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    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

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See you in the funny papers .


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another funny statement from a round earther who thinks he is helping the flat-earther:

"You don' only land close to the same spot....I can prove it by using footprints made are never exactly where I just jumped from."
My phone was ringing and number only showed on the screen 256-666-xxxx :shock .

I was curious and answered the call , it went like this .

me - Hello ?

S- Good afternoon sir ! Would you like to hear about a once in a lifetime offer ?

me - I got a few minutes but I should be outside working in my yard , it is warm and sunny here today . What is the weather like where you are ?

S- Oh it is warmer than where you are , some residents say it is hot , but it is a dry heat .

me- I hope your "offer" is not going to cost me much , my funds are low .

S- Well let me tell you what I have to offer you ! I have a 4 bedroom 3 bath house with a swimming pool , 2 luxury vehicles in the color you like and the property is beach front in Martha's Vineyard .

me -Wow , but how could I afford that ! I mean ....

S- And our info said you are not married , is that correct ?

me- Yes no wife in the picture . Hey ! How did you know ....

S- Ahh we vet our future clients , we know a lot of thing about you . How would you like a beautiful super model wife that just adores you ?

me - Well , sure why not . Wait a minute here we have not even discussed the price .

S- Oh it will be a painless transaction . You can pay up at the end of terms .

me - Oh no I don't want a balloon payment at the end ,those are a killer !

S - Oh my ! We don't like to use the K word around here . All we need as payment as something you are not using anyway .

me- Oh really ? And what would that be ?

S- Your Soul .

me - It does sound like a good offer but I am going to hang on to my soul .

S- Oh well it never hurts to ask and we have a lot of satisfied clients , so far .

me- Do you have any other offers that aren't as expensive ?

S - Why yes we do ! I will have one of our reps contact you soon .

me- Ok , how will they be contacting me ?

S - They like talking on the phone just like I do . They will call you soon with a great offer !

me - How will I know you sent them ?

S - Oh they will be calling from out extended auto warranty department and rest assured they will not stop calling till they talk to you .


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