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[__ Science __ ] Running out of time

Ran across this article this morning; and thought I would share. From what it says the earth's rotation has been "speeding up" since the 1970's; and the "powers that be" have been adding a tiny amount of time to the clock each year since. In my own research I have not found any "scientific consensus" as to what has been going on with the "earth's molten core" since then for this to happen; and am wondering if anyone else has any knowledge or opinions on the matter?
The Great Tribulation will begin with these things of such. When the Earth begins to rotate faster, the effects will be very bad. North and south poles will flatten out cracking the ice there. Earth will bulge in the equator. The crust will move. Gravity will change. Men will live longer.

Revelation 9
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

Revelations 8
12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!
The Great Tribulation will begin with these things of such. When the Earth begins to rotate faster, the effects will be very bad. North and south poles will flatten out cracking the ice there. Earth will bulge in the equator. The crust will move. Gravity will change. Men will live longer.
In my OP I gave a link to an article, they (scientist) spoke of the earth speeding up and adding "seconds" to the world clock. Then they (scientist) said the earth was slowing down, and they may have to take a second away; which could have an adverse effect on computers. While scientist may think they know everything; there are a great many things they simply do not understand.

In your post you say the earth will rotate faster and things will be very bad, but how does that explain the earth slowing back down "just a bit" at this moment? You can't have it both ways; although God can and will do what He need's to.
There are many formulas in astrophysics to determine the affect of a star or planet or being a moon or a solar core as earth. All crystals has a heart beat as to say that time is tracked. If these crystals are increased by the sun and earth, electric fields, then so will the crystal. This is what slows the rotation of a planet, or increases rotation. These create a field that covers that planet, atmosphere, two wings. Then two that cause it to move thru the waters above, two wings north and south poles. Then two more that connect the wheels to each other two more. Six wings.

Revelatrion 4
8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
9 And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,

Ezekiel 1 plus others chapters in that book.

What we understand about Gods creation are child's play to that of the upper realms.
Earth has been slowing down since Noah's flood, because the electric fields are weakening as they age. But now we other stars coming and other planets, this will increase these fields and cause rotation faster. They also will pull earth into another orbit that will end up in its destruction.
Most electronic items if not all that are ran from these things will go stupid no longer smart phones. GPS will take where ever. But I think that's a good thing, most are looking down at that instead of looking up to God.
Moreover. We now have forces pulling on Earth. I figure you don't see them because they spray our sky's. Don't trust nasa on any of these things because they cover up all things. Two stars pulling and another one coming that will shine as a sign of Jesus's coming. I'm surprise any electronic works properly.
Hi guys,

Look, don't run around doing the 'Chicken Little' dance. The earth is not going to be destroyed by climate change. According to Jesus, living on the earth is going to be pretty normal when the end comes.

36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.
41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

Global warming will not be destroying the earth, at least not for the believer. Although this is referring to the rapture of the believers to meet Jesus in the air. Maybe the wicked will endure some major change in the earth.

God bless,
Hi Ezekiel
I figure you don't see them because they spray our sky's.
Please take that over to the 'conspiracy' threads. No one is spraying the earth. The contrails left from passing jets is water vapor created by the heat and force of the jet engine. And honestly, how anyone thinks that spraying something in the atmosphere at 30,000 feet is likely to ever have much affect on those living on the earth is a fairly far fetched fable.

God bless,
Global warming will not be destroying the earth, at least not for the believer. Although this is referring to the rapture of the believers to meet Jesus in the air. Maybe the wicked will endure some major change in the earth.
I did start this OP as a science thread, to get input from other members about the earth speeding up; and now slowing down. While I can search for all manner of things on-line, I can't read (or know) everything about what different scientist might be saying on this subject.

I 100% agree the earth is not going to be destroyed, by climate change or any other means. I believe it will change, as it is restored by God, but it will still be the "same old rock" we've been standing on for a long time now.
Hi Enlightenedtruth
I 100% agree the earth is not going to be destroyed, by climate change or any other means. I believe it will change, as it is restored by God, but it will still be the "same old rock" we've been standing on for a long time now.
Well, I'm not saying that the earth won't be destroyed, but there is the question as to whether it will be destroyed only on it's surface, or whether the entire planet will be obliterated and God makes a whole new planet. Peter does write to us that the present heavens and earth are reserved for a fiery death. The Revelation accounts to us that earth and sky fled from His presence. Does that mean that it goes away and comes back? I don't think so. And of course for those who believe the account of this creation's coming into existence in just the short span of six days, as I am fully confident of, it wouldn't be any big task for God to command a new earth to exist just as He did the old. These present heavens, we are told, the entirety of the physical universe in which we now live, is going to be 'rolled up like a scroll'.

So, I find ample evidence that God may well create again, ex nihilo, a new and better universe that is not tainted by thousands of years of groaning under the weight and condemnation of sin.

God bless,
Hi Enlightenedtruth

Well, I'm not saying that the earth won't be destroyed, but there is the question as to whether it will be destroyed only on it's surface, or whether the entire planet will be obliterated and God makes a whole new planet. Peter does write to us that the present heavens and earth are reserved for a fiery death. The Revelation accounts to us that earth and sky fled from His presence. Does that mean that it goes away and comes back? I don't think so. And of course for those who believe the account of this creation's coming into existence in just the short span of six days, as I am fully confident of, it wouldn't be any big task for God to command a new earth to exist just as He did the old. These present heavens, we are told, the entirety of the physical universe in which we now live, is going to be 'rolled up like a scroll'.

So, I find ample evidence that God may well create again, ex nihilo, a new and better universe that is not tainted by thousands of years of groaning under the weight and condemnation of sin.

God bless,
I learned some new words in both your post, thank you.

In my OP I linked an article from the BBC about time being adjusted because the earth's rotation had been speeding up; and they mentioned the earths core. In a different thread months ago I posted that the earth's core is overheating, but I do not have "scientific proof" of that. Scientist cannot touch the core, much less study it; but they can sure make "theories" and "guesses" as to what is going on. And the earth's core getting hotter, would indeed cause the earth to spin faster. I guess I am most curious as to what scientist in other countries are "guessing" about what is going on; and what ordinary people are making of that.

I am familiar with what Peter wrote; and I know it is said in the Bible that the earth will be destroyed by fire this time, as it was destroyed by water in the time of Noah. But the earth will not be covered in fire, while an "Ark" carries 2 of every living thing. For being "rolled up like a scroll", that could mean to be compressed. Something else I did talk about in a thread I named the cost of a Blessing.

Ran across this article this morning; and thought I would share. From what it says the earth's rotation has been "speeding up" since the 1970's; and the "powers that be" have been adding a tiny amount of time to the clock each year since. In my own research I have not found any "scientific consensus" as to what has been going on with the "earth's molten core" since then for this to happen; and am wondering if anyone else has any knowledge or opinions on the matter?
I'll bet our resident scientist has an opinion.


Ran across this article this morning; and thought I would share. From what it says the earth's rotation has been "speeding up" since the 1970's; and the "powers that be" have been adding a tiny amount of time to the clock each year since. In my own research I have not found any "scientific consensus" as to what has been going on with the "earth's molten core" since then for this to happen; and am wondering if anyone else has any knowledge or opinions on the matter?
Hi E
I'm not sure this is derailing....
I've read that scientists are rethinking the big bang theory because of the pictures the webb telescope is sending back.

What they see does not align with the BBT.

I wonder if we can be sure of anything. They pass off concepts as facts, teach them to our children, and then change their mind.

I'm not a YEC, just a C,,,,creationist.
The above is disturbing to me.

I teach our faith to the young, 10 to 13 year olds, some are already atheists because of this.
Hi E
I'm not sure this is derailing....
I've read that scientists are rethinking the big bang theory because of the pictures the webb telescope is sending back.

What they see does not align with the BBT.

I wonder if we can be sure of anything. They pass off concepts as facts, teach them to our children, and then change their mind.

I'm not a YEC, just a C,,,,creationist.
The above is disturbing to me.

I teach our faith to the young, 10 to 13 year olds, some are already atheists because of this.
Yes that webb telescope is causing a bit of a stir. Two days ago I read (on the BBC) that they had found the "brightest flash of light" from a supernova. The prior theory was gold and other heavy metals were produced from supernova's, now scientist have to go back to the drawing board because that telescope proved that was not true.

Nothing says God created the earth from "nothing"; nothing says God did not place specific "things" on this earth for "men" to find and speculate about. The story of Creation of the earth in 6 days is true; but what if the earth was made up of "debris" left over from the war in Heaven, things that the Angel's did destroy.
I'll bet our resident scientist has an opinion.

We have had to make corrections before. Most recently, the earthquake off the Japanese coast changed the speed measurably. And of course the tidal drag of the moon continues to slow the Earth's rotation as the moon moves farther away from the Earth. That's been going on since the moon was there, although the changing shape of the continents means different amounts of drag, so the change isn't constant in geological time.

Interesting that humans have now been able to affect it, though.
Hi E
I'm not sure this is derailing....
I've read that scientists are rethinking the big bang theory because of the pictures the webb telescope is sending back.
They've been rethinking it since a Christian cleric first discovered it. Lots of refinement to the theory. But it still works.

The James Webb Space Telescope never disproved the Big Bang. Here's how that falsehood spread.

What they see does not align with the BBT.
How so?
Yes that webb telescope is causing a bit of a stir. Two days ago I read (on the BBC) that they had found the "brightest flash of light" from a supernova. The prior theory was gold and other heavy metals were produced from supernova's, now scientist have to go back to the drawing board because that telescope proved that was not true.
There's a reason we don't find elements heavier than carbon in normal stars; just not enough gravity to fuse heavier elements. Elements up to iron or zinc form in supernova explosions, but even heavier elements are formed by neutron stars which form after a supernova explosion, when neutron stars collide. I think that's been known for some time.