Gendou Ikari said:
So, God's grace is within me? A secular humanist?
Let's use a working definition of "grace" as - any unmerited and undeserving act of God towards us.
Now, God is just and right to condemn any rebel against Him - because He is good and anyone against that is necessarily evil.
So, all of the following are indeed by God's grace - which He's not obligated to do at all, at any given time - and which He yet does according to His will, to show forth His grace, mercy, love, righteousness and wrath.
The fact that God permits such rebels to live for a time is in itself by His grace.
The fact that God has given them a conscience which upholds a law unto each one - pointing him/her in the way of right and not wrong is a further act of grace.
His grace is seen continuously in His constant exhortation/chastisement of us to do what's good so we may have life.
We still choose to reject His grace in the law because we embrace the evil in and around us. And still, He sends His own begotten Son to die on the cross, by His grace alone. This is to work out forgiveness and salvation, that whosoever believes in the sufficiency of Christ for life, receives the promises of God.
This is a free offer to stop our striving in our works and to depend entirely on Christ's work on the cross for our justification into eternal life. And this too we reject because we want to hold on to our evil deeds and not be freed from them. We never have had a heart to love God.
These are multiple acts of His grace in that He constantly makes known the Gospel of Christ to us, so we may believe in Him and have life and freedom. While we ignore, He reminds. While we scoff, He is patient. While we taunt, He endures. While we revel in our own foolishness, He holds forth His wisdom. Why all this if not by grace - and yet we cling on to our lusts of the eye, lusts of the flesh and pride of life instead of Jesus in whom is life.
Observing a Christian, we find that God further, by His grace, removes this stubborn heart of stone in him/her and regenerates him/her with a heart of flesh that can love good and renews his/her understanding in the inner man to be able to discern truth and walk in the ways of God. By His grace, the promise of blessing is fulfilled in all who believe in Him. Here begins the Christian walk, where all good things are worked in him by God's grace alone, through faith alone, unto God's glory alone.
In all the above, God's grace is not an obligatory work and yet our rejection of it shows all the more clearly our desire to remain in rebellion and evil - we are left without excuse.
I have presented truth as seen in God's Word here - you can now answer your question by yourself.