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Was Jesus with Jonathan son of Saul in the Old Testament? - Jonathan's Memorial Day (May 18)


CF Ambassador

An Emoji Devotions for Wed, May 18 2022

Topic: Was Jesus with Jonathan son of Saul in the Old Testament? - Jonathan's Memorial Day (May 18)


Jonathan and the soldier who carried his weapons talked as they went toward the Philistine camp. “It's just the two of us against all those godless men,” Jonathan said. “But the Lord can help a few soldiers win a battle just as easily as he can help a whole army. Maybe the Lord will help us win this battle.”
1 Samuel 14:6

...Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6

Jonathan was left with one solder when he encountered a group of enemies over the hill. He believed that the Lord can help a few soldiers win a battle just as easily as he can help a whole army. So This is called "eyes of Value for God" because He valued God's ability. No name was mentioned! was it Jesus who was with him?

My beloved reading this devotion. The difference between your faith to others depends on how you value the ability of God in the situations of reality ahead of you.

Like Jonathan, He proceed to fight armies of equiped enemies with only two of them (Himself and Jesus) because the other soldier had no armour in 1 Samuel 13:22 (So,) whenever the Israelite soldiers had to go into battle, none of them had a sword or a spear except Saul and his son Jonathan. You see, the other soldier who followed Jonathan had no weapon. But what Gave him the confidence to take on the fight with armies on the other side speaks volume that Jesus was the one with Him.

In life, the battle may seems so fierce in our very own eyes, but God's eyes sees them as nothing. So easy, that not a burning fire would hurt his God's children. Nebuchadnezzar testified of this in Daniel 3:25 AMPC

"He answered, Behold, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt! And the form of the fourth is like a son of the gods! [Phil. 2:5-8.]"

and strong lion and lioness would behave like gentle lamb to Daniel because God shut their mouth in Daniel 6:22 (Jesus mus have turned them into a sheep) . Don't be too tired to ask God for water. Samson was tired and weary, but God sent water gushing from a rock. Samson drank some and felt strong again... Judges 15:19

I'm telling you all this that Jesus could be with you where you are right now even though you may not see HIM with your physical eyes, It's necessary to Believe in your heart what God can do.

It is time to remember Jonathan who helped David his intimate friend to escape brutality on many occasions. Jonathan did not think of His throne but saved David from death to later be crowned king in His stead. Jonathan told David to remember him and his seed when he gets to the throne. He gave up his life and throne for His friend. This same Jonathan believed that the Lord can help a few soldiers win a battle just as easily as he can help a whole army.

"As they (Nathaniel) approached, Jesus said, “Now here is a genuine son of Israel—a man of complete integrity" John 1:47 NLT

Was this a coincidence? Jonathan came in form of Nathaniel to see Jesus the son of David?

Bible stories you will fill us with peace but when you read news you will find cold blooded heartbreaking things that could defile the soul. If you follow the way of God, you have to open the Bible and read it so God could show you the way.

1 John 2:17 And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever.
1 John 2:17 AMPC. Jonathan will forever abide in our heart! because without his sacrifice, David's story would have been incomplete.

Who knows if it was Jesus who was with Jonathan. That soldier who spake like God's son in his response to Jonathan: “Do whatever you want,” the soldier answered. “I'll be right there with you.”
1 Samuel 14:7

Jesus is "Emmanuel" which mean - 'God with Us'

You see why you need to read your Bible everyday so you can know all these things?

Prayer: I invoke the Spirit of Jesus Christ into everything that concerns me from now henceforth in Jesus name. Amen
