This is not your average Christmas story. This one is different, yet just as amazing as any other told. It is a Christmas story about a man sentenced to death for the sins committed throughout his years. All we know about this man is that he stood before a judgment seat, of a worldly kind, and by his own testimony received the penalty he deserved; that being the penalty of death. Historically, there is nothing that alludes to this man's crimes. Nor do we know anything about his trial or lifestyle. However, the amazing part of this story is not found in the details of his sentencing, or the life he lived. The amazing part of this story is found in the account of his death. When that day came this man was handed over to the executioner, strapped down, and as he waited to die, began to converse with those around him. These were his final moments; his last opportunity to try and redeem a life wasted on selfish ambitions. Then, as if he couldn't wait any longer, the man turned his head, and looking directly into the eyes of Christ he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (Luke 23:42)." With the loving words of a man who spent His life on selfless ambitions, Christ replied, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise (v. 43)." The criminal said, "Remember me", but Christ said, "You will be with me." This is the Christmas story at its finest. True, it doesn't speak about the virgin birth, or the wise men bearing gifts to the baby Jesus; however, it does tell the story of the Son of God who was born for the sole purpose of laying down his life so that all men might share in this very gift; that being the unwarranted and undeserved gift of salvation. Two men paid a price on that day. The first paid his price to society for crimes committed against man. The second paid the final price on behalf of man for all the sins committed against God. One day we will all stand before the judgment seat, and just like the criminal on the cross, we who turn our eyes towards Christ will likewise hear the unwarranted, undeserved, and lifesaving words, "You will be with me." My prayer is that as you celebrate this day, the birth of Christ, you remember that the manger was only the beginning of the Christmas story; a story that selflessly ended on a cross, with a criminal, who is now sentenced to life. [mp]
Copyright © 2005
Michael D'Urbano
All rights reserved
Copyright © 2005
Michael D'Urbano
All rights reserved