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What is Easter? The Origin and Meaning of Easter.

If the body dies when the spirit leaves it and Jesus IS God and can not be killed, then Jesus didn't really die on the cross. His Spirit just left His flesh body and went to Paradise to declare victory to the saints and set them free. Right?

Yes, He led captivity captive when He descended into the heart of the earth, and ascended to heaven, even the highest heaven, at the right hand of God.

Therefore He says:
“When He ascended on high,

He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.”

(Now this, “He ascended”—what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.) Ephesians 4:8-10

Paul is quoting Psalms 68:18

Some may, but not Catholics - or Orthodox.

Do you speak for all Catholic people?

I know Catholics who celebrate Easter as well as Protestants and unbelievers.

see post #13

The Catholic Church celebrates Easter as follows:
There are three services over the Triduum, or as someone put it - one service spread over 3 days.
On Thursday evening is the Mass of the Last Supper where we celebrate the Last Supper.
On Friday Afternoon there is the Good Friday service where we remember the Passion and Death of Christ.
On Sunday evening we celebrate Christ's Resurrection.
What is the problem with that?
Do you speak for all Catholic people?

I know Catholics who celebrate Easter as well as Protestants and unbelievers.

Appropriate or not, I have never met a Catholic or Protestant that I am aware of that does not celebrate Easter without including Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, and in many cases, even the giving of gifts. They also may celebrate worship services on Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Appropriate or not, I have never met a Catholic or Protestant that I am aware of that does not celebrate Easter without including Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, and in many cases, even the giving of gifts. They also may celebrate worship services on Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

I agree.
Appropriate or not, I have never met a Catholic or Protestant that I am aware of that does not celebrate Easter without including Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, and in many cases, even the giving of gifts. They also may celebrate worship services on Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

I don't celebrate commercial Easter but we did when we was raising kids. But nowadays I go all out if I cook a ham on Easter. If it has its roots in paganism then we should not observe the commercial holidays I think is the best way.
Easter Bunny and Eggs. The rabbit is well known as a sexual symbol of fertility. In various parts of the world, religions which developed from Babel also associate the rabbit with periodicity, both human and lunar (Egypt, China, etc.). As you may remember, the Mother Goddess Semiramis (Easter) is associated with the Moon. In other words, the Easter bunny symbolizes the Mother Goddess. Annual Spring time fertility rituals are associated worship of the Mother Goddess and Tammuz, the reincarnation of her husband Nimrod.

The Easter Egg

Most children and families who color or hide Easter eggs as part of their Resurrection Sunday tradition have no knowledge of the origin of these traditions. Easter egg activities have become a part of Western culture. Many would be surprised and even dismayed to learn where the traditions originated.

“The egg was a sacred symbol among the Babylonians. They believed an old fable about an egg of wondrous size which was supposed to have fallen from heaven into the Euphrates River. From this marvelous egg - according to the ancient story - the Goddess Astarte (Easter) [Semiramis], was hatched. And so the egg came to symbolize the Goddess Easter.

The idea of a mystic egg spread from Babylon to many parts of the world. In Rome, the mystic egg preceded processions in honor of the Mother Goddess Roman. The egg was part of the sacred ceremonies of the Mysteries of Bacchus. The Druids used the egg as their sacred emblem. In Northern Europe, China and Japan the eggs were colored for their sacred festivals.

The egg was also a symbol of fertility; Semiramis (Easter) was the goddess of Fertility. The Easter egg is a symbol of the pagan Mother Goddess, and it even bears one of her names.

Most reference books say that the name “Easter” derived from the Eastre, the Teutonic goddess of Spring. Although this relationship exists, in reality, the origin of the name and the goddess are far more ancient - going all the way back to the Tower of Babel. The origin begins not long after the biblical Flood.​
And baskets with plastic grass and various candies.

Indeed. What is in scripture is God liberating the Jews from slavery in Egypt, and the parallel of our Lord liberating us from slavery to sin.
I love how Easter is how/when Jesus opened the Kingdom to all us gentile mutts that we may be saved as well.
My family tends to do Easter a bit differently. We don't do bunnies, eggs and candy and we don't celebrate on Easter Sunday. We celebrate on the first day of passover, I'm not Jewish though, and we celebrate it as a dinner for the resurrection of Jesus. That's just us though.
There are many people who still wonder what Easter is and what is the meaning of this day? The content of the article below will help those of you who do not understand well about Easter explain this day or refer to it.

Easter is a day commemorating the day of the Christian prophet. The Prophet (Jesus) believed to be the son of the Highest was executed and resurrected on this very day. This day commemorates the covenant between man and the Highest. Easter is considered the most important holiday of the year. In the past, this holiday has other names such as Spring Festival, Ostarum, Ostara, Ostern/Easter,...with the meaning that the spring sun is about to rise in the East. The Jews called it Paschefest, the Egyptians called it Osterlamm. The meaning of all these phrases is the first full moon day of spring. They will kill sheep to celebrate, to celebrate the day of freedom, liberation from oppression, and the status of slaves.
For Christians, Easter has a special meaning. Easter Day is usually held on any Sunday around the end of March - to the beginning of April. This activity is meant to commemorate the return of Jesus from the dead. Easter is usually celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, also known as the vernal equinox. In many parts of the world, this holiday is also known as the spring festival, when the weather begins to change with trees, flowers and plants proliferating.
Easter has a very special meaning in Christian beliefs, for Christians, Jesus is considered a noble power, able to bring people a new life. eternal life. He was nailed to the Cross, then returned from the dead. Their strong faith in God led them to go to the synagogue every Saturday, Sunday, and to Easter. For Christians, Jesus and Easter are seen as symbols of resurrection, bringing new life. On the other hand, Easter is held in spring, the season of fertility, so it adds strength to them to believe in good things. Believe in a miraculous recovery, a good future. Easter is a holiday of hope, a day when everyone has the opportunity to express gratitude to God for loving, protecting, and guiding them in the right direction. During these days, many activities take place such as Fasting, almsgiving to the poor, foot washing, animation of the crucifixion, making pictures of leaves taken from Palm Mass, and walking the Way of the Cross. Some symbols of Easter such as easter eggs, easter bunny, jambon, easter flowers, and new clothes.
We believe that the Resurrection is integral to our faith. Our faith has no foundation if we do not believe the risen Jesus in that resurrected Lord.
“If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your human body through the Holy Spirit. His Spirit dwells in you.” (Romans 8 : 11)
“Because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world in righteousness by a man He has appointed; and this, He assured everyone by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17 : 31)
“Therefore, we were buried with him by baptism to death, so that, like Christ, who was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. .” (Romans 6 : 4)
The Christian faith has many symbols. We often emulate Jesus' process on the cross in a symbolic sense. We die with our old selves. We are also “buried” through baptism and experience resurrection and new life in Christ. Christ gives us a whole new life. We experience some of those new lives during our time on Earth and look forward to experiencing the rest of our resurrection in Heaven. We celebrate Easter because God lived the life we were supposed to live, and dead death we deserve to die so we can live. What a great cause for celebration. So that we can experience the resurrection with Him.
Easter is a fictitious goddess of fertility. she doesn't really exist but has a very large following at least once a year. satan does exist however and has been quite successful in leading others to pay homage to fictitious gods and goddesses and make them believe they are doing it for God.
I respect other people's beliefs and opinions. Easter is pagan holiday. Jesus became Christian people Passover. The lamb of God. Mark 7:5. The pharisee, and scribes asked Him, why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands? 7:6. He answered and said, unto them, Well, hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts be far away from Me. 7:8. How BEIT in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandment of men. Jesus is against the Talmud and traditions of men. The Passover is holy communion. Christian people par take of piece of bread and tiny cup of wine, in remberence of body of christ and His blood. The Easter bunny is insult to Jesus. He gave His life on cross, so Christian people could have grace and repentance. Mark chapter 14:16. And His disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as He had said unto them; and they made ready the Passover. 14:22. And as they did eat, Jesus took bread and blessed and brave it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is My body. 14:24. And He said unto them, This is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many. Jesus was crucified on cross. Shed His blood for Christians. It's a insult to substitute Easter in place of Jesus !. I documented this. First Corinthians 5:7. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be new lump as ye are unleavened, for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. When servant Moses led Israel out of Egypt, they kept the Passover and ate unleavened bread. Get the picture. There's no Easter bunny. PASCHA in Greek means = Passover. Hebrews chapter 11:28. Through faith he kept the Passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the first born should touch them. In exodus, what was the tenth plague by God?? Egypt first born died. Moses and Israel just kept the Passover. Two thousand years later, Jesus became Christian people Passover. Ancient sumerian in Iraq had over 3,000 gods and idol's. The goddess of agriculture was fertility. Over time it fostered into Easter. Its pagan.