Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
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- 5,951
God does not care, if you wear a cross or not. He does not care if you have pictures of His Son Jesus Christ, as long as you do worship or idolize those things.
What God does care about is if you are LOVING ONE ANOTHER.
When you stand before God on Judgment Day, whether you were wearing a cross or not will not even be brought up. What sins you have or have not committed will not be brought up either. What you will be judged on, is how much you have loved others, AND how much you have failed to love others when you had the opportunity to love them.
Dave steals something from Robert. On Judgment Day when Dave stands before Jesus Christ to to be Judged, Dave will not be judged of breaking the commandment Thou shalt not steal. He is going to be judged why he FAILED to love Robert. If Dave Truly loved Robert, he would not have stole from him.
It is not our sins that will be judged, but our love for one another, this is what will be judged. Are you loving as Christ loved? That is the question.
Sin is idolatry. When we are greedy, or covetous, or adulterous, we have erected a false god in our hearts that we worship and serve, not the true God who looks very different than those things. When we sin we are guilty of idolatry:
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry." (Colossians 3:5 NIV)
So, instead of getting hung up on literal images I think we should understand the true intent of setting up false images, false gods, in our hearts that we worship and serve and which condemn us as idolaters. Christ is the only authorized image of the living God that we can worship and serve. Because he is the exact image of the living God. You can't go wrong with him. Worship of that image won't lead you away from and against worship of, and service to the true God.