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Can We Know From Scripture That There Will Not Be A Worldwide Nuclear Destruction Pre-Tribulation?

My initial gut response was well, before the Lord restores everything and makes all things new again...the demo work has to be done first. That's the first stage of any remodeling job. Man is just going to do most of it already for the Lord.
There will be wars of course, and rumours of wars. But the actual destruction of Revelation will be known by them on earth as being supernatural works of God. Not the ordinary wars of man.

Nuclear war has already been done, and so is a known warfare of man.
My initial gut response is: what would the Lord have to return to?

Scripture makes it clear that the destructive plagues just prior to His return, and His return Himself will be at His hands.

People try to see helicopters in Rev 9, but I prefer to take things as written, and so there will be such creatures rising from the bottomless pit on earth.

And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

These things in Revelation will be done by God, as with Egypt, in the way to show it can only be God doing such things, which is not warfare of man.

So, I don't believe God will allow man to destroy himself on earth. Like the flood, if anyone is going to do that, it will be God Himself: God is omnipotent and only allows things to happen according to His own will.

But nevertheless, for the saints in Christ Jesus, a nuke on the head would be a perfect way to go to heaven with no fuss nor muss.🙂
Hi RD,
It's good to see you here.
I do believe you'll enjoy it.
BTW, I think you stole my fireplace!!
Nice, cozy home --- I happen to like cats.
Only have one left.
A cute barboncino nano would be nice...
We'll see.

My initial gut response is: what would the Lord have to return to?

Scripture makes it clear that the destructive plagues just prior to His return, and His return Himself will be at His hands.

People try to see helicopters in Rev 9, but I prefer to take things as written, and so there will be such creatures rising from the bottomless pit on earth.

And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

These things in Revelation will be done by God, as with Egypt, in the way to show it can only be God doing such things, which is not warfare of man.

So, I don't believe God will allow man to destroy himself on earth. Like the flood, if anyone is going to do that, it will be God Himself: God is omnipotent and only allows things to happen according to His own will.

But nevertheless, for the saints in Christ Jesus, a nuke on the head would be a perfect way to go to heaven with no fuss nor muss.🙂
You're not going to see me on echatological threads...
but I'll catch you in theology or bible study or the lounge at times.
Genesis 8:22 kjv
22. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

I think a lot of nukes would upset the weather and crops.

Genesis 8:22 kjv
22. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

I think a lot of nukes would upset the weather and crops.

I'm not going to be on this thread long,,,
but doesn't the bible say the end will come by fire instead of water?
I can't remember.
I'm not going to be on this thread long,,,
but doesn't the bible say the end will come by fire instead of water?
I can't remember.

I checked.
Genesis 8:21 kjv
21. And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

The concept in Genesis 8 is not to smite the whole earth for the sins of man.

Genesis 9 is the rainbow.

Revelation 9 has 1/3 earth scorched ( not whole earth ).
At end whole earth consumed by fire.

When you mess with symbolism it gets tough.

There will be wars of course, and rumours of wars. But the actual destruction of Revelation will be known by them on earth as being supernatural works of God. Not the ordinary wars of man.

Nuclear war has already been done, and so is a known warfare of man.

II know it Brother. I was joking.
The nuclear fission and fusion of God:
Our very existence seems to be symbolized by what you call war.

Our sunshine ( light ) is the result of atomic reactions (?).

It appears that the sun stands for the Father, and the moon for Jesus.
Revelation 21:23 kjv
23. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

The crucifixion day of Jesus is the moon turning to blood.
The father ( sun ) turned dark. Every blood moon is a reminder of the death of Jesus. At the end of time there will be no need for symbols. The reality of Jesus being the light will be revealed.

Matthew 27:46 kjv
46. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

The symbol of the Father forsaking Jesus was the darkness.

The moon gives no light of itself but repeats ( reflects ) the will of the Father.

There are many examples of the Godhead in nature. The earthquakes and signs of the death of Jesus are a major show of the Godhead.

For right now I will stop.

My initial gut response is: what would the Lord have to return to?

Scripture makes it clear that the destructive plagues just prior to His return, and His return Himself will be at His hands.

People try to see helicopters in Rev 9, but I prefer to take things as written, and so there will be such creatures rising from the bottomless pit on earth.

And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

These things in Revelation will be done by God, as with Egypt, in the way to show it can only be God doing such things, which is not warfare of man.

So, I don't believe God will allow man to destroy himself on earth. Like the flood, if anyone is going to do that, it will be God Himself: God is omnipotent and only allows things to happen according to His own will.

But nevertheless, for the saints in Christ Jesus, a nuke on the head would be a perfect way to go to heaven with no fuss nor muss.🙂
What God can do. Pretty good approach.

One really big sunspot could undo every electronic device on earth.
Oh I can hear ( hardened facility ). If the war in heaven removed Satan, I suppose God has the power advantage. Will he use his power? I only really know he will not destroy springtime and harvest before he comes in power at the resurrection.

Our conversation might ought to be about undoing the negative spiritual powers.

Each second the sun is putting out more power than all our piddling involvement in nuclear energy.

Oh well. Mississippi folks are out of the loop. You know we have to have sunshine piped in because of our ignorance.

At the end; time will be no more.
What is time?
Day 4 of creation the clock was created. The sun moon stars were created to tell days, years, tell seasons. This includes stars larger than our sun. As a Mississippi redneck my mind can not do the math for the energy at the end of time.

Eternity with God. Now that is power.

I checked.
Genesis 8:21 kjv
21. And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

The concept in Genesis 8 is not to smite the whole earth for the sins of man.

Genesis 9 is the rainbow.

Revelation 9 has 1/3 earth scorched ( not whole earth ).
At end whole earth consumed by fire.

When you mess with symbolism it gets tough.

Do you think it's only symbolic?
I've never studied Revelation and most probably never will.
Too much symbolism for me.
I read chapters 9 and 10 BTW. (just now).
Most of revelation sounds symbolic to me and different persons understand different symbolism,
so I don't dwell on it too much.
Do you think it's only symbolic?
I've never studied Revelation and most probably never will.
Too much symbolism for me.
I read chapters 9 and 10 BTW. (just now).
Most of revelation sounds symbolic to me and different persons understand different symbolism,
so I don't dwell on it too much.
I am going to use a word I once despised as a teenager.
Greater / beyond the physical.

Two sides. The physical and the related meaning beyond the physical.

A symbol is a physical item related to a higher order thought or action. A wedding ring is not the marriage, but the ring relates to the marriage and the marriage relates to the ring.

You can start with a symbol and try to understand the meaning later. The law of Moses came before the deeper meaning was revealed.

Symbolism is not by itself. Symbolism is related to something. The search is on when a symbol is seen.

Jesus taught the parable ( symbol ) of planting seed
( Parable of Sower). The disciples realize there must be a related truth beyond planting seeds. So they say explain what this planting stuff means.
Mark 4:10 kjv
10. And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.

King James English. Mississippi drawl what you saying ?
Jesus explains what they do not understand.
The seed is the word of God
The ground is men’s hearts

The seed is the physical. The metaphysical is the word of God.
Meta is a Greek Bible word.

So all that crazy stuff in Revelation? Ask God he helps those who lack knowledge. The messed up disciples asked, and he told them.
I do suggest humbly ask.
And beware. The evil one would love to come as a messenger of light. Adam and Eve got the wrong information.

If symbolism is not your thing…..
But maybe it is going to be (on your level).

I am going to use a word I once despised as a teenager.
Greater / beyond the physical.

Two sides. The physical and the related meaning beyond the physical.

A symbol is a physical item related to a higher order thought or action. A wedding ring is not the marriage, but the ring relates to the marriage and the marriage relates to the ring.

You can start with a symbol and try to understand the meaning later. The law of Moses came before the deeper meaning was revealed.

Symbolism is not by itself. Symbolism is related to something. The search is on when a symbol is seen.

Jesus taught the parable ( symbol ) of planting seed
( Parable of Sower). The disciples realize there must be a related truth beyond planting seeds. So they say explain what this planting stuff means.
Mark 4:10 kjv
10. And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.

King James English. Mississippi drawl what you saying ?
Jesus explains what they do not understand.
The seed is the word of God
The ground is men’s hearts

The seed is the physical. The metaphysical is the word of God.
Meta is a Greek Bible word.

So all that crazy stuff in Revelation? Ask God he helps those who lack knowledge. The messed up disciples asked, and he told them.
I do suggest humbly ask.
And beware. The evil one would love to come as a messenger of light. Adam and Eve got the wrong information.

If symbolism is not your thing…..
But maybe it is going to be (on your level).


Not only that, but Revelation is the only book of the Bible that carries the promise of whoever reads it and studies it will be blessed.

Revelation 1:1-3
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must [a]shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.
I am going to use a word I once despised as a teenager.
Greater / beyond the physical.

Two sides. The physical and the related meaning beyond the physical.

A symbol is a physical item related to a higher order thought or action. A wedding ring is not the marriage, but the ring relates to the marriage and the marriage relates to the ring.

You can start with a symbol and try to understand the meaning later. The law of Moses came before the deeper meaning was revealed.

Symbolism is not by itself. Symbolism is related to something. The search is on when a symbol is seen.

Jesus taught the parable ( symbol ) of planting seed
( Parable of Sower). The disciples realize there must be a related truth beyond planting seeds. So they say explain what this planting stuff means.
Mark 4:10 kjv
10. And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.

King James English. Mississippi drawl what you saying ?
Jesus explains what they do not understand.
The seed is the word of God
The ground is men’s hearts

The seed is the physical. The metaphysical is the word of God.
Meta is a Greek Bible word.

So all that crazy stuff in Revelation? Ask God he helps those who lack knowledge. The messed up disciples asked, and he told them.
I do suggest humbly ask.
And beware. The evil one would love to come as a messenger of light. Adam and Eve got the wrong information.

If symbolism is not your thing…..
But maybe it is going to be (on your level).

I don't think Rev will be on any level for me.
Symbolism is not the problem per se.
I even understood the film The Tree of Life the 2nd time around.

The problem is applying it to Christianity.

I read a very good book on Revelation,
The Lord's Supper by Scott Hahn, a former Proyestant turned Catholic (theologian, Prof.)