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  1. D

    The distant Church

    I would like to think that we all agree on the need for a local church. But what about the distant one, that is the church hieracy. Why do we need bishops, cardinals or even the pope. most if not all churches are a part of a bigger organization. Whether its the Catholic church or the official...
  2. D

    Why Do We Need the Local Church?

    I would say that we need the local church for comfort and guidance. It plays a central role in both our personal and social lives. To me a better question is why do we need a distant church? why do we need bishops, cardinals or a pope?
  3. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    True, entierly true. Doesn't really answer the question though. Just reread the entire thread and must admit that I am no closer to an answer then I was when I posted the OP. My gut still tells me (and I am inclined to believe it) that God lets those he finds worthy into Heaven. Believing may...
  4. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: Jehova's Witness???? sorry if I was putting word in your mouth. its seems that I have missread your posts as a claim that belief was vital. As such the comparison with JW is probably unfounded as you arent insisting on all non-followers being thrown to hell. Must admit that this being the...
  5. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    First of thanks for what I am forced to consider the first proper reply. Let me cut it down to just the point that I find directly relevant to the question. I am afraid that you may have read more out of the question then was put in. If there is an unstated question in there it is...
  6. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: FAITH is the key - Thanks for the input Elijah it nicely demonstrates my point. of course we will all be judge by the same standard, God law is the ultimite law and if you break it, then claiming ignorance is no defence. That of course stackes the deck against non-believers as its hard to...
  7. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: FAITH is the key - Is is a vital part? I am thinking of for example buddish monks, few groups have tried harder to follow gods will. Is it not possible that God does guide some of them, even if they aren't Christians. Can they all be doomed to Hell?
  8. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    could you restate the passages, must have missed them the first time around and can't fine them now.
  9. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    the problem is that the same can be said for Catholics. and protestants are only slightly better. even on a personal scale we are constantly shifting. maybe no day to day but certainly decade to decade. Oh and the Mormons dont have polygamist anymore. their "prophet" had a revelation not so...
  10. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    okey... think that I understand what it is that you think, now the problem is that I don't think that your right. As far as I understand it you dont get sent to hell unless you deserve it. that is you have sined in either mind or body. Now you can say that not believing is a sin, and thus...
  11. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: "Good" doesn't "get 'er done. I feel a bit silly having to ask this but are you sure your a Christian? if I'm reading you correctly you seem to think that there are a multitude of heavens. one for each "god" and that maybe Gandhi failed to get in to Heaven but thats alright because he made...
  12. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: Creative - but not what I said that was the implication. I didn't really think that you meant it that way but that was the gist of it. granted, However unless your planning to go full on jehovah's witness on us then you must be willing to accept that belief is not the deciding factor when...
  13. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Not sure if I like this 2 subthread thing we have got going, but hey at least its efficient :) Is there a diffrence? either way he is struggling to do good. perhaps struggling with good can be taken to mean a slightly higher level. that is struggling to do good instead of struggling to refrain...
  14. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    That just a round about way of saying yes.
  15. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: "Good" doesn't "get 'er done. some of this I answer in our other subthread so here I will just answer the things that are diffrent The Bible is very clear Jesus is the light that guides us to heaven. thats pretty much it. he is not the standard, he is not the gate kepper, and he is not the...
  16. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Yes it was a bit cryptic, what I ment was: A humble man would understand that he is capable of both wicked and good. A humble man who struggled with good would be honored by God. The Bible says that "Blessed are those who hunger and search for righteousness sake for they shall be filled." I...
  17. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Sorry, apparantly I wasn't clear. what I ment was that belief is vital to those that seek guidence. ( I am not a 100% on this but am willing to concede the point). I am not at all sure that belief is necessary to enter heaven. Belief is undoubtedly useful but surely other factors are more...
  18. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    I on the other hand don't find the Scripture to be very clear on this point. Belief may lead to all sorts of thing that again lead to heaven. the question is how valuable is belief on its own. and especially just how important is lack of belief in the final tally?
  19. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: "Good" doesn't "get 'er done. all true, none of it relevant to the question. Of course true, that question was only to make a point. Of course he does, He may do it through Jesus but it still his standard. I afraid this brings us back to Stalin. If this was the case our earthly...
  20. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    what if the man struggles with good, is it not possible thats enough? True I guess, but hardly relevant, all indications point to Gandhi being a Hindu or at best a Deist, but again that not really relevant That is kind of the point, what if you follow Christ example but don't believe him to be...