- Jun 6, 2009
- 325
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Instead of continuing to derail Matt 24's 2 Thess thread, I felt this topic desreved it's own.
Osgiliath proposes, as I understand it, that the parousia of Christ Could have happened in the 1st century if the Jews would have accepted Christ's "Sign of Jonah", but since, in his words, they rejected it, and the gentiles accepted, the parousia was thus postponed going on 2000 years.
(If I have this wrong so far, please correct me Osgil)
I've come across this notion before, yet have been unable to embrace it myself due to the myriad of logical fallacies it presents the honest bible expositor.
For a Futurist to believe that a 1st century coming was possible, and perhaps even preached by the apostles, then how could 1948 and other events be part of bible prophecy? For, if a 1st century parousia was possible, then 1948 and ANY other modern events coule have never been prophesied by scripture---it's a logical impossibility to have both. That is, if 1948 and other modern events really are foretold somewhere in the bible, then a first-century parousia was NOT possible. Importantly, the apostles believed in a first-century apostasy, thus proving that modern events are not part of bible prophecy at all, for the apostles of Jesus would have known.
Also, it's a myth to say "the jews rejected Jesus." Most of the early followers of Jesus were "jews." Basically, the REMNANT of Israel, which was a small faithful group among all Israelites, was True Israel through which the true faith carried on in succession. These genetic sons of Abraham continued the true faith despite the massive apostasy of the rest of their jewish countrymen.
Most importantly, If a 1st century parousia coming of Christ as a thief was possible, but postponed at the point of Gentile acceptance, Revelation shows the Glorified Christ as ignorant of any such postponement, otherwise He would not be applying the thiefs coming to First century people as He does in the first chapters.
The Postponement theory makes the Glorified Christ ignorant of 1948, computerized microchip "marks", Apatche Helecopters and any other "modern" prophetic fulfillments.
Scripture is clear that the last day was to come at an "appointed time", and was to come at that appointed time regardless of whether men repented or not.
Thus, The postponement theory is demonstrably false.
:::::Grabs Popcorn and waits for Osgil to begin Comedy routine:::::
Osgiliath proposes, as I understand it, that the parousia of Christ Could have happened in the 1st century if the Jews would have accepted Christ's "Sign of Jonah", but since, in his words, they rejected it, and the gentiles accepted, the parousia was thus postponed going on 2000 years.
(If I have this wrong so far, please correct me Osgil)
I've come across this notion before, yet have been unable to embrace it myself due to the myriad of logical fallacies it presents the honest bible expositor.
For a Futurist to believe that a 1st century coming was possible, and perhaps even preached by the apostles, then how could 1948 and other events be part of bible prophecy? For, if a 1st century parousia was possible, then 1948 and ANY other modern events coule have never been prophesied by scripture---it's a logical impossibility to have both. That is, if 1948 and other modern events really are foretold somewhere in the bible, then a first-century parousia was NOT possible. Importantly, the apostles believed in a first-century apostasy, thus proving that modern events are not part of bible prophecy at all, for the apostles of Jesus would have known.
Also, it's a myth to say "the jews rejected Jesus." Most of the early followers of Jesus were "jews." Basically, the REMNANT of Israel, which was a small faithful group among all Israelites, was True Israel through which the true faith carried on in succession. These genetic sons of Abraham continued the true faith despite the massive apostasy of the rest of their jewish countrymen.
Most importantly, If a 1st century parousia coming of Christ as a thief was possible, but postponed at the point of Gentile acceptance, Revelation shows the Glorified Christ as ignorant of any such postponement, otherwise He would not be applying the thiefs coming to First century people as He does in the first chapters.
The Postponement theory makes the Glorified Christ ignorant of 1948, computerized microchip "marks", Apatche Helecopters and any other "modern" prophetic fulfillments.
Scripture is clear that the last day was to come at an "appointed time", and was to come at that appointed time regardless of whether men repented or not.
Thus, The postponement theory is demonstrably false.
:::::Grabs Popcorn and waits for Osgil to begin Comedy routine:::::