
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
I made up my mind to live like a nut - actually left the truck home today and carelessly put 20.2 miles on the car - yup, first time in eleven months, I drove top down to and from work. :) (Yea, it was 76F here when I left the office at 4:30.)

at work 2018 small.jpg
Actually just using this as a test of the new picture-attaching-thingy....
Maybe I can find a VW to chase..............
(Yes, that is an unmarked Sheriff unit at :48)
Wow Pizza, you were flying down that road! I'm not sure whether or not you're a pizza delivery man, or you just enjoy pizza so that's why you chose it as your username (I don't even know why I watched the video to tell you the truth, probably because I was bored lol :lol)but going at that speed (at least from what I could tell, you definitely would make for a good speedy delivery guy. :)
Pizza you would love the rolling hills in PA with that car
Wow Pizza, you were flying down that road! I'm not sure whether or not you're a pizza delivery man, or you just enjoy pizza so that's why you chose it as your username
I was known for making home made pizza when my boys were young. So much so, that one night, my oldest (he was maybe 10 then) came bouncing into the kitchen and asked,"Hey PizzaDad, is dinner ready yet?"

Soon after, I went for my first email address and tried to get "PizzaDad", but the guy in tech support goofed and asked if I had a second choice. I went with "PizzaGuy".
I was known for making home made pizza when my boys were young. So much so, that one night, my oldest (he was maybe 10 then) came bouncing into the kitchen and asked,"Hey PizzaDad, is dinner ready yet?"

Soon after, I went for my first email address and tried to get "PizzaDad", but the guy in tech support goofed and asked if I had a second choice. I went with "PizzaGuy".
I should use Papacheese, as that is my nick name