[__ Science __ ] Dreams


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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I was just wondering do they ever mean anything? Why exactly do we dream anyway? And how is it that a lot of the time a part of my body (like my head) hurts in one of my dreams and then when I wake it up I find out that it actually does for real? Also, interestingly enough, apparently you can learn to control your dreams. :chin Or so I've heard anyways where people are told what they're supposed to dream and then are put into a hypnotic state. Wow, if only I had that kind of power. :idea
That photo was in my photo in the image I saw its stucco fading to reveal clay bricks,I remember taking about the original sanctuary which still stands and having a Sunday school class upstairs but something odd about catholic views that contradicted things . The image ,and view of the original sanctuary is real,the upstairs and Sunday school isnt .I have been inside the church ,no such upper floor In it exists.however it does have a school,nunnery that are two story .never been in them .

I have many dreams like these
Last night I had a dream that I was flying in a hot air balloon, which was a lot better than the dream that I had a couple nights ago that was about clowns and spiders. That was more like a nightmare! :shock
I dream a lot and some of them have been warnings..
A long time ago I used to have bad nightmares. I read somewhere that you can turn your nightmares around and find an escape from whatever is a threat. So I started telling myself before I went to sleep I would that. It worked.
Some people say your subconscious is working your problems out while you are asleep. Others say you dream about your fears and wishes, and others say it is just your brain playing silly games :lol
You can of course be spoken to by God in a dream.
A couple years ago ,the innards of this was mixed in a dream with big blue, It begged that i tell the story of it.nothing bad but I woke up.pondering what occurred last month, long before it would happen.units talked,doors opened. They knew me ,came to life ,took human form .
That photo was in my photo in the image I saw its stucco fading to reveal clay bricks,I remember taking about the original sanctuary which still stands and having a Sunday school class upstairs but something odd about catholic views that contradicted things . The image ,and view of the original sanctuary is real,the upstairs and Sunday school isnt .I have been inside the church ,no such upper floor In it exists.however it does have a school,nunnery that are two story .never been in them .

I have many dreams like these
Dreams like that make you think there is a message in it.
Dreams like that make you think there is a message in it.
I have had many like that .some very vivid,this one wasnt. Mine can be in color ,or black and white ,very dark if the latter. But not always.usualy apocalyptic or traveling dreams.the aussie pines,Clemmons elementary and the pizza place In the aussie pines and train .never got that one but my favorite
I dream a lot and some of them have been warnings..
A long time ago I used to have bad nightmares. I read somewhere that you can turn your nightmares around and find an escape from whatever is a threat. So I started telling myself before I went to sleep I would that. It worked.
Some people say your subconscious is working your problems out while you are asleep. Others say you dream about your fears and wishes, and others say it is just your brain playing silly games :lol
You can of course be spoken to by God in a dream.

He actually did speak to me in dreams and given me visions of Him and the Kingdom of Heaven before as well. :)
I have had many like that .some very vivid,this one wasnt. Mine can be in color ,or black and white ,very dark if the latter. But not always.usualy apocalyptic or traveling dreams.the aussie pines,Clemmons elementary and the pizza place In the aussie pines and train .never got that one but my favorite
I can't remember ever dreaming in black and white.
Hey we're all gonna have dream a tonight. Hope they're nice ones.
I can't remember ever dreaming in black and white.
Hey we're all gonna have dream a tonight. Hope they're nice ones.
I don't mind some of mine. ironically the places or things i have dreamt of in a weird connected way is either where I wound up going, things I liked to photo. train tracks, being one and bridges. there was a bridge I was terrified of as a boy, scary bridge.jpg
the one on the left is the one, it was shorter but its grade is steeper then the current one heading south. I hated driving that until about the time got saved.
Well I may have to find a way to photo that bridge i swore they tore it down. The plaque of it ,its name is interesting.
Why what's it called?
Thomas b manual bridge. let me post his info. there was a plaque on both sides of the bridge. they seldom remove them but move them and place them on the new bridge. such is the case with the merril p barber bridge. and here is a pier.

a local one, my wife is in this photo on the left. it was a wooden one supported by creosote poles until 2004.

the plaque for this is in the video and is located at the base of the new one he mentions and I drove that a lot. that water tower to the right is gone

local politics is why I found that interesting. Leroy Collins is on plaques here as well as dan mcarty. I have photos of one of them in ft.pierce. mclarty museum is a local one and named for him. so is the high school. died early in office.