There isn't a citation or quotes around Darwin's statement, nor any mention of Fitzroy near this text:
“Slavery, although in some ways beneficial during ancient times, is a great crime; yet it was not so regarded until quite recently, even by the most civilised nations. And this was especially...
Of course. Darwin isn't discussing natural selection. He's providing evidence of human origins, and it's rank with white supremacy, sexism, and racism.
Darwin on Indian people in his book of science:
"; common experience justifies the maxim of the Spaniard, "Never, never trust an Indian."...
If only Darwin hadn't wrote Descent of Man.
Had Trump conceded, the January 6 insurrection would not have happened.
Had Darwin not wrote Descent of Man, white supremacy would not be a thing.
Maybe if he wrote the Preservation of Favoured Cultures in the Struggle for Life. Racism wouldn't be a...
I've been quoting Darwin this whole time, even pointed out the quote is from Descent of Man not Origin of Species. My apologies if that struck a nerve.
We had been talking about Darwin referring to black people as inferior. Spinning objective racism as "cultural differences" is enough to induce...
Nope. All that makes for a ruinous marriage. It also makes for a ruinous friendship.
Good relationship skills apply to marriage, bosses, friends, and family.
Darwin regarded physical variation in humans as crucial evidence for his theory. He cited variations in teeth, smell and ears as biological evidence for his theory. It's silly to keep saying the differences were cultural, unless you know of a culture based on the sense of smell.
For example...
Referring to black people as a sub-species isn't cultural differences. You do understand the difference between cultures and species? Darwin was objectively racist, no amount of whitewash is going to change that.
In his defense he hated cruelty of any kind, especially slavery "...And these...
No doubt Darwin was anti-slavery but that doesn't excuse his racism. If some hick from Kentucky said blacks are inferior and compared them to apes as proof, everyone would be outraged. Darwin did it but he gets a pass because he was anti-slavery? At least some evolutionists can acknowledge...
Sanger strove to create a race of thoroughbreds? I can't image where she got her ideas from.
"Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man.” -Darwin...
Darwin had quite the white supremist views I see. But saying it's cultural sweeps a lot of his racism under the rug. He cited racial inequality as evidence for his theory. So it isn't cultural, it's foundational to his theory. Where did Darwin say they'd be just like Englishmen? Because Darwin...
True, children can grow out of their short-comings but it's exceptional.
A lot of people never learned how to relate to the opposite sex. They see marriage as transactional or a mutually beneficial agreement.
Me and my wife came didn't have much in common. But we could relate to one another...
Morris is just as wrong as Darwin for believing blacks were inferior to white people.
It's actually genetics, not evolutionary theory, that shows such beliefs are wrong.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Morris's reason for opposing Darwin's theory was not due to Morris's own racism. He said he opposed evolutionism because it's "...satanic and responsible for racism, abortion, and a decline in morality."
In my opinion, a good marriage is he result of being good at relationships in general. Poor relationship skills as a child makes for poor marriages. Marriage is the consequence of a good relationship.
I agree Darwin himself was progressive for his time. But as for their being no logical basis for racism, Darwin himself was well aware of how racism is baked into his principles: "...No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the...
You're conflating creationism with racist people. Creationism, or the idea God created Adam and Eve so every human is related is anathema to racism. Instead of pointing to racist creationists, point out in what way creationism is racist.
Racist people exist on both sides and use any ideology...
I've read about the 4 different versions mentioned in the article that was cited. Plus the vulgar one you mentioned earlier in this thread. Plus several that mention cosmic eggs. Cosmic eggs are common in many of the Egyptian creation myths.
I agree Noah didn't write anything. I said "oral", as...
I agree with Gordon Johnston's review that Genesis and the Egyptian creation myths have a lot in common.
But who's to say the Egyptians didn't borrow the oral traditions from the descendants of Noah?
The Egyptian a la carte religions had no fewer than 12 creation myths. It seems to me the...
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