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[__ Prayer __] “He should be in the state hospital 🏥 “

Ugh 😑
God is Good 😊 at nearly 40 I’m healthy and reconciled to my amazing parents and doing life better.

And…apparently people have come to the conclusion that I should be committed etc. I dunno 🤷‍♂️ it’s frustrating but…ok.

No drugs no drinking just…ugh. It happens. Back when state hospitals 🏥 were more commonly used low status outcasts were often committed for extended periods of time. I’m poor and labeled but my parents have sufficient resources and clout to keep me in society. Not rich just…well off enough for me to stay free 🆓.

I do sometimes worry. But each day has troubles enough of it’s own so…

Thanks 😊
Given the frequency that you report hearing malicious comments, maybe you should see someone for a check up.
Either you are hearing voices, or you are a very well know suspicious person getting comments made about them.

I've spent several years trying to encourage you to be involved in voluntary work, a local church and you always leave because of comments.

I think k isolation, no regular socialising is making you worse.

I know you have reason for not trusti g the medical profession, but I fear you could end up where you don't want to be be abuse you have got worse and worse until you are antisocial and at risk to your own health.

Do seek help please.
I get help. I’m blessed to be a voluntary outpatient so occasional counseling and med checks every 3 months or so.

I take an atypical tranquilizer at a normal dose. By normal I mean normal for my diagnosis which is somewhere on the boundary between bipolar and schizophrenia.

I do get harassed. I had serious arrest records expunged…it’s like sealing an arrest but it can’t be unsealed…

And my parents got big promotions after being targeted for termination etc. long story short: God is Good 😊 people…not so much.

I dunno 🤷‍♂️