1 Corinthians 3:15
If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
What's your thoughts about this verse?
This is a judgement seat of Christ = cross reference you have posted.
1st Corinthians 5:10 """"For we must all appear before the tribunal of Christ, so that each may be repaid for what he has done in the body, whether good or worthless. .""""
Cross reference this, when you have time, with 1 Corinthians 3:12.
Your scripture refers to "fire", and "loss"....and this very easily understood, and there is no magic or hocus pocus about it.....however, understand that there is symbolic stuff going on here and some literal, as scriptures are often just .......like........that.
Here is the answer....
""For we....(This is the Believers).... must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ, so that each may be repaid....(rewarded)""
See that?
Now, to your scripture........"if anyone's WORK is BURNED".... = notice the "Fire"..
All this means is that there is a refining process that will happen to us when we meet Jesus, whereby He is going to actually look back in time at all of our works we've ever done "in the body"....
This is your body, but it also means "In the body of Christ"..
So, the "fire" that is referred to in your verse, is the sifting of our motives that Jesus can SEE, that will be discovered for every single "work" we ever did as a Christian.
Its a MOTIVE CHECK......TO REWARD US.......for our lifetime of works we did as Christians.
He's doing that to us at the JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST.
Jesus will FILTER them all,...all through the symbolic "FIRE", in your verse......and all of your works, will be discovered as gold, silver, precious stones... OR.... discovered to be as "wood hay and stubble........based on your motive for all of them.
So, to explain this more simply....
Like this...
We will all stand before Jesus, and in the (Refining fire) that is His DISCERNMENT ability to look at our entire lifetime of deeds we did "in the body of Christ'...He will actually be able to discern <><> TO LITERALLY SEE<><> our very motive for doing them all, and reward us or not, PER each and every one.
Remember the NT verse that says that....... "Jesus knew their thoughts".
That is what your verse is talking about, regarding Jesus KNOWING the Motives you had for every thing you ever did in your life for Him.
You will be saved in this process, because you are redeemed by the Blood, but your works, your lifetime of works that were "Christian", will be Judged by Jesus regarding their Value, based on your motive for doing each of them.
They are rated.....the best are Gold, the worst are "stubble".
Some are rewarded based on "pure motive" value, and the others will be burned.....and that is the "fire" in your verse you posted.
Cool huh?
And again........
The bible explains this as some works are burned and some are rewarded....... Gold, silver, costly stones, OR wood, hay or stubble., is how the bible symbolically explains the VALUE contrast between the rewarded works VS the ones that are burned = wood, hay, stubble.
If your motive per work was pure, then this is a "gold, silver, costly stone", EVALUATION RATING regarding the level of the purity of your motive per each and every "Christian Work" you ever did in your entire life.
= wow.
Whereas if your motive for doing works is judged by that " Refining FIRE" of Jesus's Discernment as SELF CENTERED, then those works BURN = wood, hay, stubble, (evaluation), = you get no rewards for those.
(So be careful always of your heart condition when you do something for the Lord.)
(It is being RATED)..
And one more time.......with feeling...
= The Lord not only sees (discerns) each work we do based on Motive, but there is an evaluation of the pureness of the MOTIVE of each work, that is RATED .....gold, silver, precious stones...........wood, hay, or stubble..
This is pretty "micro" intense evaluating, and this actually happens to us when we meet the Lord in Heaven.
Its is NOT a JOKE.
This is just as serious as Jesus being nailed to a Cross is serious.
Its nothing to be played with, and its nothing to put as secondary in your life..... as to realize what we are heading for is the best way i can show you that will keep you MUCH MORE HOLY before your GOD, all your life.
And i just did.
This situation is certainly better then meeting God as a Christ Rejector in Revelations 20:11.
As obviously that is one final judgment you will be OH SO GLAD you missed..
Be sure to thank
JESUS for that, = everyday.