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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

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Search results

  1. I


    I was searching the forum looking for some thoughts about marijuana use and wanted to add my thoughts. I saw the other thread but it looks like it went bizerk. Salvia is something to stay away from for sure. I struggle coming to a conclusion about marijuana and Christianity however, part of...
  2. I

    Jesus Jokes

    I hate the jokes soooo much. It feels like you are overhearing someone making fun of you without them directly doing so. I work in a store and hear jokes constantly despite them knowing my faith. I never laugh and leave it at that. I would love to boohoo but that's exactly what they want you...
  3. I

    Poll: earring(s) for one, or both, his ears?

    The personal reasons behind someones motivation to do something is always a good indicator of what kind of actions might unfold. If a guy thinks it looks cool and wants to look that way, then it's not a big deal. If the guy does it for acceptance or as some sort of image changer, then its not...
  4. I

    How do I respond to arguments like these?

    I think its important to stress the significant divide between the old and new testament. Christianity owes it's heritage to the old testament but represents a completely different relationship between God and his people. Christ changes everything and makes debates like you describe not so...
  5. I

    Hello to all!!

    HI. Just signed up for some good discussion. I am a Christian and have been my whole life. Happy to be here and I am looking forward to great discussions!!:D