The Chocolate Lovers Club


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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I realize that chocolate isn't healthy or nutritious, but it does say discuss anything related to food and I am a HUGE chocolate lover myself, so to all my fellow chocolate lovers out there, come on in and join the club! :biggrin​
Here I am! Big chocolate lover here too. That's how I treat myself. When I eat a chocolate bar I can't help but wonder if there is chocolate in heaven? I think there is, and it has to be even better than ours!

Some Brothers and Sisters think that we will not eat in heaven, because we'll be spirit-beings. I don't buy that because scripture speaks of, the Marriage Supper of The Lamb! So even if we may not have to eat for survival in heaven, God obviously allows eating because it is such a social thing to do, and that's how God rolls! I bet God can throw a reeeal good BBQ!! I'm looking forward to it!
Here I am! Big chocolate lover here too. That's how I treat myself. When I eat a chocolate bar I can't help but wonder if there is chocolate in heaven? I think there is, and it has to be even better than ours!

Some Brothers and Sisters think that we will not eat in heaven, because we'll be spirit-beings. I don't buy that because scripture speaks of, the Marriage Supper of The Lamb! So even if we may not have to eat for survival in heaven, God obviously allows eating because it is such a social thing to do, and that's how God rolls! I bet God can throw a reeeal good BBQ!! I'm looking forward to it!

It BETTER have chocolate!!! :lol Well even if it doesn't I still really want to go there to see Jesus and all my dearly departed loved ones.
And even though too much chocolate isn't good for you, surprisingly,... I never had a single cavity my whole entire life. :)
I live in The Bible Belt, but I have relatives who live up in the Great, White North. Anyway, I have an aunt...when I was a kid, she'd buy me these big boxes of Fannie Mae (I think I spelled that correctly...) chocoloates. Whoa. Those Yankees sure can make some chocolate...
Since I was a tadpole I wanted to work at a chocolate factory because I love chocolate so much and Willy Wonks is really cool, I think that I may realize that pretty soon.
I'm becoming more of a dark chocolate fan as I get older. not as sweet, a lil more cocoa action. dark chocolate ice cream, dark chocolate gelato...the stuff dreams are made of....
Oh yes ! Dark chocolate and ice cream even better add chocolate sauce yummy !
You can have my share of dark chocolate and, if you like, the peppermint filled stuff, too.

But all the other chocolates ....mmmhhhh. Top favorite is gingerbread covered with light or white chocolate.
You know, this topic made me think of Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory/Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. And this is one of my favorite songs too and how I feel about life. That you should always follow your heart no matter what others tell you and do what you dream. That what life is, pure of imagination. :)

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Hey guys, founder of "The Chocolate Lovers Club" here. I just thought of something chocolate that I would never even consider eating. I know what you're thinking...:eek2 right? How can there be a type of chocolate that exists in the world that I wouldn't touch? Well has anybody ever heard of chocolate covered grasshoppers before? Timon and Pumbaa might enjoy them, but all I'm thinking that is eww,...gross!
there's a cookie, called grasshopper...chocolate wafer coated in fudge, with some mint flavor added. one of my personal favorites.
there's a cookie, called grasshopper...chocolate wafer coated in fudge, with some mint flavor added. one of my personal favorites.

That's different, that isn't a real grasshopper and actually sounds pretty good.
And even though too much chocolate isn't good for you, surprisingly,... I never had a single cavity my whole entire life. :)

Although this thread is over a year old, I just wanted to update it by saying that I recently got my first two tiny cavities. :sad Whether or not it had to do with the kinds of sweets I eat, I never have and I never will lose my sweet tooth. :lol I will just be more careful brushing and brush more often that's all. :) (Btw, I think that it's about time that I resurrect this thread for all the newbies on here that might be fellow chocolate lovers. :biggrin)