Hey Guys, I Got A New Avatar!


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
Reaction score
What do you think? I personally love Alvin and The Chipmunks! Even though I think that the cartoons are better I also love the live action CGI ones. Alvin and Brittany are my favorite characters but since I'm a girl I decided to go with Brittany, especially since she loves the color pink and my username is written in pink.
oh, whoa...Tess...they used to have us watch those cartoons in elementary school. I was actually thinking about that the other day, and I forget the character's name, LOL...
Sorry it should have said Rikki Tikki Tavi Glad someone else remembers him Christ_empowered
I literally have no idea what you're talking about lol. But it is making me think about this song;

The chipmunks are adorable cartoons. Even in CGI. Real one's are even more adorable. You chose a very nice avatar. :)
Hey everybody, I just wanted to explain really fast why it says Summer Rose underneath my username now. When I was born my birth mother said that I was her spring and summer. :) So since Rose is my middle name and I love it just as much as I love my first name, I figured that I would find a way to give it some use as well. So just for all of you who don't already know it by now, my real first name is April. Obviously for safety reasons I will not give out my last name, but I figured that I would just you all in on my reasoning behind it.
Hey guys, Brittany decided to take a break from this forum and now the original King Julian is here for the party! Now I want to see all of you guys get up and move your body nice, and sweet, and sassy alright? All hail King Julian! Although, even I a groovy lemur can't match the powerful and almighty king Jesus who is the king of kings so... ALL HAIL KING JESUS!!! :cross
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What shall I change my avatar too? The patio? The old library? The brewery?
That will do untIL then ,letts died not far from my house and that truck belongs to him aND his store remains open