- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
God Is Sorry He Made the Pope and Mary
In the Book of Genesis in the 6thchapter of the 6th verse God states that he is sorry that he made man.
God regretted creating man yet promised mankind a redeemer to restore the trust between man and God. So how could a redeemer be chosen that could rise above the regret that God felt towards man when all men are now cast in the same disapprobation.
We must remember that Jesus Christ is God become man (hint: virgin birth). Since Jesus Christ is God become man then only Jesus Christ is capable of rising above God's regret in having created man simply because Jesus Christ was not created!
So in order for any person to claim that they are the 'messiah' that person would have to be someone who was not under the same regret as all other men when God uttered his lament of Genesis 6:6 at having grieved for creating man in the first place.
Only Jesus Christ could offer his sinless life as a sacrifice on the cross as the true Messiah since Jesus Christ is God's only Son who became man, not created, so as to rise above God the Father's heart felt pain of having created man.
Simply put Jesus Christ is God become man and not a created man. For any created man is under the cloud of God the Father's eternal regret as stated in Genesis 6:6. It is interesting that the Antichrist will have to demonstrate that he is both man and God and not a created being for the same reason as Jesus Christ is God 's Son become man.
It is interesting that the Pope, all the Saints, and even Mary are all created beings and therefore fall under God's disapprobation and lament of Genesis 6:6. People still insist that Mary the Mother of God has some divine nature that makes her sinless yet she still falls under the cloud of having been created and therefore finds herself needing her very own son to cleanse her of God's regret and grief for being a created being.
Rest assured that Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ, as well as all other believers in Jesus Christ, have a new body and name in heaven that does not cause God any grief or regret.
Just consider that since God created man in his image then any regrets or grief surrounding man forces God to regret and grieve his very own self (hint: tattoos, piercings, makeup, seductive clothes, etc. are not a very good idea). That is why those who fail to receive the offer of forgiveness, and a new body, shall be thrown into hell where God said that he will remember them no more, nor will they ever be seen again.
Satan's greatest pleasure is to disgrace God by trashing mankind who was created in God's image.
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the only son of God, who must be God as a man so as to negate the regret of God the Father in having created man. Then you'll obtain forgiveness for all of your sins and gain life eternal with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit.
God Bless