Resizing Images


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
Reaction score
Does anybody know how to do this? If so please respond because I could use your help. I want to post a picture of my engagement ring but it wouldn't allow me because it's too big.
Do you have any kind of photo editing software?
If you right click on the picture, a menu will appear. Choose edit, or edit with whatever paint program is on the menu. Just trim away anything unneeded from the picture.
If you right click on the picture, a menu will appear. Choose edit, or edit with whatever paint program is on the menu. Just trim away anything unneeded from the picture.

Thanks! That was very helpful! :) I'm still trying to work out how to save it as that size though and it's making my head hurt lol :lol
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If you have your picture already saved on your computer you can check one of these editing sites . Just upload and crop it or resize, then save.
That's just it. I already tried doing all of that and it won't save. Maybe I can find a YouTube demonstration video.
I'm assuming you are running windoze and two things. In File you should find both or either save, Save As, or/and Export As. Now the second thing. In the Linux World we have a program that does not run better than 1100 dollars by the tie you have it set up to be useful and will do wonders to photos. It is named GIMP for Graphic Image Manipulation Program.

Do not download it from anywhere other than because if you do hackers have gotten to it and added Spyware to it. In linux t atter not but in windoze it does, a lot! GIMP either does or will soon do anything Photo Shop will do and all of the Add Ons are written under he GNU License and therefore are free.

All of the classes on it's use are either pdf files or/and there are youtube videos of how to, anything you wish to do. My favorite is found in the Drop Menue under Colors. It is Curves. With Curves you can recover that photo that is to dark or is to light.

Open Curves and watch your photograph. Move the line from the center or near it and the photo either gets lighter going left and up and darker as you move it down and right.

Then click the top of te pop-up ad if it is to red, choose one of the colors and grab the line and move it to the right until it balances or it pleases your eye. It is a fun and a powerful tool, you'll love it, I restore Photos with all the time for free.
Sorry Taylor but that's all Greek to me buddy. And I got Windows 10. Simple terms please.
Bingo!! There's my engagement ring!! Finally!!! I'll go ahead and post it there then.
Download GIMP fro and nowhere else ad let me know wyen you have done that and we will teach you, the easy way to be a professional photo editor.

I finally got it!! You can now see my real engagement ring and both of my cats in the photography thread. :)
I finally got it!! You can now see my real engagement ring and both of my cats in the photography thread. :)
I saw you did, congrats. If you want to learn any PhotoShopping, download GIMP from the Gimp site and I will teach you all I know about using GIMP.

If you have any that are ripped in two, Scan one and email it to me and I'll restore it to demonstrate the power of GNU (Free) Software.
Thanks! But I prefer keeping my email address private. :) It feels great finally having success though. I wonder if there were days when Jesus wanted to :wall at all of the evil and stupidity that human beings can have sometimes. Because sometimes I believe the same exact thing about technology. :lol
Thanks! But I prefer keeping my email address private. :) It feels great finally having success though. I wonder if there were days when Jesus wanted to :wall at all of the evil and stupidity that human beings can have sometimes. Because sometimes I believe the same exact thing about technology. :lol
Technology is a very dangerous weapon and a wonderful tool. Messihg around with the We you need a generic email from Yahoo, Hotmail, Juno or any of the thousands out there. thhey are free and not traceable back to youe ISP Address..
Technology is a very dangerous weapon and a wonderful tool. Messihg around with the We you need a generic email from Yahoo, Hotmail, Juno or any of the thousands out there. thhey are free and not traceable back to youe ISP Address..

No thanks. I asked my mom about it and she said that there wasn't any need for me to get one so as always... mother knows best. :)