Hi AGustOfWind, I'm still on dial up in my area. Can you tell me what the video is all about for it takes hours to download it, but the title intrigued me.
Hi AGustOfWind, I'm still on dial up in my area. Can you tell me what the video is all about for it takes hours to download it, but the title intrigued me.
Many teenagers are not socially acceptable to many churches for they either get rejected for how they look, or that they come from dysfunctional families that no one in the Church wants to bother themselves with. There is a Church in my area that actually told certain teenagers they were not allowed in their Church for how they looked and what they were wearing as they would be a bad influence on their teenagers. I say let their teenagers be a good influence on those teens who were seeking to know Jesus. They ended up coming to our Church that we use to go to and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, because we accepted them as they were. Teens also get bored with Church, like I did when I was a teenager, as there is nothing for them as far as social interaction type activities that can teach them many fundamental things in their life as the word of God is shared with them in various ways. It's not the teens fault, but the adults fault that many teens walk away never to return.
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