Just Say NO


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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I was going to post this on the rap music that I started in Hot Topics, but I wanted everybody to see this so I thought that I would post it here. Although I am very happy that I will be getting baptized in a few weeks and that will be a great celebration indeed. I just found out that I was a couple of days off about my cousin's birthday before. For the day I get baptized will also have been the day that my cousin would have been twenty-six years old had she not overdosed on Heroin late last year. I thought that she had become clean, but I guess she was getting bullied so much she just couldn't take it anymore. So it has been extremely hard for me since I can really relate to this song. I hate remembering her the way I knew her when I last saw her. She was a totally different person (and I mean that in more ways than one) than when she was a kid. That was back when she was a kid. For that's the way I have been choosing to mourn her loss and I just keep asking myself why did she do this? I don't think that I will ever come to understand that. I thought she was my friend, but if she was,..why would she choose to do this to herself and make me feel so hurt, totally confused, and helpless? :crying Drugs are no joke. Trust me when I say that. (By the way, to all of the moderators reading if this, if you feel like this topic would be better off in Hot Topics you can move it, but I thought it was more like a public service announcement. Drug addiction doesn't just eventually kill you, but it also winds up destroying your family and friends in the end as well)

My two closest friends from childhood -- neither made it past 25 -- cuz of heroin.

Now its 40 years later -- am I still here partly because what happenned to them scared me away from it?
I dunno.

But you, Risen, you will be baptized and you are still here.
My two closest friends from childhood -- neither made it past 25 -- cuz of heroin.

Now its 40 years later -- am I still here partly because what happenned to them scared me away from it?
I dunno.

But you, Risen, you will be baptized and you are still here.

That's because I live by the following philosophy;



It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
Bullying does cause a break down in the psych part of the mind as it messes with your emotions and emotions can be very deceiving at times. This leaves one with no self-esteem that will cause them to turn to alternatives to ease their pain and eventually lose their life. If anyone knows such a person please reach out to them before it's to late.

Good post HeIsRisen2018
Thanks, at least she knew Jesus and so I believe that she's in Heaven now but I just wanted to let you all know that God has a plan and purpose for your life. There's always something better around the corner. I often wonder if there was more that I could have done to reach out to her. I would like to tell you that I don't really blame myself for it, but I often do. :sad I was bullied too but luckily for me Joe talked me out of ending my life and going down that road and thank God (seriously) that I'm never going to go down that road again. That involved a knife not drugs but still, that would have destroyed my family if I had wound up harming myself like that. They never found out what I was planning to do either. I never had the heart to tell them.