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Search results

  1. Rev Kevin

    Poll: earring(s) for one, or both, his ears?

    I have my left ear pierced and sometimes wear a earring in it. I have had it pierced since I was about 25 years old. I wear one when I feel like wearing one. I see nothing wrong about a man with one ear pierced. Both ears I really don't like that much but its not for me to judge them. Having a...
  2. Rev Kevin

    Poll: Age for first tattoo?

    I was 18 when I got my first tattoo. I was in the U.S. Army and got a tattoo of my first borns with flowers over the name. Its on my left sholder. I am now 50 yrs old and plan on getting my other childrens names put on my sholders. The girls on the left and the boys on the right.
  3. Rev Kevin


    I understand what she is saying by the kids not having a chance to live their lives. Any parent wants their children to grow up and have a better life then they had. See wants them to experience what this world has to offer. She wants them to experience what its like being 10, 20, 60 years old...
  4. Rev Kevin


    He would be thought of a the anti-christ in America today. The way Christianity is being taken away from us here would give you a good idea of how he would be treated. It would be the same as if he was back 2000 years ago. He would be rejected by the main stream of society. Ridiculed by the...
  5. Rev Kevin


    I would say in America today, many would think of him as some sort of crazy bible thumping man. Then some would think of him as a very good preacher. But many would just reject him especially those who say they are Christians. He would even be thought of as the anti-christ.
  6. Rev Kevin

    New to Christian Forums

    Hello everybody Just wanted to say HI :waving and that I hope to have some good and enjoyable discussion on many topic's.
  7. Rev Kevin

    "We" are a Nation?!?

    As long as there are some who think that they are the only one and true church founded by Jesus 2000 years ago and will not accept any other denomination as being part of Christs family. In order to justify their possion the use this verse from Matther 16:18-19, "Now I say to you that you are...
  8. Rev Kevin

    Jesus' Exclusivism

    If you are going to use a quote from me, use the whole thing because by quoting a portion of what I posted makes it seem like I am say something I'm not. I asked a question and here it is again. (question) "What about the mentally challenged? (part you did not use) Do you think (part you used)...
  9. Rev Kevin

    Jesus' Exclusivism

    I don't beleive that God will condemn babies/children to hell. Babies are not able to say, "Look I need to be baptized so baptize me or I'll go to hell." Child who is not yet able to reason will not be condemned to hell ether. If they can't understand what being a Christian or what baptism...
  10. Rev Kevin

    New to this forum wanted to say hello

    Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of God and Faith. Hi :wave I'm Rev Kevin I have been a minister since 2007. I don't have my own church, I go to nursing homes and have services for them there. Why? :confused Because most of them can't get out to go to church so I bring church...