Your Official Easter Countdown!! :)

15 more days and counting and this is the last day of the Luck of the Irish thread. For tomorrow I will be starting the new Easter one. :cross
14 more days until Easter and the new thread will be up shortly after I write about what I learned in church today. :cross
13 more days until Easter which is less than two weeks!!! I am so excited about my first Easter being a member of! :woot
On the tenth day of Easter my true love sent to me, an Easter basket full of sweets! Great, now I'm doing it. Lol! :hysterical
As one in the baby boomer generation, my parents fought WW2 and in the 50's/60's was a profitable time in history. I remember as a kid being smothered with Christmas toys and then 3 large Easter baskets of candy. On Easter day after finding the baskets (Easter Bunny hid them) and coming home from church, I'd indulge all afternoon watching Jeffrey Hunter's "King of Kings" -- this was made in the late 60's so it was a new movie then. Somehow, I don't think the Lord would have exactly approved indulging like that but..... nobody can't say it wasn't fun. I was a thin kid because we'd play outdoors; no video games back then. They were all board games which were really "bored" games. My generation was the first to be spoiled given we had parents that did not want to put us through the hell they were, i.e. the Great Depression and later the world war. They meant well but it was too much handing out to us. Thankfully, I do not require the best of everything and am happy with a used car or if I get a new one I have it many years, so it did not "take". My only weakness, if it should be called that, are computers. I like being on them a lot but that's not for gaming, but communication, education, and other study. Before then it was lots of books and I'd like to do math calculations on papers I had spread all over the place. Bookwormish. :lol Thankfully I am also grounded in the necessities of life. Today, as it is warm, I have to cut some hedges before they bloom. Also, housework often has to be done -- no excessive messes.
I remember those days tim, Things seemed a lot less complicated...Then the 60's came along...It has been morally down hill sense. Pony and muscle cars were my weakness...still are, but I fight the urge to spend money on those things. Air conditioning was a rarity in the 40's and 50's. In the summer we would sleep with the windows open with screens in the windows. You would wake up with the birds chirping and the sun coming through the window and the smell of fresh air....ready to get out side and find your friends and roam the neighborhood. The neighborhood movie theater cost 15 cents and they had two matinees with a cartoon in between movies. Going to grandma house was always a joy (got special attention). Everyone went to church. Doctors would make house calls. You learned something in school. We use to think...what a great life..Christmas and Easter. Use to listen to Sky King and Gang Busters on the radio before TV, Then Howdy Duty when TV came out...I'm going on 73. My son, who is 48 tells me the best part of his life was when he did not have to worry about paying bills, which means, we gave our kids a good life...then they grew up. Times have changed.
In Christ
Douglas Summers
"These are Godless times." -Margaret White

So true, but so sad and unfortunate at the same time. :sad
It is now only one week (seven days) until that beautiful resurrection morning, and right now we have Palm Sunday to celebrate. The kids at church were waving them down the aisle today and I thought that it was extremely cute. :)
Less than a week ( six days) to go!!! :woot
Only a few more days until that blessed Easter morn! :cross (and I think I'll dye my Easter eggs tomorrow)
Only a few more days until that blessed Easter morn! :cross (and I think I'll dye my Easter eggs tomorrow)

Brings back memories when I was a kid (we're talking 1960's) my dad had off for Good Friday and that's the day he'd get out lots of newspapers and hard boil eggs. I'd color the eggs over the newspaper using food dye (we'd call it food coloring) and Q-tips. Why we never dunked the eggs I'm not sure, but I'll say this much; my fingertips were a collage of colors that lasted well beyond Easter. :lol
Brings back memories when I was a kid (we're talking 1960's) my dad had off for Good Friday and that's the day he'd get out lots of newspapers and hard boil eggs. I'd color the eggs over the newspaper using food dye (we'd call it food coloring) and Q-tips. Why we never dunked the eggs I'm not sure, but I'll say this much; my fingertips were a collage of colors that lasted well beyond Easter. :lol

Did you know the fact that dying Easter eggs actually is very symbolic in the death and resurrection of Christ? (or at least, it was originally)
Did you know the fact that dying Easter eggs actually is very symbolic in the death and resurrection of Christ? (or at least, it was originally)

There's all sorts of info that relate the traditions to the bible story. All I know is that the egg somehow worked its way in to both Easter and the Passover Seder. The Jews are not sure how it got there amidst the other commands to eat lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread.