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A question about premarital sex


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You can have concubines (who you don't marry) or have multiple wives (polygamy). All these are perfectly 'legal' according to scriptures.

Please check your country law if these are allowed for you, to escape the country's jurisdiction. You can engage in all these things and hide from your country authorities which is still not a sin because, scripture does not declare having concubines or polygamy as a sin.

Hope my wife doesn't check this post :o

Hello Felix,

Thanks for this post. Most believers today have not studied this issue very thoroughly, they have merely bought into the popular teaching of the day concerning marriage.

Other issues in the same vein (marriage)

1. Having a wedding performed by a priest, pastor, rabbi, etc... are not found in Scripture - nor taught, promoted, encouraged, etc...

2. Acquiring license from a State to marry, which violates Scriptures on making covenants with the world, and violates a basic freedom (was not required in USA until the 1850s... one of the erosions of our liberties here)

We as Bible believers proclaim that we believe that Scripture is to be the very foundation of all our faith and practices - what happened here? How did we get hoodwinked?


Hello Felix,

Thanks for this post. Most believers today have not studied this issue very thoroughly, they have merely bought into the popular teaching of the day concerning marriage.

Other issues in the same vein (marriage)

1. Having a wedding performed by a priest, pastor, rabbi, etc... are not found in Scripture - nor taught, promoted, encouraged, etc...

2. Acquiring license from a State to marry, which violates Scriptures on making covenants with the world, and violates a basic freedom (was not required in USA until the 1850s... one of the erosions of our liberties here)

We as Bible believers proclaim that we believe that Scripture is to be the very foundation of all our faith and practices - what happened here? How did we get hoodwinked?



Your expected and exhorted to behave in a maner which is relevant to the time and place in which you find yourself.

A marriage license is not a covenant between the people and the world it is to ensure that there are no outstanding dues to others or that the two are not closely related (biblical principle)

The Hebrews of Paul and Jesus day had quite elaborate wedding ceremonies and a man could not marry a women without bartering a binding agreement with the woman's father.

There is witnessed process and agreements are made and formalized for good reasons.
Your expected and exhorted to behave in a maner which is relevant to the time and place in which you find yourself.

What Scriptures demonstrate this truth?

Do you believe there are exceptions?

If there are exceptions, how does a Bible believer determine what they are?

In your mind, what does it mean to be involved with preaching/extending the Kingdom of God?

Are believers supposed to allow the culture to change them, or are they supposed to help change the culture?

If believers are to change the culture, what does that look like?

A marriage license is not a covenant between the people and the world it is to ensure that there are no outstanding dues to others or that the two are not closely related (biblical principle)

Can you prove this statement?

Do you know how the State marriage laws contradict Scripture?

Does that matter to you?

Are believers supposed to be intimately connected with laws that contradict Scripture on marriage?

The Hebrews of Paul and Jesus day had quite elaborate wedding ceremonies and a man could not marry a women without bartering a binding agreement with the woman's father.

Do you have evidence of any elaborate marriage ceremonies from Scripture?

Do you know why this would be a bad idea?

Do you know how women without a father would get married, or orphans?

There is witnessed process and agreements are made and formalized for good reasons.

Should pragmatism be the reasons for doing things, or Scripture?




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