Recently, I watched a Japanese animated film called ‘Grave of the Fireflies’. It’s a war story based on an auto biography about a boy and his sister. His sister dies in a very sorrowing scene and in the film the boy dies in the beginning of the movie.
Many, many...
Even the best laid plans of mice and men can go awry, and I without the best laid plan, missed a house group this morning. The Bible portion for discussion was an interesting section: 2 Pt.1:12-21. Assuming Petrine authorship, we can see that Peter had big themes on his mind.
His core identity...
The concept of where we go when we die holds great concern in Christian denominations. Some believe in reincarnation, purgatory and other dogmas, while others believe in immediate judgment after death. This is evident in Hebrews 9:27, which states, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die...
Like I inboxed a friend:
"I'm sick of people thinking I'm a joke around here.
I've been through a whole lot, being a punchbag at school and home. As if the bullying at school wasn't enough so my parents would have fun taking their frustrations out on me and at 13 I got raped by a bully in...
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