Your Official Christmas Countdown


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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Hello everybody!! Welcome to the biggest and merriest countdown of the year!! :wootRight now it's twenty-four days and counting to Christmas Day and twenty-three days and counting until Christmas Eve! I am SO excited!!! :sohappy

Darn it John!! Halloween,.. Christmas,.. why do you always make me want to eat my computer screen? :lol
Twenty-three days until Christmas and twenty-two days until Christmas Eve! :woot2:woot2:woot2:woot2
Twenty-two days and counting until Christmas, and twenty one days and counting until Christmas Eve! :biggrin Btw, just like at Halloween, on Christmas Day the "Mickey's Merriest Christmas" celebration will be posted on my other Christmas thread. :)
Twenty-one days until Christmas, and only twenty days until Christmas Eve! :biggrin2
Twenty days and counting until Christmas and just nineteen until Christmas Eve believe it or not! :sohappy
Nineteen days until Christmas and eighteen days until Christmas Eve! :biggrin2
Eighteen days and counting until Christmas and seventeen days and counting until Christmas Eve! :woot
Just seventeen days until Christmas and only sixteen more days until Christmas Eve! :boing
Sixteen days until Christmas and only just fifteen more until Christmas Eve! :sohappy
Well now it's exactly two more weeks until Christmas Eve and just fifteen more days until Christmas! :woot
Thirteen more days and counting until Christmas Eve, and only twelve more days and counting until Christmas. :biggrin
Hey guys, a couple of things I just wanted to say,.. first of all I hope that all of you were doing the motions to twelve days of Christmas, but there was a bit of a goof. On Tuesday there was two weeks until Christmas and thirteen more until Christmas Eve, yesterday there was thirteen days until Christmas and twelve more until Christmas Eve, and now today there's twelve more days till Christmas and eleven more until Christmas Eve. :biggrin (sorry, I tried to go back to fix this but it wouldn't let me.) :oops
Eleven days until Christmas and just ten more until Christmas Eve! :woot
Just ten more days and counting now until Christmas and nine more until Christmas Eve! :sohappy