
  1. craigdressler

    Anime/Manga & Graphic Bibles

    There are some great graphic and anime Bibles available. One of them is called the Action Bible and another is the Kingstone Bible. The anime Bible, published in Japan, has such titles as Manga Mutiny(Genesis) and Manga Messiah(Gospels). Here is the anime website link:
  2. craigdressler

    Walk In The Light Comic

    Attached you will find a comic entitled "Walk In The Light." Enjoy!!
  3. craigdressler

    Bible Manga

    There is some great Bible manga available with such titles as Bible Manga. Here is the website link for more information:
  4. N

    [__ Prayer __] A new kids project .. pl pray

    Dear brethren.. We have took an decent step to take some special responsibility in a village We are gathered near 40 kids.. and conducted so many meets,, Kids responded well.. They are become as regular Sunday school members Now we took decision to build a kids meeting hall .. to conduct two...
  5. KnowtheSpirit

    Good book for pet loss or God's will concerning animals

    Our family has dogs and cats, and now that our little dog Spunky is elderly, we're faced with her health problems and the fact that she won't be with us much longer. Death is never easy to talk about, especially with our children. I decided to look on Amazon for a book about talking with my kids...