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Has anyone else heard of this, that God may have planned out 7049 years for humanity? I recently started looking into it and the numbers lay out pretty well with the Biblical narrative.

Consider the factors: 1, 7, 19, 53, 133, 371, 1007, 7049

Shemitah cycles are 7 years long and that number pops up all over the Bible

The Lunar cycle is 19 years long

The Flood lasted exactly 371 days (which is exactly 53 weeks)

I found a bunch of other Bible things relevant to these numbers but I don't want put you to sleep.

When you overlay your Bible timeline (c'mon, we all have a Bible timeline) with these factors in mind, important things pop out.

- The duration of Adam's life (133 Shemitah cycles, 49 Lunar cycles).

- 120 years, then God executed judgement (the Flood).

- 120 years of Moses life, then God executed judgement (the land of Canaan).

- Christ declared the acceptable year of the Lord (Jubilee).

- 120 years of Israel, then Jesus returns and executes judgement (the seat of Satan)

- The thousand year reign of Christ with one Shemitah cycle remaining (Satan is loosed for a little season).

By the way, the last Lunar cycle before the thousand year reign of Christ will start in the next year.

Check it out for yourself, let me know what you find.
I'm not to much into numerology or date setting as man has been doing this forever, but only believe what Jesus has already said.

Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
I agree, numerology is wickedness, and date setting has a real bad reputation. Please forgive me if my post gave the impression that I was suggesting either of those.

May I ask for your opinion concerning Hosea 5:14 - 6:2 ?
I agree, numerology is wickedness, and date setting has a real bad reputation. Please forgive me if my post gave the impression that I was suggesting either of those.

May I ask for your opinion concerning Hosea 5:14 - 6:2 ?
Thank you for clarifying that.

You almost have to put together Hosea Chapters 4-6 for a better understanding.

The Lord is accusing the children of Israel of backsliding having no truth found in them as they rejected knowledge and Ephraim joined himself to idols causing Israel to be defiled before God. God is telling Israel that punishment is coming for Israel and Judah therefore God will pour out His wrath upon them like water. God sits upon His throne giving Ephraim and Judah to acknowledge their offence and turn back to Him but Ephraim never did as he exalted himself in Israel, but he trespassed through Baal and he died.

Hosea 6:1-3 vs. 1 Come and let us return unto the Lord. Ephraim fell away from God and died being separated from God forever, but if he would have turned back to God and repented of his sin, God would have raised him up and he would have followed after the ways of the Lord.
That is a clear explanation, for sure. Concerning the topic of this post, my focus is on 6:2 "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

I believe that this is a reference to how long it will be before the Lord's return. There is a fairly common belief among Christians that the 7th millennium will be the thousand-year reign of Christ. But if that is the case, then it's already too late. That's where the 7049 comes in. The purpose of this thread isn't necessarily for diving into the deep spiritual discussions of most other postings. I was hoping to stir some interest in the timeline of scripture and how it matches up very well with the factors of 7049 years.
That is a clear explanation, for sure. Concerning the topic of this post, my focus is on 6:2 "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

I believe that this is a reference to how long it will be before the Lord's return. There is a fairly common belief among Christians that the 7th millennium will be the thousand-year reign of Christ. But if that is the case, then it's already too late. That's where the 7049 comes in. The purpose of this thread isn't necessarily for diving into the deep spiritual discussions of most other postings. I was hoping to stir some interest in the timeline of scripture and how it matches up very well with the factors of 7049 years.
Excuse me...
Why would it be too late?

If Christ left this earth at 30AD wouldn't that make 2 millennial days total up to 2030AD?
Just wondering why you say it is too late for Christs return to fit the end of 6000 years of mankind's rule of this earth.

That is a clear explanation, for sure. Concerning the topic of this post, my focus is on 6:2 "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

I believe that this is a reference to how long it will be before the Lord's return. There is a fairly common belief among Christians that the 7th millennium will be the thousand-year reign of Christ. But if that is the case, then it's already too late. That's where the 7049 comes in. The purpose of this thread isn't necessarily for diving into the deep spiritual discussions of most other postings. I was hoping to stir some interest in the timeline of scripture and how it matches up very well with the factors of 7049 years.
Since Hosea Chapters 4-6 is about the fall of Israel/Ephraim one of the cross references in my Bible for Hosea 6:2 is 1Corinthians 15:4 about the resurrection of Christ then to take it further keeping in line about Ephraim we can skip over to Colossians 3:1-4 that is now about us in Christ. If Ephraim would have turned back to God and repented of his idol worshipping then he too would have risen to a new life in God as we have in Christ Jesus.

I think I'm up to :twocents:twocents now, LOL
DWB001, I agree very closely with the time markers that you mentioned. The transition from BC to AD is at the very end of the 4th millennium. So, then 2030 is well into the 7th millennium. This is what made me wonder about this subject originally.
The nice round 7000 number is fine for our modern western minds, but it doesn't work very well with the timeline/time hacks that the Bible lays out. God is the greatest engineer. His creation reflects this truth very clearly. When we look back over all of time, we should be able to see where the hour and minute markers were. That is why I bring up, for consideration, the 7049 years. For example, Jesus stood up in the synagogue and read from Isaiah 61, declaring the acceptable year of the Lord. That 'jubilee' year would have started the very next year, which happens to be from the seventh month of 4028 to the end of the sixth month of 4029. When you look at that on a 7049 year calendar, it crossed over the very last year of the 4th millennium and the first year of the 5th millennium. Like the flame at the top of the 4th (center) candlestick on a menorah.
The first post in this thread shows the factors and general info about 7049.
Consider the flood, according to the scriptural account, it lasted exactly 371 days, which is 53 weeks exactly.
Check it out.
DWB001, I agree very closely with the time markers that you mentioned. The transition from BC to AD is at the very end of the 4th millennium. So, then 2030 is well into the 7th millennium. This is what made me wonder about this subject originally.
The nice round 7000 number is fine for our modern western minds, but it doesn't work very well with the timeline/time hacks that the Bible lays out. God is the greatest engineer. His creation reflects this truth very clearly. When we look back over all of time, we should be able to see where the hour and minute markers were. That is why I bring up, for consideration, the 7049 years. For example, Jesus stood up in the synagogue and read from Isaiah 61, declaring the acceptable year of the Lord. That 'jubilee' year would have started the very next year, which happens to be from the seventh month of 4028 to the end of the sixth month of 4029. When you look at that on a 7049 year calendar, it crossed over the very last year of the 4th millennium and the first year of the 5th millennium. Like the flame at the top of the 4th (center) candlestick on a menorah.
The first post in this thread shows the factors and general info about 7049.
Consider the flood, according to the scriptural account, it lasted exactly 371 days, which is 53 weeks exactly.
Check it out.

I will still work with the more mathematically less problematic number of 30AD.
Many Jews will admit that they don't know the Jubilee cycle as the calendar has been changed over time and a lot of variables stack up the further back you go.
So why not trust that God would know His timetable better than we ever will and just trust to the information He has given us?
I think of it as...
2k years for man to learn of God from Creation... Adam to Abraham
2k years for man to learn of God from The Law(via the Jewish peoples)... Abraham to Jesus
2k years for man to learn of God from the example of Jesus... Jesus to 2030AD.
1k years for man to rest with Jesus before the Earth is retired.
I agree with your summary. What's interesting to me, is that when you lay out the timeline from scripture, based on the factors of 7049, the general form that you laid out can be made much more specific, and we can learn from that as well. For example, the Shemitah cycle is 7 years and the lunar cycle is 19 years. We know this from scripture and it is consistent with scientific observation. I believe that God wants us to search out His creation and to learn not only what He has done, but how he has done it. If you've never done a scripture timeline for yourself, I highly recommend it. It's faith building and reveals one more way that we can trust Him. Not one word of scripture is wasted.
Concerning 7049, Genesis 5:5 tells us that, "all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died." This means that he would have died in the year 931, which is exactly 133 Shemitah (7-years) cycles, or 49 Lunar cycles, or 7 cycles of 133 years. Seems to indicate that God is using these time scales.
120 years, then God executed judgement (the Flood).

(See? Here's all that Biblical Mathmatics coming into play!)

I heard a teaching on that, when God said that in Genesis about the 120 years of man, that it was some sort of prophecy about 120 Jubilee years...or something like that? I think it was Chuck Missler that was teaching on it. I think Jubilee years are every 50 years?
I agree, numerology is wickedness, and date setting has a real bad reputation. Please forgive me if my post gave the impression that I was suggesting either of those.

May I ask for your opinion concerning Hosea 5:14 - 6:2 ?

I agree with this but it is very plain that, the Lord is very very big on numbers. So there is something to at least part of it.
Concerning the 120 years, found in Genesis 6:3. It doesn't have anything to do with the number of Jubilees, in that, the Jubilee wasn't given until Leviticus 25. However, if you use scripture to make a timeline (pay attention to the difference between the ordinal and cardinal numbers given), you will find that the Flood began in the year 1657, which means that the LORD spoke Genesis 6:3 120 years before: 1537.
In the Bible, the number 120 only comes up in two places, as it pertains to time. The first was given above, Genesis 6:3, the other is the lifetime of Moses, Deuteronomy 34:7.

Now here is something interesting:

If you continue with the timeline through the life of Moses (birth 2437), the Exodus (2518), and into the book of Joshua, you get the start year for the counting towards the Jubilee (2558).

Notice that there are 900 years from when the LORD declared the 120 years, and the birth of Moses. Extend the pattern out and see what happens on the timeline.

1537 - 1657 God declares 120 years, then the Flood judgement.
2437 - 2557 Moses is born, 120 years, then Canaan is judged.
3337 - 3457 King Hezekiah begins to rule (good king of Judah), 120 years until King Josiah's rule ends (last good king of Judah), then his son's rule (evil kings), one after another until the Babylonian captivity.
4237 - Church age, not sure what happened here (would be the year 237 AD).
5137 - Church age, not sure what happened here (would be the year 1137 AD).
6037 - This is 120 years from the Balfour declaration (1917), and the exact year of the 71st Jubilee (2037) (as dated from the Jordan River Crossing in 2558).

This, in my humble opinion, is the purpose for His giving the 120 years in Genesis 6:3. I do not believe that He was limiting the lifespan of man from that point on, at least, not to 120 years.
It is also interesting that the Jubilee year that Christ declared (30th Jubilee), would have been the sabbatical year that started in 4028. This just happens to be the last year of the 4th 1007 year cycle, like the flame at the top of the center candle of a menorah.

Again, please consider the factors of 7049. 1, 7, 19, 53, 133, 371, 1007, 7049.
We observe natural cycles according to these factors, we observe scripture timed out according to these factors.
Our God is indeed The Great Engineer!
So, I looked this up earlier today, according to an overlay of the scriptural calendar, with the modern Jewish calendar, with the Gregorian calendar... the last lunar cycle before the thousand-year reign of Christ, will begin in just a few months. In other words,

Nisan 1, 6024 (Scriptural Calendar) = Nisan 1, 5783 (Modern Jewish Calendar) = March 23, 2023 (Gregorian Calendar)
Concerning the chronology, I did the timeline straightforward from scripture.

For those who enjoy making Biblical timelines, using scripture alone, laid out in excel
according to the factors of 7049 (1, 7, 19, 53, 133, 371, 1007, 7049). Here are the easiest map scales:

7x1007 (Shemita cycles)
19x371 (Lunar cycles)
53x133 (easiest to work with) Plot the Exodus on this scale and discover something wonderful about our God!
(and let us know what you find)

Interestingly, from the end of the flood (1658) to the Abraham/Isaac sacrifice (2088) was 430 years.

Concerning Galatians 3:17, from the confirming of the covenant

(Abraham/Isaac sacrifice - 2088) to the Exodus (2518) was 430 years.

So, from the end of the flood (1658) to the Exodus (2518) was 860 years, divided in the middle by the Abraham/Isaac sacrifice.

Concerning 1 Kings 6:1, from the Exodus (2518) to when Solomon laid the foundation for the temple in the 4th year of his reign (3090) was 572 years, remove the 93 years under oppression during the time of the Judges and you get the 480 years (inclusive).

Concerning Acts 13:20, through the time of the Judges beginning with Joshua at the Jordan River crossing (2558), to Samuel anointing Saul the first king of Israel (3007) is 450 years.

Interestingly, David would have been born in 3017.

This morning I finished a separate timeline for the divided kingdom (Israel and Judah) and was pleased to see that it matched my original start and end years (Solomon's death in 3127 to the start of Babylonian captivity in 3478).

Concerning Daniel 9:24-26, from the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem (3548) unto the Messiah the prince (being cut off - 4031) is 483 years.

This puts the birth of Christ (3997) at 3 ~ 4 BC, and His resurrection at 31 AD.

Just sharing some of the most recognized Biblical events, however, analyzing the events of scripture on the factors of 7049 has been a true blessing and an exercise in faith-building.
For the purposes of the conversation in this thread, I am looking at Hosea 6:2 in the light of 2 Peter 3:8.
Regarding your OP and Hosea 6:2, we've been going around for years on the meanings of numbers in the Bible. While someway and somehow they will work out in the end, like prophecy we may not see it until it has been fulfilled. Remember too, how we debated 1260, 1290, 1335, etc? "K...." and I was debating the year used as she goes by 360 days to a prophetic year whereas I go by solar since the calendar is adjusted anyway to keep in tune with the seasons. Take Daniel's prophecy of 70 weeks (490) which are 10 jubilees. If we use solar years and something like 457BC for the edict to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, it comes out to Christ's crucifixion. Likewise if we use another starting date of 443BC and work out 69 prophetic years of 360 days, we come to the same year of the Crucifixion. Some theologians believe the 457BC date is correct, and other 443BC. Likewise some believe that all 70 weeks transpire until the cross. Others believe in the 69 years with the last one being the Tribulation (thus the numbers 1260 and 1290 in both Daniel and Revelation which are prophetic years). A case can be made for both (and perhaps the Lord 'designed' it this way?). However, with Revelation using prophetic years, it seemingly nails the units and methods to be used (i.e. the prophetic year). But not so fast: 1260+1290 is just a week shy of 7 solar years - it's close enough to be within the variation of a Hebrew calendar of 7 solar years. You can see the quandary here and how the Lord is wise enough to perhaps make multiple fulfillment using the same numbers.

Now Hosea 6:2 is interesting because if it is that easy, the then Millennium will start 2000 years after the Death of the Lord. BTW, as with Sir Isaac Newton, I believe the year of his death was 34AD. It can vary slightly but if it is 2000 solar years, it's all at the doorstep (despite Sir Isaac Newton's 2060 or later prediction, cases can be made for that to be readjusted to the 2030's.) Again, if we use prophetic years, then the result will be very different.

I can say this. Something will work out eventually, but you can see on these two examples alone how we can arrive at different results. Thus, I never was dogmatic on date setting even if a date is encoded within Scripture the Holy Spirit can blind us to that not revealing it until it's time. But.... there's nothing wrong with searching. It's there somewhere.
I agree that there will be no end to the timeline disputes, at least, not until Christ returns.

The emphasis behind this particular thread is to encourage people that enjoy searching scripture and engaging in apologetics discussions, to consider the factors of 7049. It's the only method for bracketing time, that I have seen, that works with scripture and our most natural scientific observations.
Most agree that the Lord has determined 7000 years, but only a few of the factors of 7000 (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 20, 25, 28, 35, 40, 50, 56, 70, 100, 125, 140, 175, 200, 250, 280, 350, 500, 700, 875, 1000, 1400, 1750, 3500, and 7000) support the events of scripture, and don't have much, if anything to do with the cycles of nature. However, all of the factors of 7049 (1, 7, 19, 53, 133, 371, 1007, and 7049) are found throughout scripture and the cycles of the natural world. It also provides a simple solution for the Revelation 20:7-8 issue that is found in 7000 year timelines.
The 7049 year timeline supports the scriptural time narrative from Adam to New Jerusalem.


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