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Why Mary or anyone is Blessed!

And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!” But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!Luke 11:27-28

I hear this rebuttal all the time from those who have a problem with those who honor the Mother of Christ. Is anyone listening to the words? “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!
The Lord is not disrespecting His Elect Mother, rather is correcting the woman as to WHY she or anyone is blessed.
Mary Visits Elizabeth Luke 1:45
"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord’s word to her will be fulfilled.” She is blessed for hearing the word of God and obeying. She put faith in the words spoken to her, not her breast or her womb but her heart obeyed. That is why she and any one of us is blessed.

I am not going to address too much in here I know Mungo. I'll post elsewhere some interesting things. God Bless!
"Sinless Mary" notion is rebutted by Luke 1:47: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior." Had Mary been sinless, why would she need a savior?
"Sinless Mary" notion is rebutted by Luke 1:47: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior." Had Mary been sinless, why would she need a savior?
Not sure if you are upholding the suit of your little LARP, lol!

I have no problem with scripture. Since this is moderated by Mungo, I will not post what I know in this Catholic portion of the forum. It will probably be removed. There is no room in the inn for the truth I carry. The Inn is full. The doctrines that are in the denominations are what's most popularly belived because they got there first.

I am willing to place the doctrine given me, amongst that which is not considered acceptable for in house dwelling, perhaps some sub forum? I know those who love truth will be guided by that Star of Bethlehem ( the house of bread) to the fullness of life there. The humble, the wise and shepherds will get it. They will stand as Elect from it and advance in learning.

This is end time wine. The denominations have run out of wine-doctrines. A new superior wine must now be given. The servants are commissioned to carry it Home ! It is the winning touch down if you will, bringing all back to the Steward- Israel. The miracle before Christ's second coming will make that possible. The sixth seal soon will be opened- The miracle before His time- return. It is like a wind that blows upon a fig tree which sheds its untimely figs. If you all knew what a miracle that is coming!😊

The servants are selected by the mother of Christ. She says: " do whatever He tells you". They follow the Lamb wherever He goes- Rev.14. They hold the eternal gospel. Key word- Eternal. That means it is not a wrap. However, the father- in - laws ( Get it?) are too proud to accept it. They are steeped in the traditions of men- not God. Like Jacob's father-in-law, they too will seek to kill this doctrine of the two Brides which come together and form one house. The old and new testaments are one . The new- the sun sheds light upon the moon- the old. In that light the OC scriptures are properly understood , the Elect Mother too is.

The denominations have produced doctrines throughout the 6 baptismal jugs= the 6 turnings of Christian history. Those 6 jugs were established from the Jews. This completion- is the 7th and is what is drawn out First and served up to the Steward. The water changed to wine takes that which is impotent and makes potent!

The wine denominations have served up over Christian history has been ok even not too good, at times . Christ has saved the best for last. Their wine has been made by men's hands- pen to paper. It uses the techniques- vineyard planting- from what came from the Jew first.

Each denominational doctrine, like wine, is different and not always a good mix or vintage.
End time wine is a vintage produced from God's hand. It is the best wine saved for the end of the wedding feast =End of the age.

I appreciate the doctrines left by the Queen denominations= those with Rites which honor the Blessed Mother, but I have been given a most excellent doctrine. It edifies and exalts what already is. It will also help those of Concubine denominations- those without Rites, move up in rank. The doctrine given me makes perfect, undeniable sense and cannot be proven wrong . It helps bring those who questioned, doubted or even attacked the Blessed Mother's postion in Christ , into check. It brings wholeness and makes holy. Those who are for peace, not division will receive it.

The only division there should be is -between the sheep and the goats and the wheat and the weeds. A separation between the approved and the not approved, is the separation that Christ is about, not division amongst the House. Hence, "I have not come to bring peace but a sword." You will be at odds with those not chosen to be in the peace of the Lord which is one House, holding One sound doctrine. " Be all like minded", " Be of one mind"- Christ. Peace! May it rest upon whom God has chosen as Elect or come back to me.
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Not sure if you are upholding the suit of your little LARP, lol!

I have no problem with scripture. Since this is moderated by Mungo, I will not post what I know in this Catholic portion of the forum. It will probably be removed. There is no room in the inn for the truth I carry. The Inn is full. The doctrines that are in the denominations are what's most popularly belived because they got there first.

I am willing to place the doctrine given me, amongst that which is not considered acceptable for in house dwelling, perhaps some sub forum? I know those who love truth will be guided by that Star of Bethlehem ( the house of bread) to the fullness of life there. The humble, the wise and shepherds will get it. They will stand as Elect from it and advance in learning.

This is end time wine. The denominations have run out of wine-doctrines. A new superior wine must now be given. The servants are commissioned to carry it Home ! It is the winning touch down if you will, bringing all back to the Steward- Israel. The miracle before Christ's second coming will make that possible. The sixth seal soon will be opened- The miracle before His time- return. It is like a wind that blows upon a fig tree which sheds its untimely figs. If you all knew what a miracle that is coming!😊

The servants are selected by the mother of Christ. She says: " do whatever He tells you". They follow the Lamb wherever He goes- Rev.14. They hold the eternal gospel. Key word- Eternal. That means it is not a wrap. However, the father- in - laws ( Get it?) are too proud to accept it. They are steeped in the traditions of men- not God. Like Jacob's father-in-law, they too will seek to kill this doctrine of the two Brides which come together and form one house. The old and new testaments are one . The new- the sun sheds light upon the moon- the old. In that light the OC scriptures are properly understood , the Elect Mother too is.

The denominations have produced doctrines throughout the 6 baptismal jugs= the 6 turnings of Christian history. Those 6 jugs were established from the Jews. This completion- is the 7th and is what is drawn out First and served up to the Steward. The water changed to wine takes that which is impotent and makes potent!

The wine denominations have served up over Christian history has been ok even not too good, at times . Christ has saved the best for last. Their wine has been made by men's hands- pen to paper. It uses the techniques- vineyard planting- from what came from the Jew first.

Each denominational doctrine, like wine, is different and not always a good mix or vintage.
End time wine is a vintage produced from God's hand. It is the best wine saved for the end of the wedding feast =End of the age.

I appreciate the doctrines left by the Queen denominations= those with Rites which honor the Blessed Mother, but I have been given a most excellent doctrine. It edifies and exalts what already is. It will also help those of Concubine denominations- those without Rites, move up in rank. The doctrine given me makes perfect, undeniable sense and cannot be proven wrong . It helps bring those who questioned, doubted or even attacked the Blessed Mother's postion in Christ , into check. It brings wholeness and makes holy. Those who are for peace, not division will receive it.

The only division there should be is -between the sheep and the goats and the wheat and the weeds. A separation between the approved and the not approved, is the separation that Christ is about, not division amongst the House. Hence, "I have not come to bring peace but a sword." You will be at odds with those not chosen to be in the peace of the Lord which is one House, holding One sound doctrine. " Be all like minded", " Be of one mind"- Christ. Peace! May it rest upon whom God has chosen as Elect or come back to me.
You seem to be trashing your own thread.
"Sinless Mary" notion is rebutted by Luke 1:47: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior." Had Mary been sinless, why would she need a savior?
She needed a saviour to save her from the effects of original sin, not because she had personally sinned.
But I guess that's another topic.
I tnink they both stem from the same thing - that God chose her (and she accepted) to be the mother of Jesus.
It says a lot when the forum atheist is tag teaming me with a Catholic. So who's the real threat? I only know Truth to bring about such a united front of the religious establishment and state. :biggrin2 My grace looks good on me!

I believe I am blessed every day when I wake up and can see the wonderous hand of God in everything around me. The fact that He loves me enough to give His only begotten Son so that through Him I might be saved is beyond blessed. Can grace abound any more than that?
I believe I am blessed every day when I wake up and can see the wonderous hand of God in everything around me. The fact that He loves me enough to give His only begotten Son so that through Him I might be saved is beyond blessed. Can grace abound any more than that?
That's nice.
Deflection. Come on Mungo step up. You know exactly what I am asking. Truth is Truth. And they do not stem from the same thing.

It was actually a a reply to T.E. Smith post #6 but I failed to link it to that post.
I'm on holiday struggling with a laptop I'm not used to.
I'm not perfect yet. :)