Well yes, but that greed extends to many people.
All companies reach a point of "saturation". That's the point where the market is saturated for the product or service they deal in. At that point, to make more money, they have to grow and gain more market share, but even that, in and of itself, does not cut it, because the cost of doing business is also an issue; the cost of being bigger etc. They have to look for others ways to gain an advantage and that is usually in cost.
Publicly traded companies, like the one I work for, are interested in market share, but more than that, viability within that market. We have to be lean and mean to be seen as healthy to investors, who in-turn buy shares. The value of those shares have to remain strong. If that means cutting jobs or cost then so be it. We don't have a unique product or service. No one in our business is any "better" than anyone else. Market share and Cost is all we have to deal in.
I get paid bonuses for for cutting cost and growing market share. This means that I go in and undercut bids from other companies to take business away from them so we can do it, even if we break even or loose a little. We are big enough to do that, and I get paid to do it.
Smaller companies go out of business from the direct result of what I do, but we also grow and create jobs. I've undercut some small companies from their business and then turned right around and contracted the same company "shut out" to do the same business they lost at less money, and gotten a big fat check for it. One could say I'm a bad person I guess, but at the same time I have created value in my company, jobs, etc. That's just how the world works....talk about a job from hell.