In these threads I very often happen upon expressions of other members who, by the manner in which they manifest themselves to other members, appear to have completely forgotten the two laws which supersede ("there is no greater commandment than these" ...) all laws (Mark 12:30-31)
When stating in one post in another thread that we were all created perfect, a member even replied to me:
When stating in one post in another thread that we were all created perfect, a member even replied to me:
To which I replied:Free said:And I don't think that we are created perfect, that is not in Scripture.
I urge each of you to try and understand that the encounter with a brother does, in fact, constitute a holy encounter and ... to treat it as such.Lonelyguide said:You say this because the ego and the world have deceived you into believing that your skin is the boundary of your being and that the image you see in your mirror is your true identity. It is not. What you see and what those see who are "in ego" is your false identity. Your true identity is the perfect Light within.
You, like all of us, were created in His image! You are the child of a perfect Father, Who creates perfectly, Who Knows you to be perfect and Who is well pleased with you ...
... what appears to contradict this is part of the often powerful deceptions of the ego and of this world. It is up to you to free yourself from all of that to be truly free.
... not in scripture???