Reptiles and Amphibians


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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Okay, so I was originally going to title this thread; "The Turtle Club" because besides a dog right now what I want more than anything is a turtle because I actually never had a turtle before and I just miss having a dog,.. (especially since they show you more loyalty than cats do as much as cats are still my favorite animal and always will be) however, I really like frogs too and I wouldn't mind owning one of those someday, as well as a lizard or an iguana. :)

I still can't stand snakes though! Although I love animals rats and snakes are the only animals that I can't stand! I actually even like tarantulas a little bit believe it or not, but since my mother can't stand spiders of any kind I know that I stand absolutely no chance in getting one of those which since they aren't really one of my favorite creatures then I really couldn't care any less for that. :shrug Anyways, I was just wondering, how many different kind of amphibians are there? I do believe there's only frogs, newts, and salamanders if I remember correctly. :thinking

So does anybody else here like reptiles and amphibians? I prefer mammals and birds more myself but I would rather own some sort of lizard than a fish just because they're more interesting to me (and Jessie wouldn't try to eat it :lol) even though I still like watching them. :) Does anybody here actually own a turtle, frog, or some kind of reptile of some sort? And if you do, do you have any advice for somebody like me who would actually consider getting one someday?
Lol! That's alright they aren't for everybody. Even frogs and turtles though?
No frogs or turtles either.
I find some turtles in my yard once in awhile, I just leave them alone.
I do feed the squirrels and birds though.
I go on the back porch and give them a call, (squirrel noises) and they come, lol.
They love my cornbread!
Sometimes I prop my door open to get some fresh air in the house, and they will come in, a little ways, then I tell them to get, and they listen.
We had a crew here recently, to put a new roof on, and they were eating their lunch outside, and they said, soon as they opened their lunch bag, about 6 squirrels came running to them, lol. Freaked some out.
I have raised some, during a hurricane one time, a tree fell and took out their nest, they were babies in there.
Didn't keep them long though!
I like snakes and wouldn't mind having one as a pet one day. The pet store here sells feeder mice, so food wouldn't be a problem. (I've fed the feeder mice to my cat on some occasions.)
I like snakes and wouldn't mind having one as a pet one day. The pet store here sells feeder mice, so food wouldn't be a problem. (I've fed the feeder mice to my cat on some occasions.)

Really?? Eww,.. don't get me wrong I like you very much but owning a snake is the same thing to me as having April repellent you wouldn't catch me in the same house as somebody who owned one unless they promised to keep it behind glass. (Not that I live anywhere near you because I don't and I don't think I even know where you're from.)
I like snakes and wouldn't mind having one as a pet one day. The pet store here sells feeder mice, so food wouldn't be a problem. (I've fed the feeder mice to my cat on some occasions.)
To each his own, lol.
I had some friends that had one, they bought mice for it.
Even had some frozen in the freezer.
I was very weary when over there, scared it would
To each his own, lol.
I had some friends that had one, they bought mice for it.
Even had some frozen in the freezer.
I was very weary when over there, scared it would

I don't blame you in the slightest bit lol! Which is exactly why if you read in the post above you for me to enter a house with a snake it has to be locked up tight light the ones in the zoo.
Also for the other turtle lovers like myself out there reading this, check this little guy or girl out! I found out that a little while ago that it's a snapping turtle but it looks like something prehistoric to me. :eek2(I already posted this in the photo gallery as well but this is just in case you haven't seen it yet.)

I haven't finished my morning coffee so I thought for a second tadpoles turned into turtles. Lol. Acturally it was frogs that I had not turtles. I always wanted a turtle.

I used to catch frogs and lizards and keep them as pets.
I haven't finished my morning coffee so I thought for a second tadpoles turned into turtles. Lol. Acturally it was frogs that I had not turtles. I always wanted a turtle.

I used to catch frogs and lizards and keep them as pets.

Speaking of turtles, even if you're not a fan of them,.. how can you not like these guys? :wink

I used to be a animal freak. I loved animals and had so many. Not sure why my parents allowed me to have so many. This is what I had at one single time.

12 Mice
10 Fish
4 Frogs
1 Rabbits
8 Guinea pigs
4 Lizards
6 Birds (budgies, finches and quails)

Can't remember what else still haven't finished coffee.

I even did volunteer vet service and helped operate on cats and go do horse checks when I was like 10. Lol. I was vets assistant in surgery. I was like a animal doctor. Lol.
I used to be a animal freak. I loved animals and had so many. Not sure why my parents allowed me to have so many. This is what I had at one single time.

12 Mice
10 Fish
4 Frogs
1 Rabbits
8 Guinea pigs
4 Lizards
6 Birds (budgies, finches and quails)

Can't remember what else still haven't finished coffee.

I even did volunteer vet service and helped operate on cats and go do horse checks when I was like 10. Lol. I was vets assistant in surgery. I was like a animal doctor. Lol.

Wow, that is a lot, but didn't you ever have a dog? And I feel sort of bad for you, sounds like you constantly had to be picking up poop. :lol
Oh yeah and maybe you can answer the question for me on how many different kind of animals classify as amphibians.
Wow, that is a lot, but didn't you ever have a dog? And I feel sort of bad for you, sounds like you constantly had to be picking up poop. :lol

We had a dog but it kept jumping the fence so we gave it to a good home, i was so depressed still scares me to this day I will never forget the day I come home from school and my dog was gone, but it went out on a farm to live a good life with good family.

Oh yeah, I also had a duck when I was like 4, down the lake there were hundreds of ducks and swans and we moved so had to let it free to live a good life with the other ducks. But every time we took it the water it kept following us back to the car. Finally we had to run back to the car and drive away.

I tell you the truth my heart had never been ripped so hard. I'm still scared for life from that moment from when I was like 4yo. It still depresses me. I miss my duck. Its name was Donald. My parents should not have taken me when they released it.
We had a dog but it kept jumping the fence so we gave it to a good home, i was so depressed still scares me to this day I will never forget the day I come home from school and my dog was gone, but it went out on a farm to live a good life with good family.

Oh yeah, I also had a duck when I was like 4, down the lake there were hundreds of ducks and swans and we moved so had to let it free to live a good life with the other ducks. But every time we took it the water it kept following us back to the car. Finally we had to run back to the car and drive away.

I tell you the truth my heart had never been ripped so hard. I'm still scared for life from that moment from when I was like 4yo. It still depresses me. I miss my duck. Its name was Donald. My parents should not have taken me when they released it.

I'mreally sorry to hear that,.. :( Donald's a perfect name for a duck though. :lol
I'mreally sorry to hear that,.. :sad Donald's a perfect name for a duck though. :lol

It was only like a year ago I was around the area so I stopped at the lake and called Donald's name in the hopes he might hear my voice. Lol. That's how much it scar me. But it's like 34 years later so he's probably dead. Hopefully he had a good life and made a family. The pond is great, there is hundreds of ducks, geese, and swans there all chilling on peace having a good time.
It was only like a year ago I was around the area so I stopped at the lake and called Donald's name in the hopes he might hear my voice. Lol. That's how much it scar me. But it's like 34 years later so he's probably dead. Hopefully he had a good life and made a family. The pond is great, there is hundreds of ducks, geese, and swans there all chilling on peace having a good time.

You better watch out though, you start calling Donald's name loud enough and you're wound to have Mickey, Pluto, Minnie, and Daisy show up as well. :lol Anyways, back on topic, do you know how many other amphibians there are besides frogs? Because I counted newts and salamanders and I couldn't think of any others. :thinking
You better watch out though, you start calling Donald's name loud enough and you're wound to have Mickey, Pluto, Minnie, and Daisy show up as well. :lol Anyways, back on topic, do you know how many other amphibians there are besides frogs? Because I counted newts and salamanders and I couldn't think of any others. :thinking

I don't think there are many common ones apart from like frogs and toads and salamanders. I got no idea.
Oh and I would also just like to point out for the record that it's also common courtesy for me not getting a tarantula since my mother knows how much I hate snakes and she wouldn't get one of those in the house.