her job helping the research scientists who are in the middle of finding causes and cures for this virus... again for this "conspiracy theory".

Just because you can't personally see it you think it isn't going to harm you?

The whole world is shut down for a conspiracy theory?

South America is the hottest place where this virus is literally depopulating whole communities....I guess that's a conspiracy theory too.

I think that you need to wake up IMHO.
The numbers come from simple math from Worldometer's website.

8 million cases....400,000 dead
I don't follow the site you have stated, ...I made reference to the WHO website and the numbers they posted.

7,7 billion world population - 2,3 million dead, ...doesn't the math work out to 0.003%?

Bro, there are documented reports from doctors, nurses, first responders, coroners that people that died from some other cause, other than the virus, ...have been forced to claim the death as a result of the virus.

Also there are doctors that have said they treated patients before the pandemic that had the same symptoms as the virus with aspirin and they recovered, ...that's why I gave my wife as an example.

Personally, ...I was trying to help those that are terrified of this "scare" tactic pandemic foisted on the world by the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

Actually, out of the Love of Christ, ...I try to comfort and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ, "appropriate" the promises our Heavenly Father has given us about this pestilence, ...rather than be one of those that continues to propagate this "wave of doctrine" from the world system, turn their eyes to Jesus, and off of the "storm" that is raging on the planet.

Lord bless


Total amount