Bible Study God Is Sorry He Made the Pope and Mary


May 17, 2010
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God Is Sorry He Made the Pope and Mary
In the Book of Genesis in the 6thchapter of the 6th verse God states that he is sorry that he made man.

God regretted creating man yet promised mankind a redeemer to restore the trust between man and God. So how could a redeemer be chosen that could rise above the regret that God felt towards man when all men are now cast in the same disapprobation.

We must remember that Jesus Christ is God become man (hint: virgin birth). Since Jesus Christ is God become man then only Jesus Christ is capable of rising above God's regret in having created man simply because Jesus Christ was not created!

So in order for any person to claim that they are the 'messiah' that person would have to be someone who was not under the same regret as all other men when God uttered his lament of Genesis 6:6 at having grieved for creating man in the first place.

Only Jesus Christ could offer his sinless life as a sacrifice on the cross as the true Messiah since Jesus Christ is God's only Son who became man, not created, so as to rise above God the Father's heart felt pain of having created man.

Simply put Jesus Christ is God become man and not a created man. For any created man is under the cloud of God the Father's eternal regret as stated in Genesis 6:6. It is interesting that the Antichrist will have to demonstrate that he is both man and God and not a created being for the same reason as Jesus Christ is God 's Son become man.

It is interesting that the Pope, all the Saints, and even Mary are all created beings and therefore fall under God's disapprobation and lament of Genesis 6:6. People still insist that Mary the Mother of God has some divine nature that makes her sinless yet she still falls under the cloud of having been created and therefore finds herself needing her very own son to cleanse her of God's regret and grief for being a created being.

Rest assured that Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ, as well as all other believers in Jesus Christ, have a new body and name in heaven that does not cause God any grief or regret.

Just consider that since God created man in his image then any regrets or grief surrounding man forces God to regret and grieve his very own self (hint: tattoos, piercings, makeup, seductive clothes, etc. are not a very good idea). That is why those who fail to receive the offer of forgiveness, and a new body, shall be thrown into hell where God said that he will remember them no more, nor will they ever be seen again.

Satan's greatest pleasure is to disgrace God by trashing mankind who was created in God's image.

Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the only son of God, who must be God as a man so as to negate the regret of God the Father in having created man. Then you'll obtain forgiveness for all of your sins and gain life eternal with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit.

God Bless
Mary being Jewish in her heritage was only a vessel of purity that God chose to work through as she was in the lineage of King David in whom Messiah was to come through in God's timing. She is only called more blessed than other women just for this fact of being chosen to birth the Christ child and was never to be held up high on a pedestal and worshipped. The Pope I will not get into for the ToS prevents me from doing so, but can say to look up and study about Cush's son Nimrod the Great Grandson of Noah who rebelled against God and established Babylon.

It did repent God that He created man as the generations after Adam grew and fell away from God except one named Noah in whom God found favor in and through Noah gave a fresh beginning, but soon sin found its place again starting with Ham (Grandfather of Nimrod) seeing Noah laying naked in the confines of his own tent and called his brothers, Shem and Japheth, to go in and cover him up as they did, but walked backwards not to see Noah's nakedness, Genesis 9:20-27.

Jesus purpose even before the foundation of the world was our redeemer through Gods grace as it was in the beginning will be until the end.
People still insist that Mary the Mother of God has some divine nature
Mary is the mother of Jesus Who is God in flesh. That is why she is called "the Mother of God."
The original word was the Greek word "theotokos" which means "God bearer" but when it was translated into Latin it became "the mother of God."
The word "theotokos" affirms that Jesus is God the Son.

Jesus has a divine nature and a human nature.

Mary is 100% human being.
Mary is the mother of Jesus Who is God in flesh. That is why she is called "the Mother of God."
The original word was the Greek word "theotokos" which means "God bearer" but when it was translated into Latin it became "the mother of God."
The word "theotokos" affirms that Jesus is God the Son.

Jesus has a divine nature and a human nature.

Mary is 100% human being.
Don't be surprised if you're challenged on that part in bold.
Great post!
Mary is the mother of Jesus Who is God in flesh. That is why she is called "the Mother of God."

Here is the Reality for those who enjoy the Truth.


the Vatican Council II :

"""""" At the end of her life, Mary was assumed BODY and soul into heaven """"

""""""Pope Pius XII effectively summarized the core reasons Christians ought to honor Mary with the title of " Queen of Heaven and Earth"
“When she became mother of the creator, she truly became queen of every creature.”

"""" Just like angels, Mary is very present and attentive to those experiencing challenges.
Mary will often pick folks who are walking a difficult path and walk beside them—regardless of whether she has been formally called upon.
Mary's presence acts as a witness to our suffering, and she never leaves our side until the storm passes and the sun is shining again.
Angels are tenderhearted, and Mary is likewise very compassionate. That means Mary will work earnestly to plead your case with Spirit and alert the appropriate angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended masters to your plight. In this way Mary can bring more grace and mercy into your life. She might even call on her son, Jesus, to help you!
If you call on Mary, or if she decides on her own to come to your aid, don't be surprised if you experience an increase of feelings like calmness and courage. """


Here is the Reality for those who enjoy the Truth.


the Vatican Council II :

"""""" At the end of her life, Mary was assumed BODY and soul into heaven """"

""""""Pope Pius XII effectively summarized the core reasons Christians ought to honor Mary with the title of " Queen of Heaven and Earth"
“When she became mother of the creator, she truly became queen of every creature.”

"""" Just like angels, Mary is very present and attentive to those experiencing challenges.
Mary will often pick folks who are walking a difficult path and walk beside them—regardless of whether she has been formally called upon.
Mary's presence acts as a witness to our suffering, and she never leaves our side until the storm passes and the sun is shining again.
Angels are tenderhearted, and Mary is likewise very compassionate. That means Mary will work earnestly to plead your case with Spirit and alert the appropriate angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended masters to your plight. In this way Mary can bring more grace and mercy into your life. She might even call on her son, Jesus, to help you!
If you call on Mary, or if she decides on her own to come to your aid, don't be surprised if you experience an increase of feelings like calmness and courage. """
Unlike a spiritually deaf, dumb and blind man, I believe nothing any Pope has ever proclaimed without scriptural support, where is you support from the Word of God?
Here is the Reality for those who enjoy the Truth.


the Vatican Council II :

"""""" At the end of her life, Mary was assumed BODY and soul into heaven """"

""""""Pope Pius XII effectively summarized the core reasons Christians ought to honor Mary with the title of " Queen of Heaven and Earth"
“When she became mother of the creator, she truly became queen of every creature.”

"""" Just like angels, Mary is very present and attentive to those experiencing challenges.
Mary will often pick folks who are walking a difficult path and walk beside them—regardless of whether she has been formally called upon.
Mary's presence acts as a witness to our suffering, and she never leaves our side until the storm passes and the sun is shining again.
Angels are tenderhearted, and Mary is likewise very compassionate. That means Mary will work earnestly to plead your case with Spirit and alert the appropriate angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended masters to your plight. In this way Mary can bring more grace and mercy into your life. She might even call on her son, Jesus, to help you!
If you call on Mary, or if she decides on her own to come to your aid, don't be surprised if you experience an increase of feelings like calmness and courage. """


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Spirit guides and ascended masters?!? Where does this come from?
Unlike a spiritually deaf, dumb and blind man, I believe nothing any Pope has ever proclaimed without scriptural support, where is you support from the Word of God?
I'm thinking it is tongue in cheek what Kidron posted as "truth".
I've read his writing before and it is very good and in keeping with scripture. But that part with the Catholic doctrine saying Mary became the mother of every living creature when she became mother of the creator, is just far fetched. God has no mother.
I'm thinking it is tongue in cheek what Kidron posted as "truth".
I've read his writing before and it is very good and in keeping with scripture. But that part with the Catholic doctrine saying Mary became the mother of every living creature when she became mother of the creator, is just far fetched. God has no mother.
Yes, but we are either stewards of His Word or we are not His and far to many young children, lost men and baby Christians are prone to read these comments. Do we want, even the least of these mislead?
Yes, but we are either stewards of His Word or we are not His and far to many young children, lost men and baby Christians are prone to read these comments. Do we want, even the least of these mislead?
Kidron's remarks won't mislead anyone who seeks the truth of God in Christ. He has a wonderful gift of bringing the truth of God's word to this forum.
IMO, Kidron is a righteous steward. God guides him to teach here.
Kidron's remarks won't mislead anyone who seeks the truth of God in Christ. He has a wonderful gift of bringing the truth of God's word to this forum.
IMO, Kidron is a righteous steward. God guides him to teach here.
And i did not try to impune him in any fashion. You are expressing a knee jerk reaction. When any ¿Christian? cannot be move by any other Christian to be a better Christian, Christianity is dead. I have been rebuked in these forums several times and in meditation determined the bearer was right and effected a change in myself. And I'll end this exchange with How will our blessings grow when we do not hold YHWH and His Word reverently? That is a rhetorical question, not meant to be publicly answered.
Unlike a spiritually deaf, dumb and blind man, I believe nothing any Pope has ever proclaimed without scriptural support, where is you support from the Word of God?

Hey, I just got here 4-5-2018, @ 1:06 central time.
Sorry if im late to your formal accusation? :)...or did I misread your labeling the Pope as someone who always uses scripture and Kidron as someone who never posts any?
Well, honestly, I posted my previous post (which you are hammering about) directly from the Pope's handbook, (Vatican Council II).

and this part from the posted wedsite LINK...... (notice the Quotations).

"""" Just like angels, Mary is very present and attentive to those experiencing challenges.
Mary will often pick folks who are walking a difficult path and walk beside them—regardless of whether she has been formally called upon.
Mary's presence acts as a witness to our suffering, and she never leaves our side until the storm passes and the sun is shining again.
Angels are tenderhearted, and Mary is likewise very compassionate. That means Mary will work earnestly to plead your case with Spirit and alert the appropriate angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended masters to your plight. In this way Mary can bring more grace and mercy into your life. She might even call on her son, Jesus, to help you!
If you call on Mary, or if she decides on her own to come to your aid, don't be surprised if you experience an increase of feelings like calmness and courage. """


So, Brother th1b Taylor, Of course Mary Worship is Crazy and nutty like a fruit cake, however I didn't author all that mental mania , I quoted it from an Online Site devoted to Mary Worship, which would of course be a Catholic Site, and I posted the LINK above the quotes.

Finally, and honestly,..... I dont think I need to post scriptures from a NT to any Real Christian to try to explain that Mary is not the "Queen of Heaven", and she didn't bodily ascend into heaven as did Jesus, and she is not going to meet you when you die with a new set of golden beads and hand you her Crown on you way to meet Christ and His Father.
As a matter of fact, and even tho Mary is truly blessed among women, (because she was chosen to carry the Incarnation in her womb), .... = If She was here, she would tell all Mary Worshipers and all Catholics that "you must not worship me, I was not a perpetual virgin, I did not hang on a Cross for you, I had other children, and I did not ascend into heaven, and you have to stop with this heretical cultish devilish worship of me, and instead Give your Heart's to Jesus and your Life to God and GROW UP.

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This too is long overdue to be said.
What would compel someone to state God is sorry he made Francis and the mother of Emmanuel?

Francis is a Christian and a son of God. Mary was the woman, the blessed vessel God chose to deliver his only begotten son to the world through. God's sorry he did that?

Only if we're to be led to believe God is sorry he saved the world from sin through his divine gift of grace with the birth of his only begotten son's human mother. And then Francis, who is as we all are, in the body of Christ.

Who impugns God that way? God is sorry he made Francis and Mary.
I.E. God created mistakes he regrets.
Uh huh.
Hey, I just got here 4-5-2018, @ 1:06 central time.
Sorry if im late to your formal accusation? :)...or did I misread your labeling the Pope as someone who always uses scripture and Kidron as someone who never posts any?
Well, honestly, I posted my previous post (which you are hammering about) directly from the Pope's handbook, (Vatican Council II).

and this part from the posted wedsite LINK...... (notice the Quotations).

"""" Just like angels, Mary is very present and attentive to those experiencing challenges.
Mary will often pick folks who are walking a difficult path and walk beside them—regardless of whether she has been formally called upon.
Mary's presence acts as a witness to our suffering, and she never leaves our side until the storm passes and the sun is shining again.
Angels are tenderhearted, and Mary is likewise very compassionate. That means Mary will work earnestly to plead your case with Spirit and alert the appropriate angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended masters to your plight. In this way Mary can bring more grace and mercy into your life. She might even call on her son, Jesus, to help you!
If you call on Mary, or if she decides on her own to come to your aid, don't be surprised if you experience an increase of feelings like calmness and courage. """

So,th1b Taylor, Of course Mary Worship is Crazy and nutty like a fruit cake, however I didn't write all that mental mania , I quoted it from an Online Site devoted to Mary Worship, which would of course be a Catholic Site, and I posted the LINK above the quotes.

Finally, and honestly,..... I dont think I need to post scriptures from a NT to any Real Christian to try to explain that Mary is not the "Queen of Heaven", and she didn't bodily ascend into heaven as did Jesus, and she is not going to meet you when you die with a new set of golden beads and hand you her Crown on you way to meet Christ and His Father.
As a matter of fact, and even tho Mary is truly blessed among women, (because she was chosen to carry the Incarnation in her womb), .... = If She was here, she would tell all Mary Worshipers and all Catholics that "you must not worship me, I was not a perpetual virgin, I did not hang on a Cross for you, I had other children, and I did not ascend into heaven, and you have to stop with this heretical cultish devilish worship of me, and instead Give your Heart's to Jesus and your Life to God and GROW UP.

I have closed this. It's not a bible study anyway and should be in hot topics. But it's not going well so it will stay closed.