Is it? I spent an entire career as a street cop in one of our nation's biggest and most dangerous cities, most of it in the ghetto areas. In that time I never had a sustained complaint against me and received many awards and commendations for outstanding service to the community. What is your...
OK. So your opinion is that instead of stopping this guy by the best means they had available to them, the police should have just stood by waiting for some kind of trial by jury to take place while he simply continues to kill as many people as he has ammunition to kill. You are clearly an...
Anything can be used for good or evil. Please be realistic and try to stay on the topic of the thread. We are talking about a police action in an extreme situation here, not about every citizen having robots armed with C-4 explosives to "vaporize" anyone they don't like.
You folks exaggerate much? We're talking about one extreme situation that demanded extreme measures to save countless more lives from being lost and some of you are reacting as if tomorrow morning we are going to find lethal police robots on every street corner blowing to bits every person who...
Since robots aren't mentioned in the Bible it's going to be hard to have an answer from the Bible. But when the police shoot someone to stop them from killing other people the legal term for it isn't "shooting someone", it's "using deadly force" and it applies to several things in addition to...
And alas, with that I have to try to catch an hour's sleep before I start a 10 hour overnight shift at work tonight. I'll check back after I get to work later.
I'm not sure I understand all this soul mating and self mutilation stuff you are talking about. I just know that most churches teach that sex outside of marriage is a sin, and they don't really try to explain why. They base this on a word that was translated to English as "fornication". The...
But keep in mind you are posting on a Christian site. I know there are some people who can show that scripture doesn't really condemn sex outside of marriage through things like the origins of certain words of the original language of scripture and such. But I think you will find on a...
You are in our prayers.
If it's any consolation there have been a couple of times I've felt like that. Each time God was changing the direction He wanted me to go at the time, and when that got done (as in when I quit being stubborn and just accepted my place in God's plan, whatever it might...
From time to time I would arrest someone like you. Always enjoyed it. More than once I wrote my reports in a way that was sure to get their charges dropped. The pen is mightier than the sword.
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