The Crooked Spire

There are many more if you go to your search engine and type in historic homes in Titusville, Pennsylvania you can see many more. They are so beautiful
I love how the listing of past Vicars goes back only to the start of the Anglican Church in 1558...with the death of Mary...AKA Bloody Mary and installation of Elizabeth as Queen.

The church itself is much older and as such had to once be a part of the Roman (Catholic) Empire...but Henry VIII seized it during the English Reformation.

I love how the listing of past Vicars goes back only to the start of the Anglican Church in 1558...with the death of Mary...AKA Bloody Mary and installation of Elizabeth as Queen.

The church itself is much older and as such had to once be a part of the Roman (Catholic) Empire...but Henry VIII seized it during the English Reformation.


That is true
Manchester cathedral was Catholic until seized by the Anglican. Many more went in the same direction.
That is true
Manchester cathedral was Catholic until seized by the Anglican. Many more went in the same direction.
That's the part that's somewhat confusing and interesting

Henry started the Anglican Church, his daughter Mary reversed it, and then Elizabeth restarted it.
But the line of Vicars only goes to Elizabeth.
They look a little like what we call here "Victorian" since ours were built around the time of Queen Victoria. Lovely old houses. My son is in the process of remodeling one now.

We call them Victorian also. There are many here, but some have not been kept up very well and that's sad because they are so beautiful in the architect.
They look a little like what we call here "Victorian" since ours were built around the time of Queen Victoria. Lovely old houses. My son is in the process of remodeling one now.
The church's construction was completed in the 14th Century; we'd classify this style as Gothic architecture.
The house which your son is remodelling, sounds like an amazing project. Is he remodelling it to compliment the natural features, or is he giving it a more modern touch?