I Want Jesus! (to the tune of I Want Candy!)


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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So last Halloween I made up a song parody to the I Want Candy song by Aaron Carter and I figured that I would make one for Easter. Sure I still am very excited about getting my Easter candy tomorrow, but this song is dedicated about my excitement for my salvation more. So here's the original song by Aaron Carter, and the lyrics to my parody so you can use them instead.

I know a Savior that's humble and sweet,
on Easter morn I celebrate that He died for me.
My Salvation is what I desire,
my love for the Lord is on fire.


Oh,.. I want Jesus!
I want Jesus!
I want Jesus!
I want Jesus!

I'm going to Heaven after I die,
because of the fact that He gave me life.
You're my Lord and King forever,
oh I'm so glad that I made you my Savior.


Well tonight's the night when the Easter Bunny comes to town.
He will be handing out Easter baskets all around.
Although I can't want until I get mine,
I would rather have Jesus anytime!


He'll rise again in the morning time,
stepping into the bright sunshine,
He conquered death you see,
Yes He died for you and me.
All I want is my Savior!
(hey, hey, hey, hey)
All I want is my Savior!
Yes all I need is my Savior!
Thanks Papa Zoom! I emailed it to my pastor too because I figured that he would like it as well. I'll have to post the Halloween one I made at Halloween because I think that it's really cute too. :) I can't wait until tomorrow though! First Easter services at church, then Easter dinner at my cousin's. And of course I will be snacking on my Easter candy in-between. :lol Right now my mother just went to pick up Arby's. I'm having a special Easter chocolate milkshake. And I'm trying to get her to boil my eggs so I can color them. So that part is still a work in progress, but she should boil them as soon as she gets back. We have an egg maker attached to our coffee maker like this, and it really makes some good hard boiled eggs that are really easy to peel and I love making yummy egg salad sandwiches with them. But yeah, this is the one that we have.
