Tessa for_his_glory
Well ladies...
looks like no one is interested in peeling garlic.
Go figure!
So here are a few ways:
1. Divide the cloves.
Soak them in warm water overnight.
Cut the bottom off.
The skin should come right off.
I use this method. I do a lot at one time and store the cloves in a pretty jar. They don't last long!
2. Cut the bottom of the garlic.
Place it on a wooden cutting board.
Crush with a large knife.
The skin will fall right off.
Not toooo hard (it's already dead).
This, however, must be used immediately but is very quick.
3. This will work but only for garlic that is dry.
Cut off the bottom.
Place in a small bottle.
Shake up and down till skin falls off.
I know...I didn't believe it either. The only problem is that here where I live it's rather humid, so this won't work well.
Also, you need a strong arm...so it's not my favorite method.
That's it!
We didn't get any other ideas.
Oh. And dontcha love that beautiful image of garlic that I used for the O.P.?
Dontcha just wanna fry something up with it?