What a great book! Regardless of where you are in your walk with our Lord, there is something here that will bring the scripture closer to your life.
Here's what part of the back of the book reads.
Here's what part of the back of the book reads.
Christians today are inundated with more false teaching than ever before. It comes from books, magazines, teachers with our churches. In addition to the bombardment of conflicting statements and teaching, many Christians are confused and wonder how to determine what is God's truth.
: How can we determine what is truly biblical?
: What teachings should we follow and what should we reject?
: How can we evaluate the numerous fun-raising appeals in order to decide where to invest our resources?
Dr. Jay Adams was the director or Advanced Studies at Westminister Theological Seminary in California and the Dean of the Institure of Pastoral Studies at the Christian Counseling and Educational Center.