Anyway Paul, certainly proves man can sometimes refuse to be convinced by The Holy Spirit, then again sometimes man can be convinced by The Holy Spirit. I’m living proof of that. I just simply think that The Holy Spirit is 100% effective in His primary mission when it comes to sealing a Christian in his/her belief in the name of Christ. Why not, Jesus Christ was/is 100% effective in His mission. So is The Father. It’s kind of what God does for a living.
A Christian is sealed, safe and secure, as long as he believes. As long as he believes and has faith in Jesus and His salvific work, the believer is safe. He is sealed. His name is in the book of life. So, now, can I not decide that I no longer wish to serve God and am I not free to have the will to leave Him and His salvation?
I believe that a decision must be made. We either have free will, or we don't. The bible teaches me that I must make choices. I am to choose not only between good and evil, but I'm also required to choose whether or not I wish to be saved.
John 6:66 Many of Jesus' DISCIPLES, withdrew, and were not walking with Him ANYMORE.
They were disciples, followers of Jesus, believers in Jesus, but now they were walking with him NO MORE.
1 Timothy 1:18-19
We are asked to fight the good fight. We are asked to keep the faith and keep a good conscious, WHICH SOME HAVE REJECTED and suffered SHIPWRECK in regard to their faith.
Mathew 24:10
Many at that time (of tribulation) WILL FALL AWAY.
Jesus Himself said it is possible to fall away!
Hebrews 10:26-29
Anyone who GOES ON sinning after receiving the truth should expect a terrifying judgement because he is trampling underfoot the Son of God. This is a person who RECEIVED the TRUTH and THEN goes on sinning. Does it sound to you like this person is still safe from the wrath of God?
Okay, thanks. I did take it another way since you also asked me the question; “Was it Present, Past or Future tense?” in the verse and also said that I didn’t understand the tenses in the verse. I simply thought you might have missed the fact that I too pointed out that the tense in that verse for believing was present tense believing. We both agree that there it is present tense in that verse, but it’s not present tense (rather past tense) in the second verse I posted. Do you have any thoughts on the statement Jesus made in John 3:18?
John 3:18b (LEB) …
the one who does not believe (present) has already been judged (past), because he has not believed (past) in the name of the one and only Son of God.
It seems to me that a person that once was saved and then no-longer is saved (assuming such a person exists) contradicts Jesus’ statement in this verse. An ex-believer (according to the believed for a while, saved for a while logic) did believe in the name of the one and only Son of God at some point in his/her past. But here, Jesus says that the person presently not believing
has NOT believed in the past. A direct contradiction to the logic involved in ‘believe for a while, saved for a while'.
John 3:18b (LEB) … the one who does not believe (present) has already been judged (past), because he has not believed (past) in the name of the one and only Son of God.
Easy Chessman. Above is stated one of the most fundamental principles of our Christian faith.
THE ONE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE (present) Of course present! You must believe presently, now, to be saved.
HAS ALREADY BEEN JUDGED (past) When one is born, he is born lost. You must attain salvation or you die lost. So when you are born, you are already judged. Past tense. You WERE born, at the time you WERE judged to be lost.
BECAUSE HE HAS NOT BELIEVED (past) When he dies, in the future, he will be lost because HE HAS NOT BELIEVED, at some time in the past, in the one and only name... This is a person who never believed. He was born lost, he never believed, and he will die lost because he never believed.
I’m no expert on Calvin’s teachings. I picked up a copy of Institutes a few months back and started to read it. I found myself not really enjoying the style of his writings nor the rigor he used to defend his doctrinal teachings, understandings and conclusions. So I dropped reading it about two chapters in. But I do have it on ebook. I doubt very seriously that his teachings were intended to ‘change the character of God’ or ‘make God into a puppet maker’. But whatever, I’m not here to defend Mr. Calvin. Don’t really even know that much about him, nor care to.
I plan to reply to some of your other comments/questions later on today.
But thanks again for the interaction.
You should take the time to re-read Calvin's five points if you do not believe they change the character of God as I said and which you deny above.. Let's go thru them quick:
Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election - God picks you. You have nothing to say about it. You do NOT have free will. You are thus a puppet doing only what God wants you to do or believe with no interaction by you.
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement) - Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was only valid for certain persons - not everyone. Does this sound like a good God to you? He actually picks who is to go to hell?
This does not change the character of God? I thought He was a good and loving God??
Irresistible Grace - Again, God infuses grace into us. We have no choice as to whether or not we want to receive it.
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved) - God not only chooses whom He will save, but He insists on keeping saved those He chooses - no choice on their part as to whether or not they want to remain saved and in God's service.
What if I become saved, and then decide to serve satan the rest of my life? Am I still saved?
You may say I was never saved to begin with. Why not? If my life denoted a change and I claimed to be saved then why wouldn't I be? Because, by Calvin's theory, I HAD NO FREE WILL to choose or not choose. So, I could never really be certain, at any given moment as to whether or not I really am saved. @ Jethro Bodine speaks to this really well and often.
All ideas to consider...