Your Official Easter Countdown!! :)


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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Well, it's really rather hard to believe it but my birthday has come and gone once again. In another forty days we'll all be celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ with our families and friends. For me that means dying Easter eggs and then eating egg salad, (Yes I still color eggs as a 28 year old woman lol :lol And it actually has a religious significance that I will be posting closer to Easter) going to church, devouring Easter candy, and then having a wonderful Easter dinner at my cousin's house with the rest of my family where I will be making my Baptism announcement there. So yeah, I'm extremely excited and looking forward to it. A couple of years ago my mom and I went on an adult Easter egg hunt but it just turned out that we weren't competitive enough, and being out in the freezing cold snow didn't help much either lol. The only upside was the food and the Easter bonnet contest. :) Anyway, remember, although I do believe the importance of having fun and a good time, Easter has and will always be about one thing,.. our risen savior. So yeah, this will be the official countdown until that day (although we really should be celebrating Christ's death and resurrection every day along with His entrance into the world) and I really am looking forward to spending my first Easter here on Christian Forums. :cross 40 days and counting!!

As one in the baby boomer generation, my parents fought WW2 and in the 50's/60's was a profitable time in history. I remember as a kid being smothered with Christmas toys and then 3 large Easter baskets of candy. On Easter day after finding the baskets (Easter Bunny hid them) and coming home from church, I'd indulge all afternoon watching Jeffrey Hunter's "King of Kings" -- this was made in the late 60's so it was a new movie then. Somehow, I don't think the Lord would have exactly approved indulging like that but..... nobody can't say it wasn't fun. I was a thin kid because we'd play outdoors; no video games back then. They were all board games which were really "bored" games. My generation was the first to be spoiled given we had parents that did not want to put us through the hell they were, i.e. the Great Depression and later the world war. They meant well but it was too much handing out to us. Thankfully, I do not require the best of everything and am happy with a used car or if I get a new one I have it many years, so it did not "take". My only weakness, if it should be called that, are computers. I like being on them a lot but that's not for gaming, but communication, education, and other study. Before then it was lots of books and I'd like to do math calculations on papers I had spread all over the place. Bookwormish. :lol Thankfully I am also grounded in the necessities of life. Today, as it is warm, I have to cut some hedges before they bloom. Also, housework often has to be done -- no excessive messes.
39 days and counting!! Woohoo!! :woot
38 days and counting,.. and here's just a couple of songs by Randy Travis that celebrate the love of Christ.

Don't for get the hours and minutes under the days count is considered a day. For example, If Easter was tomorrow, you'd say 1 day. The counter would say zero days and then a certain number of hours underneath it. 23 hours and 59 minutes is still about a day. 12 noon the day before Easter until midnight when Easter starts you would still say "tomorrow" or one day. The counter would say zero days 12 hours and zero minutes. You get the idea.
I'll state a concrete example. Say it's 6AM March 31. You'd say one more day until Easter. The counter would say zero days and 18 hours underneath it (as it's 18 hours until midnight April 1). You are counting by the days only, so whether it's 23 hours to midnight, 18 hours or merely one minute, it's still the day before Easter. That fraction of a day is recorded as the time until midnight. From your stance, just add one to the day it displays and forget about the hours, minutes and seconds underneath it. This timer is for a precision freak like me. You are counting by the days only which is why it's apparently confusing.
Oh okay, now I get it. Well 37 days and counting... or 36 if you'd perfer.
36 days and counting!!! :woot(or 35 if you wish)
Now Easter... That's the one where the rabbit whering elf pants flies around in a 58 Plymouth fury throwing presents at people right?

Have a great day!