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40 day "Love Dare"


Book is inspired from the hit movie "Fireproof". Im new here so forgive me if this is the wrong section. Me and my significant other have split up and are planning on moving back in with our parents. 8/21/2001-1/21/2009. 7 1/2 years. We have financial issues, some communicative problems, and a few other small issues. We do not hit each other, cheat, or abuse drugs. Just personal issues. She broke up with me, i think in part because in 7 1/2 years i wasnt mature enough to propose to her. i wanted to give her the material things, rings, weddings, house, etc... all she wanted was an el cheapo ring, and a courthouse with a preacher. my pride stopped that.

In this thread ill walk you (and myself) through this "Love Dare" book. im only on day 4 now. so i wont have too much to catch up on. ill come here often and update, if you know the book or not, keep us in your prayers and feel free to offer ideas and/ or support. its tough though!she does NOT know im going through the Love Dare.

day 1- say nothing negative to your partner
done, not as easy as i thought. she wants to go to puerto rico to a time share with another family with 2 kids for Valentines Day. We live in Florida. I will watch our son. I supported her though i did let her know i was terrified for her :) she also asked, if my mother offered to watch our son tonight, if she could go out and play Bingo with some friends. I said i was ok with it. the old me was jealous of her having fun with other people. I thought about it, and called her back. i offered to watch our son after i got home from work 8pm, if she wanted to go out and my mom didnt offer to watch him. she didnt go out.

day 2 - in addition to day 1, do an unexpected act of kindness
i woke up before her or my son and went to McDonalds. She LOVES the iced hazel nut coffee they have so i got her one, got myself a coffee, and got an orange juice for my son. i also got her a bacon, egg, and cheese McMuffin for breakfast. when i got back home, she was just taking our son out of the crib. i took him and got him ready for daycare and fed him so she could enjoy her breakfast. just a thank you was what I got. Its ok, its only day 2. ::sigh:: i am an HUGE gamer, i play Halo 3, Call of Duty, etc... just so you know how big of a gamer i am, i have a $500 Halo 3 tattoo on my ribs. yea... theres this kid in our apartment complex who id never met but i remembered a few days ago, someone kicked down his door and stole his XBOX 360 along with all the games. I took my XBOX 360 along with games, controllers, guitars, etc... to his home and gave them to his mother, who was in tears. she had her sons xbox on lay-a-way for 3 months for Christmas. i also went to Wal-Mart and bought a cheap DVD player to replace the XBOX so she could still watch movies and my son could watch his cartoon DVD's. we dont have cable. i spent too much time on the xbox when i could have spent it on her or my son. she got a tear in her eye when she found out and gave me a kiss on the cheek. making progress? no, she wants to get a new bed spread for her bed at her moms house. to be continued. its ok. im doing what i can.

day 3 - buy something nice for your other
she forgot her wallet at home and asked if i could bring it to her job. she needed gas. no rush, just before she left for work. i stopped by the Heavenly Flowers store on my way to pay day care. i bought her 3 red roses made up in a nice vase. symbolic for I. Love. You. and/or Day 3. i took them to her along with the wallet. i usually just pull up and she meets me down by my car. i found a parking spot and got my umbrella (Florida is NOT the sunshine state:D) i walked the roses and the wallet up to her building. she was waiting inside the glass doors. she watched me with no expression walk up to her building for about 10 seconds. she opened the door and asked what these were for. i simply said, " just because". i told her to take the umbrella in case it was raining when she left work later and handed her wallet. it was akward silence for about 5 seconds as she held and looked at the roses. i said "well have a good day and let me know if you need anything". walked away. she called me later and asked if i was getting wierd on her. like 'stalkerish'. WHAT! i was nice but said not at all, just some simple roses, do with them what you wish i just thought they would be nice. she said in the past 8 years ive only gotten her flowers 3 times. i said that was in the PAST 8 years and im a different person. tried to assured her everything was OK. what the heck am i doing?

day 4 - call her during work hours for no other reason than to see how her day is going and ask if she needs anything.
called her. left a message. she called back. day was going fine and she didnt need anything... i am still on day 4 for now. so i guess "check" done for now?

day 5 - tomorrow Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior.
to be continued...
Raydon first of all congratulations in wanting to work it out.

I just watched fireproof at the weekend and what I heard of the book through the film was good. Was wanting to see if someone had or was doing it.

I don't know you, only in what you have written here so forgive me if I am way of base.

Just remember in the film at the beginning he was 'checking' of what he had to do each day and realised that wasn't get him anywhere as he was looking at it like that. His father also asked "were you reading and praying about the bible verses in the journal" and not just 'doing the active thing'.

As he realised at the end of the film it was only by really trusting Jesus personally and inviting him into his heart that changed him, made him understand what love is, thus working on his own life and his own selfish desires and not pointing faults at his wife, and the 'doing things bit' was one of the least important bits in the journal - his walk with God being the most important.

I don't know if you know Jesus or not as that is the most important thing. If you do then maybe now your realise you shouldn't get back with your partner until you propose and marry her. Which I hope by working through this journal/journey you can address your fears and problems and grow as a person and in Him who can and does show what love really is.

I will pray for you and I do appreciate you being so honest laying out your life for strangers to see and even comment on but I believe nothing happens without a reason and there is a reason for you to be here.
I pray you will know or are working it through, realising it's not a set of 'to do things' that will make a difference but the thoughts, and motivation/attitudes behind them which is just one stepping stone in which she can see the difference and hopefully the difference is Jesus as that truly is life-changing, permanent change.
i do know Jesus personally and walked away from Him on 8-21-01 when i decided to move out with her and live in sin. some of the church members asked that i step down from leadership roles, no more Tuesday night outreach, and i couldnt even mow the grass at the church. i walked away from the church as well. looking back on it i cold have defended myself with scripture, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" or "how can you notice the twig in my eye through the log in your own" etc... but it would have been pointless. i DO anticipate marrying her and we were going through pre marrital counciling the last 2 months of 2008 with the preacher. if we stay together then I would like to be married in secret until the time is right to make it public (preachers idea), if we move out i will still persue her and do things the right way the second time around. i know God has a plan in all this and i am looking forward to Him doing great things through me, maybe this is a testimony i will use when teaching the young adults, young couples, or youth classes in the future? i dont know, but i just pray that she fits into His will :) and i havnt been typing everything ive been doing, a lot of it is subtle changes in myself that no one would really understand except those who know us. so as i am doing the 'to do list' i am also praying daily for her, me, and our son (along with blazing bones marriage ;D) and reading His word more than i have in the past 8 years. hopfully this is just Him telling me its over, now put your family back together and use this for Me. i wish there was church more than 2 times on sunday and 1 on wednesday. will update with day 5 in a little bit.

Day 5 - ask your partner to make a list of 3 things that annoy or irritate them without getting angry or justifying yourself

This is Hotmail so it is read from bottom to top. places in the text that i have edited are in italics.
RE: Funny!!!!!â€Â
From: Me
Sent: Tue 2/03/09 10:17 AM
To: Her

thank you! if you need anything, give me a call!!!

Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 10:15:06 -0500
From: Her
To: Me

I don't think I kept anything in. I pretty much poured my heart out for years. I'm not saying that to upset you or be mad or sad or anything...I just don't know what else to tell you. And some things I might tell you would have sounded hipocritical a few months ago, considering I didn't always follow through on my part either.

I would like you to be consistent in EVERYTHING you do. Don't hold a double standard to ANYONE. Be less hard-headed. It's good to stand your ground, but don't do it out of principle..if you're wrong, admit it and don't be to proud. Pride stands in the way of alot of things, but I think you know that. Nobody is right all the time. And know that blood is blue! [inside joke] ha ha ha ha ha ha ;o) If you are upset about something, you need to talk about it instead of holding it in forever and letting it effect other aspects of your life. You don't have to do it right then and there when you are upset, but it needs to come out. Be open minded and try different things. Don't shut people down immediately....let others into your life (this is the one I had the HARDEST time with, but I'm making some progress and it's really fun!).

that's all I can think of right now.

From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 10:10 AM
To: Her
Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!

lol no not at all. just a few things that i could change. a few things that irritate or annoy you. im looking for something you maybe havnt told me before. i WILL not get mad! i would just like to know. 'safe zone' ;)

Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 10:06:34 -0500
From: Her
To: Me

I feel like you want me to "bash" you.

From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 9:30 AM
To: Her
Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!

since i am trying to change for the better and for the long haul... if you had to pick the 3 most irritating things i do, say, act, etc... maybe something you havnt told me before now. this is a complete 'safe zone' and i dont want to justify anything, i would just like to know what i could change that i dont see. and you can tell me more than 3 if im that bad ... thanks!

Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 09:27:25 -0500
From: Her
To: Me

ok, that works.


From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 9:24 AM
To: Her
Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!

yes, i would like to watch him. i can also watch him the week after the [my sisters] wedding while im staying at [my sisters]. its up to you, it would give you some 'you' time. but definately valentines weekend. no i did not leave the car seat, i will pick him up if [my boss] doesnt have room on todays schedual for me. if he does, ill go back and drop it off. can i ask you something without you getting mad?

Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 09:21:59 -0500
From: Her
To: Me

yeah I couldn't hear you either. I was just making sure he got to school ok. Did you leave the car seat?

also, are you planning on watching Rayden [our son] the whole time I'm gone (including all day Monday)?

From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 9:19 AM
To: Her
Subject: RE: Funny!!!!!

lol that guy is too goofy. sorry, you just called. i couldnt hear anything you were really saying.

Subject: Funny!!!!!
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 09:14:05 -0500
From: Her
hope this isnt considered a douple post :gah

Day 6 - Choose today to react to tough circumstances in your marriage in loving ways instead of with irritation. Begin by making a list below of areas where you need to add margin to your schedule. Then list any wrong motivations that you need to release from your life.

i waste valuable free time. time that could be spent being productive or loving. ive already gotten rid of the xbox360 which was a great way to shut myself away from everyone. today i got rid of all my paintball guns and supplies. i went out saturdays with the boys and played in the woods for about 6-7 hours. saturday is 24 hours of potential family time. i could spend more time cleaning, cooking, or just being around.

Day 7 - For today’s dare, get two sheets of paper. On the first one, spend a few minutes writing out positive things about your spouse. Then do the same with negative things on the second sheet. Place both sheets in a secret place for another day. There is a different purpose and plan for each. At some point during the remainder of the day, pick a positive attribute from the first list and thank your spouse for having this characteristic.

She is REALLY pretty and takes care of herself
She is a great mother
She is caring and smart, the most patient person i know
She is fun to be around, very outgoing
She loves and loves strong
She is very family oriented
She enjoys going out and having a good time
She is mature and trusting
She is a good woman and a long term choice in compainionhsip
She always speaks her mind

She can be messy around the house
She doesnt really cook... at all
(without getting too personal) Shes not the most intimate
She stresses WAY too much
She is pretty bad at keeping a budget
She ALWAYS speaks her mind

Over email:
Amber I just want to let you know. Your a really great person. Your a great mother and I appreciate you! Truly! Thank You
well thank you. I appreciate hearing that..
Since my significant other and I are having issues (Thus me living with my parents now) he suggested that book, and handed it to me. I haven't started on it yet, but I plan on it. He also wants to sit down and watch the movie with me. From what he says, and I read here, I'm looking forward to it.