[__ Prayer __] Billy Graham

Inadvertently I took a photo of his old resort ,a family friend.the Jones homesteaders,the pier,house still.stand and are as graham would remember it,save one addition.
He also ,from what I heard from a reliable source, surveyors are great for knowledge on history here,Graham stayed near that homesread and until the last of Jones died kept in contact.
Lunch break area when im.finished with the shores route.old ,older then Graham, by 20 or more years
Local stories ,he stayed in vero untIL the 80s ,I know the hotel and he also lived on what I know as the riomar route the riomar house still stands.I haven't photographed that ,yet
I posted this news in current events too. He looked forward to being with the Lord and God knows he suffered terrible ailments until he finally was called home.
I remember my family watching his crusades on TV. What a voice. A man that was certainly called to serve the Lord. Thank you Billy for all those years committed to leading souls to the truth.
That was a beautiful message right there, and even though I am a saved soul it's always good to renew my vows just like some people do in a marriage. This is the true meaning of Easter right here. Praise the Lord that I serve a living God! :cross HE IS RISEN. Read my username, study it, and always remember it.

It would be a great name to consider if a child wizard studying witchcraft wasn't pictured just above it?
It would be a great name to consider if a child wizard studying witchcraft wasn't pictured just above it?

What you never had fun making believe before? Besides,.. that's not what the Bible declares evil. I had a really horrible experience today that I posted right here. Then again, it's only my opinion. It really doesn't matter what I enjoy and what I don't though at the moment. The fact of the matter is,.. He has indeed risen and that's the part that we should be focusing on.


Wonderful memories follow the departure of Pastor Billy Graham. One of the most effective armor clad warriors for Christ on the face of God's green Earth. He shall be missed. He shall be remembered and eternally blessed.
Thank God for you Pastor Graham. The souls you led to eternal salvation are innumerable. What a legacy.
https://unwsp.edu/about/history My college
In a brief four-year tenure, Northwestern's second president, Rev. Billy Graham, launches KTIS and sees the campus move to Memorial Hall in Loring Park. Despite gaining national prominence under Graham, the college temporarily closes in 1966 for restructuring and relocation.


Wonderful memories follow the departure of Pastor Billy Graham. One of the most effective armor clad warriors for Christ on the face of God's green Earth. He shall be missed. He shall be remembered and eternally blessed.
Thank God for you Pastor Graham. The souls you led to eternal salvation are innumerable. What a legacy.
i love that song.