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[__ Science __ ] UFO Sightings? Scientist: “We Shouldn't Rule Out the Possibility [of] Alien[s]”

Just to drive home how stupid is believe in visitors from space, this show how impossible it is for us now, today not to know where any alien spaceship is if it is in the solar system.:-
’d recommend checking out Winchell Chung’s website, Atomic Rockets, which has an excellent discussion on this topic, aptly titled There Ain’t No Stealth in Space. I will summarize the main points about stealth here, but for an in-depth discussion of them, see the above link.

  • Carefully scanning the entire celestial sphere takes 4 hours or less.
  • Thruster burns of any drive with reasonable power can be detected all the way across the solar system (billions of km away).
  • Even with engines cold, the heat from radiators attached to life support will be detectable at tens of millions of km away, which is still far too large to get any sort of surprise.
  • Radiating heat in a single direction (away from the enemy) is easily defeated by fielding a number of tiny detector probes which idly coast about the system. Additionally, the narrower of a cone in which you radiate heat, the larger and larger of radiators you need to field. A 60 degree cone of radiation is roughly 10% as efficient, and it only gets worse the tighter of a cone you have.
  • Making a huge burn and then trying to stealthily coast for months to the target is do-able, but as long as your enemy can track your first burn, they can very accurately predict where you’ll be as you coast across the solar system. And you still have to worry about radiating your heat for months.
  • Decoys are only really viable on really short time scales, such as in combat. Over the long term, study of a decoy’s signature over time will reveal it’s true nature. It would need a power source and engine identical to the ship it’s trying to conceal, as well identical mass, otherwise the exhaust plume will behave differently. This means your decoy needs to be the same mass, same power, same engine as your real ship, so at that point, why not just build a real ship instead?
View attachment 12805

Aliens where is there mothership, or from what planet are they from.
Light, heat, electronic transmission will make it standout like a searchlight on a pitch black night.

Right. And the Hubble telescope has been up there for a long time, where are the pics of UFO's flying around way way out there? We don't get those pcs because they are not out there from another planet or star system. Man only gets to see UFO's around earth and the moon.

Clearly the occupants are all demonic in nature as scripture says nothing about God created aliens on betagamma 5 or whatever, lol. Scripture does tell us about the real enemy and that they're all double barrel liars.

Many believe that a false flag invasion of earth to happen and they think that will let them take control of the entire globe NWO. Those aren't Aliens in those UFO's their demons. And I would suppose that a significant percentage of the UFO's are manned by men. The gubmint had enough time since the Roswell crash to re-engineer it and build an entire fleet of hi-tech UFO's. So that's the lie, but the destruction and death will be real.

I think...that sounds like a fair bet they're capable of doing something big like that.