Your Official Easter Countdown!! :)

Wow!! Today is Good Friday already (the day that Jesus died on the cross) and there are only a couple more days until resurrection morning. What a beautiful, glorious day that was when we all knew that everything suddenly changed and that we were all reconciled with the Father. Sure that technically might have happened when Jesus died, but it was certainly a beautiful sign at a chance for a new life when He rose again. :cross
Well today is Easter Eve which means that tomorrow is Easter already. I'm going to do my eggs sometime this weekend. I just couldn't do them yesterday because my mom didn't have time to boil them after work. But like I told her, even though I really want to color them before Easter, that isn't what Easter is really about so it wouldn't be that big of a deal if I did them afterwards. Just like I do love getting to eat my Easter candy, but even I didn't get it at all, I still have my salvation and that's worth all of the candy in the world. :cross
Well today is Easter Eve which means that tomorrow is Easter already. I'm going to do my eggs sometime this weekend. I just couldn't do them yesterday because my mom didn't have time to boil them after work. But like I told her, even though I really want to color them before Easter, that isn't what Easter is really about so it wouldn't be that big of a deal if I did them afterwards. Just like I do love getting to eat my Easter candy, but even I didn't get it at all, I still have my salvation and that's worth all of the candy in the world. :cross

Just curious, why couldn't you boil your own eggs? I was under the impression you were a young adult lady.
Just curious, why couldn't you boil your own eggs? I was under the impression you were a young adult lady.

Because I have disabilities and my mother tells me that it's too hard for me to do myself. I can color them myself though and they are boiling right now! :woot
We have a fancy egg making machine for the record.
OK. Yeah, it is hot water you don't want to get on yourself. While I don't have any disabilities, I tend to be clumsy and I have to watch out for stuff like that as well. It can be dangerous. Would not even want a young girl to do that unless she had cooking classes in middle school or wherever. Hope your mom finds some time. Happy Easter!
OK. Yeah, it is hot water you don't want to get on yourself. While I don't have any disabilities, I tend to be clumsy and I have to watch out for stuff like that as well. It can be dangerous. Would not even want a young girl to do that unless she had cooking classes in middle school or wherever. Hope your mom finds some time. Happy Easter!

Same to you. Thank you and God bless! :hug(maybe I will learn someday I already finished my coloring my eggs and I will be posting a picture of them tomorrow on the other Easter thread that I started.
Well today's finally the day!! It's the last day of our Easter countdown for this year!! Happy Easter everybody!! God bless, be sure to tune in next year, and stay tuned for all of our official holiday countdowns!!

