Soul man
- Jan 26, 2017
- 479
- 361
Ok. Several stories of late have come to my attention.
A co-worker of my wife's had a genetic DNA test done to see who else she might be related to and ancestry etc.
She found out that her father isn't really her biological father. Then upon further investigation of her mother's diary... well let's just say that EVERY ONE liked her mom.
She was raised in the church...her parents pillars of the community. Her brother is currently a deacon and wants to sweep the whole thing under the rug... because their mother was a "Good Person".
My evil and wacko ex wife did (and likely still does) some of the most wicked and evil things but believes that she is a "Good Person".
Then there are the television interviews of the parents of some guys who committed some atrocities with firearms. The mother always quoted as saying, "I don't understand...he was always such a good boy".
What does that mean anyway?
What quantifies as a Good Person?
The world loves it's own, if you live right, somewhat a stand out in the community, and lord forbid you break the law your accepted.
You mess up your out, that is how the world keeps itself in check so to speak. It's a God thing, governments are of God.
It almost sounds like the Church, the body of Christ.
If we live it were in, you mess up, you know the story. So you can see where a man's religion has brought him. Good or bad in the eyes of God matters to a point.
The scripture has already been quoted, 'there is none good' that is before the cross, but regardless all of humanity has been created in the image and likeness of God.
Most situations that look out of control, is not their mess that is so bad, but the mind set of the individual that is being challenged by the lord.
He is working through all things 'good or bad.'