Recent content by OzSpen

  1. OzSpen

    Spencer has passed away. I'll post more details on his web site later...

    Spencer has passed away. I'll post more details on his web site later.
  2. OzSpen

    Is the world...

    2RM, Why do you attribute the creation account to the Bronze Age Jews? Oz
  3. OzSpen

    Is the world...

    2RM, Why don't you check both the Oxford English Dictionary and the Merriam Webster Dictionary to see if agglomeration is a word? There's too much guessing on this forum about the meaning of words. Oz
  4. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Exegisis of Scripture in the original languages. Oz
  5. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Jethro, That's your version of "imposing authority" of the meaning of authanteiv. Why couldn't it mean imposing authority means the gift of bishop is prevented from women having that authority? Oz
  6. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Jethro, You have not interpreted the correct word for authority used here - authentein. Please do your homework. Oz
  7. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Jethro, You are not responding to what I wrote. I said: 'If a pastor is "imposing authority" and she is female, it seems to violate Scripture.' Oz
  8. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    From where did you gain that theological information?
  9. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    So, are the commandments Paul wrote to various Christian churches not relevant today? Or are they not relevant to jaybo's type of churches? Oz
  10. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Jethro, The Revised English Bible, using a dynamic equivalence philosophy of translation, translates 1 Tim 2:12 (REB) as, "I do not permit a woman to teach or, more specifically, to impose authority over a man while first needing to learn, rather she is not to cause a disturbance." If a pastor...
  11. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Can a woman be a woman of one man, which is just as valid a translation? Oz
  12. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Free, Women can't "keep silent" in the churches and also prophesy (1 Cor 11:5). That combination doesn't work. Oz
  13. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Hopeful, It's time for you to write to the translators of The Revised English Bible and tell them they were wrong with their translation of 1 Tim 2:12 (REB): "I do not permit a woman to teach or, more specifically, to impose authority over a man while first needing to learn, rather she is not...
  14. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Not without proper exegesis of the text.
  15. OzSpen

    Should women teach in the church?

    Free, You haven't bothered to consider the word for authority in 1 Tim 2:12 (authentein) is not the same word for authority in 1 Cor:11:5 (exousia). There's a world of a difference between the meaning of the 2 words. Oz